My Goals for the Next Six Months - Go Big or Go Home

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

My number one goal is to have 10,000 followers by February 1st, 2018


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Below are my goals, targets, and milestones which I have for the six month period starting from August 1st, 2017 until February 1,st 2018. I estimate I will need to spend about 8 hours a day on the Steemit platform every single day in order to achieve these goals and I have been spending more than that much time over the past week so it should be realistic.

Primary Goal

Garner Steemit followers


Get 600 total within 1 month /average 600 a month/20 a day
Get 3000 total within 3 months / average 1000 a month/ 33 a day
Get 10,000 total within 6 months /average 1,666 a month/ 56 a day



These goals are very ambitious, especially getting 10,000 followers within 6 months. However, it is common for people to underestimate how much they can do in the long term and overestimate how much they can do in the short term.

I came up with the 10,000 number by looking at some of the most popular authors right now on Steemit, most of whom have around 5,000-8,000 followers. I’m making the assumption here that:

A) Their growth rate in terms of new followers per day has increased a lot over the past few months, hence they will likely have many more followers than they do now within 6 months.

B) Steemit will continue to attract new users and authors, thus increasing the number of people on the platform who would gain from following me.

C) My community style blog will be superior to current best practices on Steemit in terms of attracting new followers. I will reward comments on my blog in a structured way, incentivizing everyone remotely interested in crypto to follow me and leave a constructive comment response to my articles, regardless of their level of understanding of crypto. Ultimately my blog will be a community where we are all monetarily and emotionally incentivized to ask constructive questions and help each other as opposed to a blog where I am the dictator. This will be the backbone of my Steemit strategy. Naturally, I will kick start this by upvoting and tipping authors for great comments. More to come on this later.

D) I can continue getting at least 20 new followers a day during the next month as I have been for the past 4 days.

Secondary Goals


Make 200 total Steem within 1 month /average 200 a month
Make 1.2k total Steem within 3 months / average 400 Steem a month
Make 12k total Steem within 6 months /average 2k Steem a month


Earn 500/1k/3k/5k/10k/20k Steem within a calendar month

I have not thought extensively about how much and where I will get most of my Steem earnings from but I predict that with my strategy for getting new followers, the above goals are conservative.

Create connections - Build up a network

Connect with crypto experts/crypto personalities/respected community members/crypto project team members/ people in game for 5+ hears/Steemit top authors, witnesses, whales

By this I mean that I aim to make valuable connections with people who have more experience and knowledge than I do in the crypto space. I will loosely decide whether or not a connection is made based on how many times they have responded to me. Basically I will determine that a connection is made if I think it likely that this person will remember me the next time I write to them.


3 new connections within 1 month
15 new connections within 3 months
50 new connections within 6 months

Network connections are probably among the most undervalued goals I have. Someone famous said that your net worth is not the sum of your assets but rather the size and quality of your network.

Garner Twitter followers

Get 20 total within 1 month /average 20 a month
Get 120 total within 3 months / average 40 a month
Get 600 total within 6 months /average 100 a month

Twitter is one of the if not the biggest social media platform when it comes to crypto enthusiasts so although I don’t use it much, I expect that through the few interactions I make there on a daily basis, I will slowly but surely build up a following.

I spent 6 hours yesterday coming up with ideas about which types of articles/series I will post, what the structure of the reward system will look like for the commenters in my blog as well as a list of to-dos. I have ideas for about 30 blog posts so far, now it's just a matter of writing them. I may share those in another post if anyone shows interest.

Until then, time for me to Steem my life up!

See you at the top,
Follow me at blockchainttmft

I spend all day reading and writing about cryptocurrency because it will change the world as we know it. Below are some of my recent articles.


I really like that you are sharing your goals with the community. Makes me feel like I should do the same. Lett the community be witness of what I am about to accomplish. I hope you reach your goals and I will definitely be following you.

Thanks @momoroongchao! I see you're very new to Steemit so I'd upvoted you with my 100% voting power just to give you a little re-up, enjoy :)

Just out of curiosity, what brought you to my blog? Asking because I promote my blog on many social media sites and curious if that venture is successful.

What types of articles would you be interested in reading related to cryptocurrency?

I was just scrolling down in the new posts section trying to find an interesting read and viola! Found yours! Regarding cryptocurrency related topics, usually I read crypto current-events; who's doing what and where. Prospoects of crytocurrencies. That's the first thing I read everyday. But articles I enjoy reading are reviews of using bitcoin in everyday life whether travelling, shopping, eating you name it. I like reading about people spending cryptocurrencies. Strangely it gives me satisfaction to see that it's useable in the world.

That makes total sense as if it wasn't used, it would be ludicrous for it to be worth so much. However, the reason why there is so much money invested into cryptos is to do with the future potential of what they can achieve for the world. Also the first people who will benefit from it the most and who consequently will use it the most are the 3.5 billion unbanked people. I'll definitely be writing about that so stay tuned.

Thanks for the compliment!

Ambitious, I must say. Although I'm not sure if you'll hit your target steem amount unless you are lucky. I'm not saying this to discourage you, but to emphasize what I think will happen in the next year. What I think will happen, is that steem will become harder and harder to earn as the year goes on. We are constantly getting new people on board and if the current rate goes on, we will have a million users within the next year. This will mean that steem will become more scarce. This is not a bad thing. It will mean that any steem you have, will be worth more. So you shouldn't be discouraged if your earnings don't go up quite as much as you could imagine currently. The situation will most likely change all the time. Therefore, any increased amount of steem you can make will be worth a lot more than it previously was. Hope you get what I'm saying. I'll publish a post about steem power later today if you're interested check it out. I discuss how I see steem power as an investment.

@wealthy-easily, comment upvoted!
I appreciate your feedback and sure a little luck will never hurt :) You said,
"We are constantly getting new people on board and if the current rate goes on, we will have a million users within the next year. "
Sounds exciting :) Could you substantiate that with a source/calculation to back it up, I'd love to read about that?

Yea there is a good chance I will buy more Steem to power up if my journey on Steemit continues to be so successful as it has been to date.

Feel free to come back to this post to promote your post about SP once it's written :)

We are currently increasing at roughly 5% per week, meaning that if we continue growing at that speed: we'll be at a million users in about 27 weeks (compounded interest). If it drops to 4%, we'll be there in about 33 weeks. Even with 3%, we'll be there in about 44 weeks. All within a year. Probably we'll get to a million before the year changes, but we'll see. My official prediction is within a year ;)

Oh and I posted my post already :)

I heard that there was a huge spurt in growth over the last 6 months compared to the 6 months before that. Where did you get this 5% number from?
Also I commented on your post about powering up, nice one! FYI people are much more likely to go read it if you link to it in your comment (some Steemit users may not even know how to access your Steemit blog page just by reading this comment).

Steem on!

@penguinpablo keeps tabs on steemit stats. He presents them in a easy read way. If you're interested check his posts.

I'm not sure if the growth spurt is because the 5% started to amount to somethings. Since 5% of 100 is only 5 and 5% of 1000 is only 50, but 5% from 100 000 is already 5000. :) Not sure if that is the case haven't been here for too long yet.

Also I told you about my post because it touched the subject I was commenting about. :)

Thanks. I've read some of his posts but didn't see that specific stat you mentioned.

I know why you told me about your post and am thankful for it. I'm just saying that when you make a comment, you can leave a direct link to your post in that comment. Makes it easier to find for readers of your comment compared to figuring out how/where to find your article in your profile.

" one...respeks hiz 'bonsability...RESPK his dignity...RESPEK the diggity of his BEEBOL...permiz...any other ...BOWAHH (other than steem power) to interfere in his steeminazeetion....

u give BOWAHHH to the steeminianzans in this steemitition


@blockchainttmmft I really like your goals. If it's okay with you I will try to gt my goals close to yours.

Much love @belalh

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