What is Steem and Why it's the Next Big CryptoCurrency...
To understand what Steem is we must first understand what is a CryptoCurrency..
- is a digital asset designed to work as a medium of exchange that secures the transactions and and enables you to control the creation of additional units of the currency -

Blockchain is the underlying technology behind cryptocurrencies. Here is a quick 2 minute video on blockchain:
The very first crypto currency was Bitcoin, created in 2009 and ever since the market has been growing exponentially.. with many alternative coins coming out..
I have never been so excited as the last time that Bitcoin was at $500, Ripple sitting around 2 cents and Ethereum being around $10.
We have recently experienced a HUGE BOOM .. for the ENTIRE crypto currency market
Totalling over 100 billion USD on June 29th, 2017!

And of course, huge rise in Bitcoin, Ripple, and Ethereum prices..
$2,570 for Bitcoin, 23 cents for Ripple and $313 for Ethereum.

Lets just say investors are extremely happy.. and their looking for the next big Crypto Alternative to Bitcoin to invest in...
Steem is the Future
Not only is it a crypto currency ...
Its an incentivized, blockchain-based social media platform..
(Might as well get paid for what you're doing on Facebook already )

Steem is a blockchain database that supports community building and social interaction with cryptocurrency rewards.
Economic incentives enabled by cryptocurrency can dramatically facilitate the growth of a new social media platform.
It is the synergy between cryptocurrency and social media that will give Steem a powerful advantage in the market.
Steemit is on mobile, download "eSteem" on Google play or App store.

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Always getting the best from BitcoinGodz 💪🏼 Got me on ripple at .03 💰. Thanks for the valuable info!