What is 0.000001 of Steem called
It seems like every other major coin has a name for partials of their coins.
For example
1 - Satoshi
100 - μBTC (you-bit)
100000 - mBTC (em-bit)
1000000 - cBTC (bitcent)
Im not sure but I hear some talk of Photons now lol etc
Are there any sub names for steem currently and if so what are they?
Should we come up with some? Ideas on names and values anyone ?
Minnowsteem should be called it! Like us the little minnows jajaja
We can call it SteemLite.
Microsteem would be an accurate name if we count the decimal places. But I wouldn't mind if the owners will come up with cute names such as Tiny Steem, Steembits, Simmer, Steemyweenie, or whatever lol
0.000001 steemit is called it

1 steem and .0000001 it
What first jumped into my head is that it should be called a "Puff".
If steem is hot water vapor gas, a minute amount of it could be simply a "puff" of steem.
That's the best I got = )
haha.. it's a good quest..
lol looking for the answer also haha
Great post @bitcoinflood
Me gustaría saber lo mismo amigo, Saludos desde Venezuela :D