500 FOLLOWERS !! Thank you :)

First of all thank you so much for all those who have followed me for 2 months. I remember reaching 250 followers my first month. So it seems to just increase by 250 each month which is more than I could ask for!
I enjoy creating worthy content that many can enjoy although I still have much to talk about I never really know what to write next because there is so much I wanna do and so little time during the day!
I love talking about my Spiritual journey, and the Crypto World.
If I can inspire one person each day my day has been successful!
I have a goal on steemit and that is to grow and hopefully become a wonderful whale someday so I can tell others im here for you, and to support as many as possible.
I have always been on my own and I will reach my goals no matter the time spend on here, no matter how long I have to type for :) It's a beautiful unfolding and I enjoy every moment of it.
I hope you are willing to follow my journey and let's grow a nice friendship :)
I already connected to many fun people, and I'm looking to connect to many more so please feel free to connect with me on steem chat or the comment section :)
Thank you once again to everyone
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Nice job!
Thank you! :)
Thank you =)
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