RE: Stop complaining about Steemit
Sadly you have no idea what you are talking about. The genesis of this platform did NOT require the biggest whales to directly invest anything. A significant proportion of the whales simply use the Steem protocol to award themselves tokens at the expense of the rest of the community. Steem was founded upon an idea, incentivising the creation of valuable content, operating as a decentralised token distribution mechanism. In these regards Steem is presently failing.....for enough people that it should matter. Holding whales and practices that harm the purpose and future value of Steem is extremely important and a matter the entire community should be concerned with. Some complaints will be because accounts aren't getting what they want, their own greed is not being statisfied, however some complaints are entirely appropriate and perhaps the only way Steem becomes better, works better for more people and ultimately the only way it will survive. Do you not realise that many whales have already concluded that Steem's failure is very likely? Do you not think that many whales see only the opportunity to extract as much wealth as possible to then utilise elsewhere? Please don't denigrate those who stand against the abuse, the sickness at Steem's core. It's easy to succumb to the pressure to just go along. That is the heart of the present fianacial system, you know, the one that leads to theft, war, famine and the rest of it.
Exactly. I can't understand how someone would defend the whales, when the core values of the Steem platform are being corroded. This platform wasn't supposed to be about greed and control by whales. It was supposed to be for anyone who wanted to build this community. There are many valid complaints about the Steem platform. I'm hopeful that EOS will be able to solve some of the problems that Steem has suffered from.
And yet..... You defend the whale haejln and the greed that he exhibits. It seems as though you are biased or confused.
Or because bernie is a vulgar jerk then you group anyone that flags haejln with bernie. Bernie does not represent @fulltimegeek or 99/100 of us that protest haejln's greed.
Fulltimegeek is not greedy, but extremely generous. For 3 months he delegated out 300,000 SP to 25+ steemit users to do good with it. If you need an example, look at @goldendawne she showed such generosity and helped thousands with her delegation as a steward of gondor. She continues to do this good work even without the delegation.
Fulltimegeek's example could have been followed by Haejln to share the love that Ranch0relax0 showered upon Haejln. But Haejln only sold all of his 'profits' and uovoted himself 95% to earn more and more. He did nothing to try and make Steem or Steemit a better place.
OK, maybe I have mistakenly lumped everyone flagging Haejin together under the bernie flag. I just can't wrap my head around why people continue to hate on Haejin, however. His content is the reason many people even bother to use Steemit.
My bottom line is that Haejin can do whatever he wants with his money because he's actually generating useful content- whether or not people agree with his analysis, I've actually learned a great deal from him. I was following him months ago, and I became more involved in Steemit because of his work (I would start to read more and follow others). I don't think he's hurting the platform, because he is generating actual content and has many followers. The whales I have a problem with are simply putting together bots that automatically downvote people- regardless of the care and effort these people put into the content they created.
So, I guess my stance comes down to those creating actual content (which is great), compared to those just spreading downvotes, hate, bots, and terrible memes (not good). Perhaps I'm biased, perhaps I'm confused, but I'm open-minded enough to admit my faults. I will also admit I'm not an expert on Steemit's platform, I'm just a simple user who has found the Steemit platform to be frustrating at times.
I can understand why I may come across as inconsistent in my views. Hopefully this clarifies where I stand. Peace!
I appreciate your response, it does help in understanding where you are coming from.
"I don't think he's hurting the platform, because he is generating actual content and has many followers."
Truly if he gets these users to invest in Steem and power up then he is contributing. But it is also a numbers game. There is only 49000 Steem generated daily and Haejln is working the system to get >3% of that. If 33 other whales produced 'good' content and did the same then the rewards for everyone would go down, down, down until everyone was getting nothing.
Haejln could be less greedy and still get rich by just posting all his TA into 3 or 4 posts everyday. $300 of each post comes from his self vote and ONE whale vote that he probably bought.
Haejln could be happily doing his thing, earning $100,000/year on Steemit posting 3 times a day at $300/Post.
But he refuses to work with the Steemit community. But he REFUSES. He is only satisfied with earning $1 MILLION/year even if it means destroying Steemit and allowing his Followers to get ruined in the process.
What is that? It is greed and avarice.
Any normal person would have said "ok, I will listen to the community. I will accept $500 or $1000 each day. No need for me to be greedy."
Now, let me be clear, if all of Haejln's rewards were coming from 10,000 honest users and not 95% from one dirty whale, then no one would be upset. That would be amazing and honest community support.
However, 95% of Haejln's rewards are coming from ONE whale. One whale that was bought. It is the same as 100% self voting. 100% self voting is not permitted and will get you flagged.
To me, this is pure greed on Haejln's part. He can stop the flagging anytime he wants. Instead he lets his Followers get hurt and still he cries that he will "go private" so that the followers feel sorry for him.
He can stop the flags anytime. He can post 3-4 times a day, earn $300+ per post. Be rich and happy. But that is not enough. He wants MORE.
I dont know what more to say.
Fair enough. I will say that his posts are simply about making money ("massive profits"), so I have a hard time saying that he should limit his postings. I happen to read them all. He's covering several coins each day. Wouldn't it make more sense for others to copy his model, have over 25k followers, and post several times a day? So, I guess I respectfully disagree with your point. I also don't know what more to say, but I definitely appreciate your comments. Best of luck to you!
I agree .... constructive criticism must be there!
Speaking as a newcomer, I'm surprised how only your comment and one or two others take a critical thinking approach to this post. Good on you!
I hope this platform isn't full of people trying to ingratiate themselves in order to get points, that would get pretty boring and dysfunctional.
oh but it just needs a small percentage doing that and it will bring the site down!
I will be addressing the issue in part 2 of this set of blogs!
That's definetely a problem here. There is almost no critical thinking here because most people are biased and afraid that if they say something wrong they will get flagged or downvoted by someone with alot of SP.
But you can easily weed out the fake positivism from people if you stick here long enough.
This is why any form of down-voting destroys free expression and the fluid discourse that allows for true evolution. It's even worse on Steemit because the weight of votes varies -whales vs. minnows- and there is money at stake, and we all know that for all intents and purposes money is 90%~ of everything in this world. I have decided just to speak my mind. I'm not here for the money. Still, it would be good if down-voting disappeared because at best it leads to the tyranny of the majority... and yes it tends towards blind positivism and extensive self-censorship. Not healthy for a public forum.
We are talking about different whales. I said already, we all know the problems here.
And I know exactly what I am talking about. You have to admit whales are controlling everything even the price of Steem. Try to remove all the whales from Steemit and if the price of Steem will be over $0.1 you're a genious.
but after that $0.1 free to go $1000 in no time.
Where can I get more info about that?