So you think you are limited to 5 tags for your post now... WRONG! Click here to learn how to get your article listed with 6 tags rather than the 5 default limit :) (Super Simple!)

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

I'm going to keep this short and sweet.

The other day I noticed that the system was only allowing me to tag my articles five times rather than the previous number of tags I had used for my first post. :(

I just wanted to share a method with everyone that allows you to have 6 tags rather than the default 5:

Step 1: Write your post and enter your tags. Remember that your #1 tag is set in stone and can not be changed.

Step 2: Click the "edit" button on your new post.

Step 3: Delete the first tag on your post. Remember that this post is set in stone for your article and deleting it here won't actually do anything. Do not save yet :)

Step 4: Type in your new wanted tag. This will be your 6th tag! Go a head and save your edit at this time.

Tada! You now have 6 tags on your article and a chance to reach many more readers!

(Feel free to check how many tags this article has!)

Good luck :)

Credits: SparkedDev


thank you for bringing this under attention

bwuahahaha good post tho

<3 Whatever come in on this one... I'll split with you of course.

I think the bug stems from the fact that every time you post something, it permanently resides on the blockchain. For tags, when Steemit retrieves the data from the blockchain, it must not be limited to the most recent version. It must pull up the data found in all the blocks.
Edit: I did a test and it appears my above theory is not totally correct. It appears there is a limit to six tags with this bug.

Thx for the article, I actually wrote my first post when this limit wasn't active, I entered as many tags as I deemed relevant. However, I tried to edit my post yesterday and couldn't update it and now I understand why. I also learned that the first tag is set in stone as you say, that explains why my post appeared in a category named minting (the post's first tag), as I changed tags order (when I could) and it didn't change the category, so I was wondering how the category was set. Your post was very helpful. Thx.

Ya when you are doing your edit... be sure to remove the first tag again and it will let you post.

I just tried it. This 'bug' is already fixed :(

This is super helpful!! Thank you!

Nice, but it doesn't work anymore. The bug has been squashed!!!

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