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RE: Investing in steemit or not.

in #steemit6 years ago

People are people, they like to tell people what to do, how to do it, and when to do it. Especially when it come to money, because it is not their money. Just like votes, on steemit a vote is money, plain simple and truthful. A vote is currency, it has value, it is worth something. So people are going to tell people how, when, where, why, and what to vote on, (their shit because everyone elses shit is shit post including your own), so they get the money. I my self do not really like bid bots, or most bots in general, I do use one bot, wel two if you count @dustsweeper as one, or three if SBI is a bot also, after all they are all upvote systems.Self upvote systems at that. Well got to head out, I may finish my thoughts later may not, the wife calls time to hit the road.


Hit the road "jack" though come back for more, yes you are correct, all are self aggrandizing mechanisms, though more socially acceptable, though says who? who made it normal to buy sbi, but not a bidbot? why are people making rules on a supposed site with no rules? we are, you are, they are.
Hows bout going back to he way the site was supposed to be, no rules, and flag it if it is a bitch post?
I have looked a long way back in this sites history, and flags were used often, maybe people need to pull them out more.

It was a nice drive, until about 5 miles away from home, ended up being 35 miles from home. A reminder of why yesterdays bullshit just does not matter, and how today could be your last day with no tomorrows in sight. A motorcycle head-head on, no movement by the bike other than people wandering lost like, one guy down by the person from the motorcycle.

Do what needs to be done. People need to use the site here the way they want to. If you don't like a bid bot, down vote any post that uses it for disagreement on rewards. If you like bid bots, use them, if some one disagrees and down votes your post because they disagree with your post reward, tough shit, the down vote is allowed. Even if you do not use any bid bots and someone thinks your post got rewarded to much and down votes it, tough shit. Buy more SP so the people with more SP can not bother your Reputation. It means nothing anyway if you got your Rep through Bid bots.

I have the choice to down vote, or upvote or buy votes, or even sell my votes, It is my vote, and I am the only one that is responsible for how I chose to use my vote. If new users, old users, or mid term users, can not accept responsibility for how they use their vote, tough shit, I don't care. If someone want to tell someone how to use their vote, and they listen, tough, they abdicated their responsibility to another and will have to live with it, it really is quite simple, It is your vote, do with it as you please.

How you use it is not against the rules of steemit, if you have a moral objection to how someone else uses their vote, then bitch, moan, complain, and never do anything that any individual can morally object to you about. Life is to short for stupid games, I am sure that motorcyclist, if he could would agree.

Sadness, a brother down, it happens a lot this time of year sadly.

Fantastic comments my friend, and worthy of a post in itself.

I had to change my thoughts, get them away from the scene, so I did a flower post. Reality is to harsh sometimes.

I was in a bar in Thailand 6 years back, it was a darts and pool night, they have leagues for expats, to get trade in midweek.
I heard a loud bang the other side of the bar, walked around to see what happened, I half expected it to be someone knocked out from a fight, it was not though, it was this pleasant old gent I knew, he had a heart attack and died whilst holding his last beer.
One thing is for sure, we never know when.
He died looking at me, I will never forget that look in his eye.

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