Steemit Needs Series: Please comment with your ideas to improve Steemit!! | E. 10 | July 20th, 2017 | Community Engagement | Archives to help Developers / Community.

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Hi again everyone! I am keeping my word to keep the series going!

I would like you to comment with your visual aids or written ideas of what you think Steemit can use to improve the Community for features and why.

Comments sections here are GOLD as we know, some great TIL learning and tips usually pop up too here.

Part of the reason I do this series and share other things / series I do, is for the TON of new people coming to Crypto and Steemit daily, I mention this daily in a post or comment somewhere.

They need help and resources. They feel lost when they are Steemit / Crypto noobs. I know I did.

It's now several weeks or so after the latest big changes, the latest Hard Fork (HF) / the Steem Powering downs latest rounds, with some large power downs recently, many of those cashouts done and seeing some stabilizations, some bugs fixed and the latest hard Fork about a week ago!

The rewards pool is seeing a lot of changes again.......views and engagement still seem to be down and that is why I try to do so many posts / series to BOOST engagement.

It's OK to gather new ideas but if the same issues pop up, that is great too, because it will send the message that something is more important to the developers and Steemit Elders. My goal is again - use this blog post as a resource to help the dev's and the community members. I can combine them into one post later on if needed to help developers or members.

It is easily searchable also -- as I use the same key phrases / words etc. in the title to keep it searchable - more easily.

I was trying to pick good tags...... I decided to use the TIL tag -- hoping someone either looking FOR help on learning something -- or someone looking TO help on these things would comment! I thought about that one for a couple mins.

If you want to tag people or share it so others can comment and contribute also, that is great. I have my own ideas and see a lot of people talking about it, but as someone who is NOT - I REPEAT NOT! tech savvy like many of you, and who is relatively newer to the Blockchain and Crypto stuff, I know my role is limited to give ideas, I am just a Fat Minnow LOL.

But I have been an activist for years, I am used to building community and gathering info and trying to help so I guess you can blame the activist side of me for this idea which I think is a good one -- an INTENTIONAL POST on the idea, to gather stuff in one place and be easily searchable and findable for all the IT types and developers etc.

Just my way of trying to contribute. I did not even know for sure what tags to use in this post, and I actually spent 5 mins looking and researching the best ones in the past to try and use, before I posted this LOL. I will edit the tags ASAP if you give me better ones to use!!

Noobs can find the TIL or HowTo tags and nuggets here helpful, as I mentioned earlier here.

If we can get some good feedback going, we can use these ideas, all in one place and people can refer back to them. That's why E.1 / E.2 /E.3...4/5/6/7/8/9, etc etc - was in the title, I am hopeful it is helpful as a resource.

We must always head towards the path of Liberty. And help others on this path.


Thanks for reading, have a nice day.

If you liked this blog post - please Resteem it and share good content with others!


Some of my recent blogs:


Gif's - via , Funny or

If you feel my posts are undervalued or you want to donate to tip me - I would appreciate it very much.


Bitcoin (BTC) - 18J6RRuzX4V7b2CDbx7tWZYNBLkkGWsvWX

Ethereum (ETH) - 0x3Ad69Ff057C9533ca667B2d7E3E557F5eeFd4477

Ethereum Classic (ETC) - 0x5ab2b08d4ce8d454eb9d1ecc65c6d8b0c5f9784c

LiteCoin (LTC) - LKdsnvSXk9JW99EiNicFMGKc1FXiBo9tUE

DASH - XgZvsvSZgPkNbmGbRhc3S1Pt2JAc7QHwiS

PIVX - DA3azxQqJiX9t7EviuacpamfNhMi2zGAUh

Expanse (EXP) - 0x819b9cce8630ab638198eabfd7496786c20d629a

Monero (XMR) - d8ecb02c09f70ec10504b59b96bc1f488af28b05933893dfd1f55b113e23fbff

Stratis (STRAT) - SNsJp6v1jXvKWy4XcXSXfNQ9zhSJJppJgv

Synereo (AMP) - 1KnrL6wFHaT4gjJ2YJ5f6WmKTDJNsaBS8s

ZCash (ZEC) - t1aCPEYELkGaf3GtgGTiCEDo7XfPm4QEwmL

Please note -- I will have limited internet access for awhile -- so PLEASE do not be upset that I cannot reply right away, or to everyone. I am dealing with some changes, and will have limited time online and will be happy if I get a few blog posts up a week.


I think there should be a Tag (may be already there) so that anyone can ask a question about anything specially steemit and may tag the persons from whom he think can answer a questions. The experts (dev, whales, activists etc.) can go there and answer the questions even UPVOTE to encourage such good questioning. The idea is from Quora and Reddit.

It is hard to get your answer in steemit: I have to search for it and decide with my own judgement. Most of the answers I can get this way. For minnow like me, if I post a question (for that I can't find answer easily) most probably I will not get noticed or I have to go to popular post to comment (question) there hoping somebody will answer. Getting answers is much easier in Reddit and Quora right now.

If the question is already in Quick-Start-Guide and FAQ, a BOT can provide the LINK to the answer or any related POST. This way steem can be a great WINNER due to capitalism, not only users are getting quality answers but also getting INCENTIVES.

Just came across a new one for me. We need the ability to put a comment when we resteem a post.

Yes feedback would be great as to why someone resteem. More so if they were paid a few cents to resteem it be great to know that upfront.

Video thumbnails would be amazing!!! But I'm a noob, and maybe they already exist? If so, let me know how! Thanks Steemit family :)

Create the friendly vote culture again. More votes create an atmosphere of positivity. The community will benefit.
Current votes volume per day is too small.

I don’t think we are getting anything even related to fixing this issue down the pipeline as a hardfork. The best anyone seems to be able to do is tell people “if you just voted 40 times a day like you use to your voting power would just reduce to a point where you had the same upvote reward as you did before the HF.

So what does this mean for us? We need more people to take a look at the numbers and determine if it’s worth blogging about and convincing people to just go back to voting 40 times a day.

I gave it a try and drop down to giving 1 cent upvotes. It just don't feel right.

True, if you look on the money count.
I mean true appreciation of a post by simply clicking like. Nothing more. People invest a lot of time writing good posts and nobody wants to click since the voting volume is decreased.
Currently, you think twice if you want to vote.

On some posts, I have more comments than "upvotes". This is not the normal ratio.

There are a lot of spammers out there. They seem to think normal communications is “hi,” “thanks,” “OMG.” I at first thought the majority of these where bots but then you realize there is a person at least some of the time or all of the time commenting. After doing some digging I realize that they live in a country where Steemit currency being exchange for their own local markets go much further then where I live. I’m not sure what part of it is a language barrier and they are simply communicating in three own limited means or if just a network of bots trying farm for upvote sin a room where a person is contently checking for replies so they can “resolve” anyone noticing it’s mostly a bot.

For all I know these people are just trying farm for follows so they can sell the account for that amazing number because someone somewhere will come up with a number that each follower an account has is worth that sum.

I often leave a comment on a post even if I’m not going upvote it. I’m often more interested in the conversion that it could spark then the rewards behind it.

Right, I do the same. I leave more comments than votes.

Spammers and bots have increased. They are all looking for the quick money. I can totally understand this. For us, it is just fun and we do not care about the SBDs. In other countries, this few SBDs means a lot and can help people to survive. On the other hand, this is one of the great parts of steemit: diversity.

I think they should have a process where you can dispute flags and if the flag is deemed as not a valid flag the person who got flagged should be upvoted and the person who intiated the false flag should be penalized

I have talked to a Witness about this the take away is always“whatever the blockchain allows.” There is no way to determine for them what is “valid” flag or not because everything is considered valid. One can simply ague they disagree with the reward of that post/comment and it’s vailed for a flag among anything else.

I ran into this problem when trying to debate an argument and realized I was asking them the impossible. The only thing there is, is how certain community members feel about using the flagging system, and your own personal ethics/believes on what should be flagged or not. They would first need to come up with a hard outline of what is considered flag abuse as there is not one.

I totally agree

I have to add here that I've refrained from commenting on posts at times from people who rank higher than me out of fear of being flagged. Not that I would post anything offensive but I like engaging in friendly constructive debate, but I feel like I cannot because people can just flag you for what ever reason they please and you can't do anything about it. It's free speech if your ranking is high enough..........:/

As someone who does end up in conversions with people who are quick to flag. People for the most part just want get along. If someone going flag you they could do it even if you are not talking to them, so it’s best not to fear talking with people. Most high ranking rep people on this site did not get there by starting endless flagging wars with people. They earned the trust and respect most of the time :)

Fair point, ill be a bit more gutsy ;)

It will be great if we get easy way or tips or channel on how to direct our friends and followers from other social media to @steemit. I have over thousand followers and friends on facebook and I wish I can lead all of them here on steemit to be part of this great platform.

Hello, - I may just not know how to do it,- but I would really like to see a function where I can save blogs for later reading, sometimes I'm browsing for a little bit before heading out, and I see something I want to read but don't have time right now, at the moment I have to follow that user and remember who it was to go back and read the post when I have time.

As I said if this option is already available and I'm just making things hard for my self someone please tell me how to do it ! ha

Evening brother Barry, I'd love to see a voting power indicator next to my username in my own timeline :) Steem on!

Some things I think would help make Steemit more streemline would be:

  • a mentions tab (like we have for replies) so that people can actually tag us and it can be found easier.
  • Filtering (I know that there is the Extreemit chrome add on that can filter out resteems, which I use and recommend - however). I think being able to filter out resteems and different topics on either your own feed or someone's blog would be really cool.
  • Their notifications obviously needs fixing.
  • An app by Steemit, not third party.
  • I have found many hiccups in their post editor where if you enter something the way it should be, it just doesn't work for some reason. Even if all your coding is closed and everything. Sometimes it likes to randomly center every thing... ? Haha.
  • Some people think the UI is no good. I don't mind it really though it's not terribly intuitive. I hope they KEEP it simple like this. I feel like it evens the playing field and I REALLY appreciate that people can't make their blogs have a colored background. haha.
  • I apparently type too fast for the 20 second limit between comments, so maybe taking that down to ten would be helpful. Haha.
  • I also think that the regeneration time of voting power is a bit too long. I think if it took half the time it does now to regenerate, that would be really helpful to a lot of people. I am sure there is some reason or another that they don't have that. But, I find it quite annoying.

You regen 20% per day. The higher your voting power the bigger percentage of voting power it takes a way. So if you fell naturally back into voting 20 or 40 times a day your voting power would just level out at some point.

Too many people seem to be way too focused on giving out the MAX outvote there voting power has to offer. Instead, they should be trying find a happy place where they are ok with how much they can give in an upvote along with how many times a day they upvote.

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