in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

These accounts have been attacking my account with flagging because I am dyslexic and black. They are ableists white nationalists neo nazis.


They have been flagging your account because you act like an asshole and make low quality posts. They are not racists, white nationalists, or neo-nazis. No one cares that you are black dyslexic or Muslim.

Thanks for confirming that they attack me because of my "low quality post" confirmed that it is my non English native language and dyslexia. Thus with your words you confirm it is because I am a black, muslim and dyslexic.

It has nothing to do with your language skills, you are abusive and your content is lacking.

looks like you are the abusive one coming here insult my language skills because I am black

low quality posts? wow you think I deserve to be flagged because of my disability. I do not know if that is worse than being racist. I think that it is worse wow attack those without perfect English because they are pricks.

Hey guess what buddy. I am dyslexic too. Your language skills are fine, even if they weren't perfect I wouldn't care and I doubt anyone else would. You act like a prick to people and the content in your posts are lacking. You are not a victim, you are a perpetrator.

Sure lying scum you would create fake disability just to continue attack me. You made it clear my "low quality content" which is directly tried to my disability is the reason your gang attacked me. It is clear that you are the perpetrator and I am the victim. You attack my posts because you are racist neo nazi bigots that hate the disabled black muslim. What a horrid lying scumbag you are.

Whatever you say. I already explained it was lack of content not the manner in which is was presented as well as your abusive behavior which is the issue, but you aren't interested in logic or a discussion. Unlike you I have better things to do rather than pour through your every post and comment and flag you. It is no wonder why your reputation is -2, and it has nothing to do with people victimizing you.

More lie you admitted it already you attacked my account with your friends because "low quality content" which is directly related to my dyslexia. It is clear from your reaction that you are a racist bigot you even mentioned that I am a black muslim when you attacked me.

Wow it is really odd I read on your followers account that you are racists against blacks and muslims.

low quality posts is directly because of my dyslexia so yeah that is the reason.

I see so anyone who criticizes you you go and flag all of their content and you wonder why you are black listed. No matter, your votes are worth pennies and I have already neutralized your attempts to silence me with my own votes. Good luck wasting your life being a crybully.

You mean like all of my posts got flagged by you and your friends. Really when I act in the same way as you you get all butthurt. What you gonna do flag my content.... TOO LATE. But look at my fraction of a penny vote you have to waste your greater voting power. I will vote down all your posts forever as I have nothing to lose and you have everything to lose. I might even make some new account just to vote you down more.

I haven't flagged a single comment or post of yours, but feel free to make up whatever you like. The people you are in a flame war with I followed because of their content, and I only found you because of your abusive comments. You go ahead and have fun flagging away and telling yourself wasting your life is worth it. Maybe spending a few hours a week will cost me a quarter if you are lucky.

Yeah you found me that is the point isn't it you came to me I didn't come to you. What a self righteous cunt.

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