in #steemit9 years ago


If any of you are having a weird feeling about this site right now, there is a reason which I explain below. Please consider these points before you do something foolish like invest your hard earned money into this site or quit your jobs for it - especially the last one!

Its been 24hrs since my tirade. I thought I would feel better in the morning but I feel worse. So I'm making it official. I fell in love with the idea of this site but I've come to realize that the foundation is badly fractured and there is no fixing it without ripping it out and laying a new one.

And no I'm not bitter that I haven't made any money. My issue with this site is a completely philosophical objection to very real problems.


So I go on here the other night and come across this blog by @steemitblog titled: "Introducing Promoted Content". Naturally, I'm curious. Then I read the first line, "It is time we closed the loop on the Steem economy..."

Now, I'm concerned.

Then they go on to say, "The @null account is a special account which no one has control over. This means that once money is transferred to @null it is locked away for ever. In a future hard fork we will remove the Steem Dollars, Steem, and Steem Power held by this account from the supply, but until then it is effectively gone." Now I'm like, what the fuck?

So what is going on here? Why are the developers attempting to syphon off currency to a phantom account? What are they afraid of? Gee, does it have anything to do with the fact that the price of Steem is dropping? Where have I heard that before? Sounds oddly like central bank currency manipulation. In fiat, when inflation hits from over printing, a short term fix is to find ways to get large amounts of cash out of the country. Is this something similar? I'm not going to pretend to understand the cryptocurrency equivalent of this, but if I were to devise a way to emulate it, this would be it. This new "Promoted" page is nothing but a gimmick to keep market price "up" and content creators "happier".

We also have a big trust issue here. What assurances do we have that this @null account is null? Seriously, what the hell is going on here?

I for one will not be visiting the promoted content because they didn't earn the right to be "promoted". This is completely antithetical to everything I thought Steemit was all about.


Do you think that the whales and the developers of this site want to potentially lose the power and control that they gained? Of course not, this is their baby. And THAT is what I have come to recognize in this site and I feel stupid for not seeing it at the beginning. The basic underlying principle of this site was supposed to be that it was a free and open society and everyone gets a vote and may the best content win. But already, the freedom - what I found so beautiful and liberating at the beginning, has become skewed and distorted because of fear and control. By giving certain users more "power", you have already sewn the seed of destruction. You simply can't claim that this is free when someone has more power than someone else. Those with the most influence are going to be able and ARE tipping the scales in favor of the few. I'm so sick of people defending this nonsense. This is NOT FREEDOM. This is control hidden under the illusion of freedom just like the real world systems of control we are trying to escape.

Look, I understand the developers don't want their baby to fail but if it's meant to be then so be it. They can say that they were honest, that they were virtuous and courageous to start something new.

So here is my proposal, NO MORE CONTROL. Everyone gets equal up voting power. Give us the true freedom that we thought we were getting. Do it right now while the site is still in BETA before it's too late.

If this does not happen, I predict the site will die because those who come here are bound to wake up and get out as they realize it's fundamentally rigged against them. The freedom tied to the monetary aspect of this site is what makes it special and unique to me. That's what kept me up all of that first night after I read the white paper. I understood what power had been released onto the world and already I can feel that power disappearing. The more I analyze the situation this site is in, the more I come to realize that the power was never there to begin with.

All efforts are now being made to preserve the "collective" which is STEEMIT rather than promoting the individuals that use the Steemit platform to do what they do; consequences be damned.

Fear begets control, control begets theft, theft begets violence, and violence is destructive; thus Steemit is on a path of destruction.(at least in the free form we thought it was) What is violent here? In essence the theft of influence. The theft of a "minnows" influence on what's considered valuable on this site.

THIS IS THE KEY and reason we are seeing desperate attempts to save the site with gimmicks like the new "Promoted Content" section and desperate attempts to hold onto content creators by starting programs like the one put forth by @robinhoodwhale.

Again, what the hell is going on here?


I've worked hard for the 11 followers and the $1.00 that I have gained over the past month. I feel that I have something valuable to give to others and I'm willing to put in the work to gain peoples respect and trust. 

People who espouse true freedom and go off and defend WHALES, and STEEM DRIVEN VOTING POWER and PAID PROMOTIONS should be ashamed and I for one will not bother with content creation on this site if it is not rectified. Like everyone else, I'm here for the free minded community and the prospects of a monetary benefit to the work I've done and plan to do. I have no reason to be here otherwise. Facebook and YouTube offer much better platforms. Yeah, I may not make money, but at least I'm getting a fair shake.

This is not some prediction that I am attempting to make about the eventual fate of the Steemit platform, IT'S ALREADY HAPPENED. Its only a matter of how bad it's going to get. What's happening here is no mistake. I'm not convinced that the developers did anything purposefully malicious but I do feel that because of their own fears of a failed site, they built in a control system to ensure its survival. What they got instead was a stillborn baby that they attempt to feed and change and just let go on like everything is ok. Well, it's been a few months and something is starting to stink.

I am not suggesting that this site be restored but MADE A NEW. Take away the controls. Make it FREE. 

I have come to realization that the principles I thought were foundation to this site have been compromised from the get go because the freedom that I thought we were getting is a veiled form of control out of power distribution. The original freedom I thought this site had is essentially being STOLEN from the users by means of ever increasing centralization. It seems this site has gone from a pure democracy to an oligarchy in less than 6 months. But that too is an illusion. The simple fact is, it was NEVER a democracy. There has always been an imbalance in power and influence and the framework of the system ensures that not only it continues, but that it grows into infinity.

I saw this site as a new digital nation - a truly free society and economy. Is it doomed already? Or can it be saved? Why the hell have liberty minded people gone and made the same old mistakes?

If America had just stopped with its Declaration of Independence, a site like this wouldn't even be necessary. We would already be free. So what happened? We said screw this mess and went and repeated the same old mistakes? The real problem is that this site didn't even start with a declaration of independence, it started with a constitution; a framework of control.


The system is such now that if the big dogs come online and let everyone know they took a shit that day, they're sure to rake in a couple hundred dollars. This is actually not just a problem with Whales but indicative of an underlying problem with a significant minority of users who do not seem to understand the concept of upvoting truly VALUABLE content. I follow the people that I follow at the moment because I feel like the offer me something. But that does not mean that I upvote every single thing they put out. Because the honest truth is, I do not find value in everything posted. At the same time, I expect the same level of discernment and scrutiny from them. THIS is my incentive to do the best work I can.

Adam Kokesh joined Steemit on August 22. I figured that given the type of libertarian minded people on this site, that his post would be in the top 5 on the trending page by the end of the day. Well, it made it to the trending page but barely got half way up. That was perplexing to me considering he had around 400 upvotes, no flags, and around $1,000.00 at the time. It's not uncommon to see posts much higher on the trending page with far fewer votes and more money. So what does this kind of system say to a Steemit user like Adam? It says that a nice chunk of you're upvotes from loyal followers that you've earned from years of work on YouTube are proportionally null and void because some Whale somewhere doesn't like Adam Kokesh.

Some people joke about the "@ned bump". This is very disturbing to me. Why the fuck should his vote count any more toward or against someone's content than anyone else's? I know other people have posted about Whales in the past, but this is an important point that needs to be made. What does it say that a Whale's vote has more impact than mine? They are saying in very real terms that


This is beyond ridiculous. And on top of getting shit on by Whales in content curation, the rest of us are called "minnows". Need I say more? I'm a grown sovereign free thinking human being. Not a fucking minnow. This is the digital equivalent of Royalty and Peasant. I'm not here to be a "citizen" or any other label bestowed upon me by an obviously corrupt system. I came here to escape all that nonsense and network with other human beings equally and voluntarily and may the best man win.


Curation rewards seem to be fine but the premise as layed out by the developers is to spur interesting discussion. I don't understand this at all. If the topic being discussed is interesting enough to be discussed then so be it. This is a form of forced up voting and retracts from organic discussion in my opinion. I've had the experience of people up voting my content minutes after it was posted well before they would have had a chance to read through it. This is very troubling to me and is another indication of the skewed motivations of some Steemit users and another example of how a system of control is utilized by parasites that wish to get something out of nothing. I don't want someone getting a part of my payout simply because he got there first. Because of this, I have no clue whether the people following me value my work or value what they can potentially squeeze out of it. Right now I know the ones I have are noble because I don't make anything, but as the list grows my certainty of that and enthusiasm of having new followers will diminish. Because of this, I'm starting to think it would be better to keep my audience small and loyal. I don't want phonies and leeches associated with my account and neither should you.

The bottom line is this.

I want this site to be free and equal. Until then, I'm leaving.



But why quit, any community needs different opposing voices toward a view toward reason.

By leaving all your doing is letting those you fell are ripping everyone off gain a firmer monopoly.

A better solution would be to pop by from time to time and even google Steemit to easily find the latest big issue and give us your opinions.

Its a free country; that is why we pay trillions of dollars to the military to keep it that way, so leave if you feel you must.

But you would be a useful Steemian if you just stayed around occasionally and tried to keep ' big brother' at least " semi-honest ".

The internet is a huge world so maybe you will find other places you feel you can happily hang your hat and put your feet up, I for one think people should try and make Steemit work.

This is a new radical Social Media experiment it is a brand new baby about 4 or 5 months old; but for some reason you expect this new baby to be able to talk, walk, keep its food down and find the toilet as well : )

/ hugz ; )

Maybe, see you on the BlockChain . . .

I hear you. I just don't like how I feel here man. It's got a strange vibe. That's nothing mystical, it's for all the reasons above. There will be plenty of people to fill my shoes. Thanks for the reply.

Let's think of solutions to the problems that come with equal voting power!

I keep hearing all these people using scare tactics to justify whales etc. What if this happens or this or this. They're here to prevent that. Its the same statist argument for government power over the people. You are absolutely right. The community as a whole will find solutions to any problems that arise. We don't need this hierarchy to "solve" problems. As we've seen, it only creates them.

Life isn't free and equal, sorry to see you go. This is the first post I have read of yours.

Although I share some of the ideals, I don't share, demanding attention by pretending to quit... Until you get your way.

I'm not pretending.

Hmmmm, you make some good points, and have certainly opened my eyes. Hopefully a lot more 'peasants' read and agree. It is certainly a case of the 'rich getting richer' and unless you have a patron whale or three the chance of garnering any SBD is very slim.

Just go through the new posts and get a gage of the general mood here. I sense desperation on this site. People are working their asses off for nothing even if they have a hundred or more followers. Also notice the negative site stats, new ideas to fix problems, etc etc. Just in the past 10 days or so this has really taken off.

A damn great post that needs tags like steem, minnowsunite, scam and freedom to get the message across. Your post shows the greatest reason why I am afraid to invite my friends to join me in Steemit.

Correct, I also have not mentioned it on Facebook or Twitter ...... at present it feels a little bit incestuous...

Well, I appreciate that. I just don't want to see people get hurt. It was pure coincidence that I stumbled on Steemit as I was thinking about starting my own blog. I figured this would be a good place to start. I've been on this emotional roller coaster ride of excitement to despair to anger to hopelessness to outright disgust. I have to laugh at myself for being so foolish and immature about the whole thing and falling into the Steemit Mania that was there at the beginning. Unfortunately, not many will read this because, lets face it, whales aren't going to upvote it.

i just found you today... just joined. i hope you stay. we have a lot to discuss.

I'll be starting my own blog in the near future. I'll keep you in mind and get in touch later on. I look forward to the discussion:)

It's a joke. Thanks for the link.

HEY !!! Can I copy this ? change a few words and retitle it "WHY I want to LEAVE THE USA !!!!"
Reminds me of Thomas J. ... Damn good POST !!!

And go where? jk Thanks man. I'm more of a Thomas Paine man myself;) but sure go for it. I'll probably use some of it in a future blog elsewhere when I talk about my time here. I can't completely dog this site. I've actually learned a lot of valuable lessons about blogging in the past few weeks.

Hey man, Its the Age of Reason, Sounds like good Common Sense to me, not like Your On trial !, lmao !
that was fun ... hey, stay in touch, I like your "Tude Dude" !
Read More, Reason More ... JTS

Oh LOL, I was just kidding about using it, WAS trying to bring AWARENESS to YOUR post about how this is a PERFECT DOC on what an ANARCHIST is REALLY about !!!

I think I write better pissed. Maybe, I'll do a series on "What pisses me off about..." We should keep in touch. I'm in the process of setting up a blog on another site. Follow me here and I'll send out an invite to my subs once its up and running. Ive got a solid years worth of content in the works.

wow, thought I WAS following you, lol, am now ... and Hell ya man !
Oh yeah, to answer your Q; Where? ... mexico bro ! I know, I know ... but here is the deal ... I'm 55 .. I read "Shawshank" (Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption SK) a LONG time ago ! Andy went to Zihuatanejo, Mexico ... But after all these years, thinkin Acapulco now, access to modern tech ... many reasons a lot of reasons ...
anyway ... when i do get set up there, YOU got a spot !!!
and HELL yeah keep in touch ! send invite ! And yeah LMAo that pissed thing workin FOR YA !!!, WOOT !
/salute !

I read everything , and have to say that i can't agree on this. Just like half the people here who claim to be economist dont know how the blockchain functions. To be honest , no Economic system is perfect ! everything in life is big ponzi scam , driven by capitalism. However gives you the chance to earn yourself in . No one ask you to invest more money in this , nor do i agree with this statement;

Facebook and YouTube offer much better platforms. Yeah, I may not make money, but at least I'm getting a fair shake.

What are you on about ? Are you a successful youtuber or have many followers of Facebook. Just use as social media , don't invest any money but perhaps your time . Its win-win situation , yet you're complaining like this. You don't see the bigger pictures but mostly just feel sad you didnt earn any profit. Yeah we joined because we thought we could earn some money , thats everyone first thought when they got on Steemit.

At 60+ post , you tried but having looked at your post , i can see why you're not earning . We humans believe the Big Banks , who are to big to Fail , wait once they occasionally go bankrupt on debt . This platform will have value as long people believe in this platform , before you say anything negative please think of the damage your doing. I have seen to many charities post here on Steemit ,i'm 21 years old student who has made 150$ from writing here , yeah i don't want this platform to fail , but i sure aint hell aint going to be as active on other Social Media platforms like Facebook , which is worth billions because apparently we have more stake in the platform.

Capitalism > Freedom . Thats the case here

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