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RE: Introducing @KeiserReport: We go nuts for Steemit!

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

I think he is controlled opposition. And an admitted Zionist supporter. The problem is the Zionist faction was involved with 9/11 and one of the intended goals was the Islamophobia, which Alex and especially Paul Joseph Watson are pushing. Watson really transformed in to a polarizing voice on the internet. So he's feeding the "divide and rule" method.

Also Alex promised Wolfgang Halbig to keep on top of the Sandy Hook case, and keep reporting on it.
He, or anybody else for that matter at Infowars, won't even answer his calls, or reply to an e-mail. Just total blackout. Just as Wolfgang is engaged in legal battles with authorities to acquire evidence that normally is publicly available to proof or disproof Sandy Hook. The obstruction he is met with while trying to obtain this normally readily available evidence is very telling. The whole Sandy Hoax is falling apart but Alex or Infowars won't touch it with a ten foot pole.

Now I suppose he has little choice, just following orders of the hand that feeds him or even threatens their network, maybe also their lives. But when they're the one screaming "we ARE the resistance" I expect (way) more from them.

But on the other hand, Alex was among the first out there on the internet reaching lots of people around 1995. And is reaching large crowds. And people get rudely awoken by Alex screaming but they expand their sources beyond Inforwars. So I think that although he might be controlled opposition, in the end they are still helping the cause. They have to choose: totally try to enforce a total black out on subjects they don't want out there or provide it themselves thereby retaining some control and opportunity to spin.
Also I remember Bill Cooper storm at Alex because he send people fleeing into the mountains at the Y2K newyears eve(99/00), the Russians supposedly had launched a first strike nuclear attack. And people tried to get some mountains between them an possible nuclear targets.

I think he is controlled opposition, but that doesn't mean it's all bad. On the contrary, to appeal to many people they have to deliver, so most of what they report is true. But as with Sandy Hook, Pizzagate or Israel he won't go there.


I can't really blame him for not going into those topics like Sandy Hook, Pizzagate or Israel. The mainstream media is very good at taking what he says out of context. He's attacked almost every day for out of context snippets.

I think you would have a much bigger impact if you'd ask why he doesn't tell us the US is already under martial law? Since 1871 the US is a corporation.

More specifically, it is an oil company with a military. To paraphrase George Carlin.

Hehe good one :)

But what I wrote is true, everyone should stop complaining and check it out. I have studied this for years. Latest I read is this:

@nutela very impressive link. Regular americans ignore all of this of their own country. Thank you.

Hey you're welcome! I was secretly hoping Max, Stacy and the InfoWars crew would read it...

Thank god someone else sees this. I still don't understand how so much of his earlier listeners can still listen to him, now that he has gone full retard. All the sudden it's ''the left'' and the ''dnc'' that are the problem. All the sudden there are no more false flags, only when it's some white guy. All the sudden he's all blue lives matter. And yeah apparently Islam is big power group, but zionism does not exist.
Just the other day he made a video about Nettanyahu being anti new world order :-D. And I'm not even saying that the zionists run it all, but they are a major power group, no doubt about that. He always used to say the reason he doen't talk about zionism, the vatican and freemasonry is because he dooesn't want to attack any groups. It seems he doesn't have that much of a problem with attacking islam, bringing forward the clash of civilisation agenda. It's truely scary when you read the comments on his videos now it's all ''nuke meka'' and stuff like that. Divide and conquer it is.

Are you talking about Alex Jones?

Well you have some good points I guess. Hard to tell who is real and who is controlled opposition or has hidden ties.

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