What Do We Owe the Crypto Community and to Each Other?

in #steemit6 years ago

As someone that has been part of the crypto community for years now, I have watched the community grow and change while adding more and more voices to the common collective as the train picks up speed towards mass adoption.

That’s what we want, right? We want mass adoption?

Some of these voices have drawn quite a bit of attention, but is it the “right attention”? Just because someone screams the loudest doesn’t mean they are right.

Don’t We Owe It To Each Other?

We have an opportunity to build the crypto space the way we want it before it starts to really become diluted with people. We can choose the way we interact with each other and the voice we use to convey ideas to each other in forums or on social media or when speaking to the mainstream news.

As a group, we owe it to each other to create something different than prior financial communities have created in years prior.

Photo by Perry Grone on Unsplash

Don’t we owe to each other after coming this far together and having faced the same mutual struggles of major hacks, stolen money, & price volatility.

Focusing on the positives

Many avid crypto supporters have brought up the positives of the crypto space anytime a critic has bashed or brought up the downtrend of the past year.

Don't be distracted by short term crypto prices.

The aggregate amount of capital, both financial and intellectual, that is flooding the industry will pay off for decades to come.

The decentralized world is iterating exponentially faster than the centralized one.

— Pomp 🌪 (@APompliano) October 25, 2018

Let’s look at some of the positive news:
• Bitcoin has held onto approximately $6,000 since early this year.
• Blockchain technology has made massive strides forward.
• Dow has lost 600 points this week and yet crypto has held fairly steady

No matter your investment strategy or view on whether to hold, trade, or use crypto as currency, if you are a crypto fan you already know that crypto is around to stay and is changing the way the world conducts business. So many industries have already been impacted by blockchain technology and more applications or uses are being found daily.

Would love to hear your thoughts on the current pace of crypto and the voice/tone being used to push the market forward!



yeah, honestly, the crypto community itself is so interesting. it's almost like a weird secret club. you mention it in a room full of people. most will laugh, a few will ask "what is a bitcoin do?", and maybe... just maybe. one other person in the room will be like... "you fuck with ICOs?" but its funnier still because we don't want it to be a secret club like the rothschilds.
I try to recruit as many people as possible to steemit. even when I'm not posting every day I try to get my business friends, and my gamer friends, or the woman do makeup tutorials on YouTube. like yeah, ok, I don't watch those videos. but other people do and when they do facebook and youtube make loads of money off them. but steemit is such an innovative site that makes full use of the blockchain technology.

it has something for everyone. even just the regular day to day blogger talking bout life at work. I think that as crypto continues to gain main stream momentum, I think more people will be drawn towards steemits amazing community.
so I think your message is a vital one we should all remember when posting and commenting. most of the time I'm on steemit I'm not even posting I go around looking for good posts and make sure to spend some of my power. I think its important. anyways. end rant. you're awesome, great post!

Bravo for trying to spread the word and get more people involved! I love that! You are right that there is something here for everyone no matter what you are interested in. My girlfriend loves watching the makeup tutorials so let me know if any of your friends make some great ones :)

Thankfully, most of my friends are now part of the crypto space so parties aren't as awkward anymore when someone asks me what I do for a living. But, I totally understand where you are coming from! Steem is an innovative place and the sheer amount of talent in this space is mind boggling!

I really appreciate you dropping by and I wish you all the success in the world, cool people deserve cool stuff. Keep commenting and keep reaching out to people. Now that I have some SP I am going to do the same!


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Pretty cool! Thanks!

I've been watching how crypto as a whole, Bitcoin, in particular, has been performing against the US stock market. But I've also been paying close attention to the remarkably steady price of Bitcoin the past few months. Could it be that the manipulators and quick buck takers have moved on to greener pastures? And could it be that Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency will be seen as a "safe haven" especially in times of tradional stock market volatility?

Only time will tell, but I am feeling better and better each time I hear my friends moaning about the hits their portfolios are taking. I just smile quietly at the reaffirmation that riding the crypto wave is the right thing to do, especially as the world economies seem to be more than a little nervous at the moment.

Truthfully, I feel bad for some of my friends that have most of their retirement savings in the stock market because they have been slightly "green around the gills" lately with how much is going on over there. I have been telling them for years about crypto and have encouraged them to get involved but some got involved and others didn't. Some see the bigger picture and others don't.

The stability of Bitcoin since the beginning of the year is very encouraging! Hopefully, we will have some rock solid stability going forward and move into more mainstream adoption. Can you imagine the possibilities when that happens?

Thanks for such a great comment!

I am okay with where it is right now Jeff. Right now is the time to focus on the community and help each other as much as we can. Especially on Steem where rewards might be low but they are definitely not zero. People can earn good money especially in the developing countries. It's already changing the world. Cheers Jeff!

I totally agree! We should focus on each other and on the community! Minnows should build each other up and learn from each other because that is how everyone will grow together. We are already changing the world and I can't wait to see what's next!

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