The truth about us. Balls of speech...

in #steemit4 years ago

We say how government can do such things, without someone knowledge how can they do experiments, don't they feel bad about it, The fact common public is part of it, the government just have to say the public if that person is a threat to society or whatever narrative they give about a person, the general public will do anything, worst then this secret experiments, this ppl have perfected and evolved most of their experiments which still exists, in different names, narrative and using general public. they know-how exactly to maintain and manipulate to their benefits, fooling ppl is not a new game for them. the irony is the whole department is the general public, whom they are using to controls the general public. without using common sense they will do whatever it takes to impress their superiors. They will always win no matter what, so we should blame ourselves for being a goat. and supporting them. We don't have any other options, we may think few guys talking about it in social media for a few days and for few reasons, we have achieved something or changed, the fact the name and style will change but it all will continue to happen till these Ppl working for them use common sense doing what is right instead of the following law blindly because they are general public once they go to their families and treated as the general public may be few benefits.
Today I went out to buy smokes few cops stopped me asked where you're going? I asked I wanted to buy smokes if I wanted I might have told some reason for which they might have let me go, like buying sweets, snacks or some prescribed drugs, but I wanted to see at least times like this they will use common sense and be good and understanding to public, I was wrong as soon I told I want to buy smoke, they took my bike keys filed a report and they are saying it's punishable to come out to buy smokes.
I was so shocked by their limited understanding of humans. I am smoking from almost 20yrs and nicotine is one of the addictive which hard to resits. but all they care about is how to show much work they are doing and how to impress their employer. funny thing few of the department ppl not even wearing masks or gloves if covd19 has to spread it will be through them.
let's say if an understanding human being in that place might have told me it's ok or maybe. because I told him the truth and explained to him about how important smokes are for smokes for which he never agreed or cared, tobacco is been with humans from the beginning times of humanity. let say Tobacco is bad so they are worried but that's not the case here, it was clear they want to find faults so they can be benefited in whatever ways. A doctor told me it's the carbon which is more harmful than nicotine so my question is if I quit smoking will the government give me a guaranty I will not get cancer inhaling the polluted air, because of petroleum. It's all just some gimmicks by politicians to fight for the cause which will make them look good in public and following them our general public like media, press, tv, social media influencers every tom dick and harry start to promote how bad it is and how hard they fighting for it, at end of the day only to be benefited in whatever ways possible, same shit happened with weed. and happening with tobacco, I understand tobacco is bad then weed but it's not bad as it's been portrayed. let say sugar is even more dangerous, addictive and cheaply easily available, sweetest killer but just because it's used by everyone no politician can dare to make it illegal, pollution is also a major killer but they can't make it illegal to use petroleum vehicles. they cant so left is this kind of thing like weed and cigarettes. few unwanted laws they bring and target the minorities. With the help of general ppl and Celebes, nowadays whoever is fighting for some causes they don't care about what they are fighting for, just get along were a bunch of ppl supporting something. which will happen to you and you will be still supporting them.
I know whatever they are doing it not all bad, 70% is good for the 30% for before fighting for something do your research use common sense. when you support something and enjoy feeling good about it, don't complain if the same happens to you in a different scenario, I understand most of us don't even understand what's happening just follow the crowd.
some of the figures I have given are as an example

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