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RE: If You Want Steemit To Provide An Income, Approach It Like A Business
"You see them in the chat rooms, talking about "I'm gonna do this..." all the while not actually doing anything but hanging out in the chat rooms." This!
Ever since I decided to take my writing seriously a few years ago and go professional so as to pay my bills with it, I have found SO MANY people who just talk and talk and talk about all the great and wonderous things they are going to do...
How are they even paying their bills?? lol
You must do Obiwan.
Just write.
If you write it, they will come.
Enough with the film references? Get the picture?!
I do get it, you do pretty good with words.
I've seen a lot, I dug pretty deeply into SEO and marketing. There are a lot of people who just keep buying info product after info product, never really doing anything with it. I read once where someone said you can sell 10,000 copies of a course that tells you how to do something, 1,00 people will actually try doing something with it and maybe 10 will work at it to be successful.
For them, the candy is the "next" thing.
The movie references were actually aimed at those "talkers" who I was referring to, the ones who read every how to and talk and read some more, but then just sit there and complain why they haven't made it big yet..
Hint: It's cuz you haven't even written a word yet, silly! lol
I for one HAVE to work. There is no not. I have several very large mouths to feed (Single Mom to three teen boys with NO child support- What's YOUR superpower, lol) and if I slack for even half a day there is trouble and a financial avalanche. Sometimes I wonder how all these single moms I see can go to the nail salon every week and purchase those Coach bags and take extended lunches and "another martini please". It boggles my mind! I have to conjure money, every moment of every day!
Ok, rant over!
Feel free to rant, after 17 years of marriage I have finally been schooled that sometimes, people don't need me to fix something, they just need to be able to let it out.