How Getting Dressed is Like Succeeding on Steemit

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Your alarm goes off and you begin your morning ritual: coffee, feed yourself, shower, feed the two legged and four legged little ones. The news says the weather is backing traffic up so you begin to move a little faster. You grab a shirt, slacks and a jacket, yank them on, and rush out the door.

You brave rush hour and speedwalk into work, hoping the boss doesn't see that you are a few minutes late. The room quiets and your face heats as you realize they are all staring at you.

You slip into the restroom to compose yourself and notice your reflection. Your jaw drops in horror.

In your mad rush to get out the door you never looked in the mirror. You cannot believe what you are wearing, nothing matches and you look like a scrub. But, the damage is done- there is no fixing it now.

Its a simple premise but one that can be overlooked during excitement or time pressure.

Proofread and edit your posts before you publish!

Everything you do online is a direct representation of you. Right here, right now, you are building your brand. Everything you put on the internet stays on the internet.

If you want to appear a professional in your niche, you must present yourself as such with every image, post and comment. This includes all your doings on the web including other social media sites, video sharing sites, forums, gaming chats and apps.

You are what you post :)

Dress the part, and always dress for success ;)

Be sure to doublecheck before you publish anything.

Keep on STEEMing and may the cryptos be ever in your favor

Images via Unsplash and Giphy

I appreciate your support :)

With Love, Light and Good Mojo!


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Well said!.... and NOW you tell me!

Yea, sorry to say, but 'dem short shorts and half shirts just aren't projecting the right image... ;)

Epic post, wow am moved and i cant just stop being moved by other of your works. Nice to connect with you!

Thank you so much! It's wonderful to connect with you as well :)

Sometimes when I reread something I wrote I shudder, make a correction, then realize I misspelled that - and fade away into my seat.

Then I do it the next day when I pop back into existence.

On a serious note it was interesting to see how many posts have very poor spellings - AHEM spelling.

What I started doing if I have no-one to proofread was to write my article, step away for a few minutes to a few days (depending on the importance and length of the piece) do something else, then come back with fresh eyes. You tend to see many things to improve this way! And now it's a habit.

But still, istakes happen, we are human atfer alll ;)

But always keep your brand image in mind.

Good idea, thanks for sharing that.

I understand perfectly what you say, if you "dress up" your post with a good structure, nice words and good information, it will please people at the first impression, and first impressions count!

Spot on!

Poor editing and proofreading are mistakes I always avoid making as a writer. Your illustration is very profound.

Sometimes, as writers, we rush. We speed. We jostle. In the end, we get the results we would have loved to avoid.

Only if we would care about our works the way we care about our faces, then we would learn to take proofreading and editing seriously.

Another classic from the ink of a fourlegged pen.

if we would care about our works the way we care about our faces, then we would learn to take proofreading and editing seriously.

^ YES!

I just thought It would look better if I UP voted and made the payout a round number of 14.00

It looks beautiful <3

This is a practical tip that most of us are guilty of... in the rush of things especially in the flood of information I encounter, I would hastily post anything just by reacting to what I am seeing. I need to work on to the quality of my contents.

Self awareness is the first step :) Slow down and take a step away for a few moments, then come back to proofread- this technique is extremely helpful.

Thank you. I'll apply it as soon as I can.

Very good analogy... although I have to admit... some days I think I do a better job STEEMin’...

Just like with anything, we do better at certain things on certain days. But no matter if you just keep moving forward!

Even after double checking, I've noticed that I've frantically gone back to edit a misspelled or misplaced word. Oops!

We can only be so perfect, but there are ways to help your grammar and spelling! Right now I use grammarly. It actually let me realize my grammar and punctuation is pretty good. I've really brushed up on my writing skills since I started.

This reminds me of that time I went out with two very different pairs of shoes. On the left was black nike basketball sneakers, and on the right was green timberland hiking boots. I was in a hurry and it was a little dark in the mudroom.

I like Grammarly, too, it's a great help!

But seriously, nothing beats your own eyes- or a set belonging to a trusted (and honest- Mom will always tell you your stuff is good!) friend :)

That is too funny!!!

You are right -- it's all about using the right words, too! Always helps to have a human proof read!

Oh, so true about image. I almost blew mine out of the water. Lack of sleep blocked the common sense alert. Being on here is just like in face to face situations. Once something comes out, it is hard to clear the bad taste.
As for walking out not paying attention. I have gone out with my work shirt inside out and backwards. Didn't notice till the tag itched my throat. I was almost late to work due to that darned snooze button.


LOL! I once worked with an elderly lady who would come to work with her clothes inside out and backwards a few times a month. We all assumed she was just "getting old" but one day she said that her Mom had taught her it was bad luck to fix your clothes if you put them on wrong. You had to wear them like that all day. And it stuck!

Lol bad luck or not, idk if I could do it once I realized what I did. Is why it's not usually a good idea to dress in the dark, lol.

Good advice! Lol

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