Alexa Ranking - - Last Week in Raw Numbers
Alexa Traffic Ranks
Date | Global Rank | In the US | Bounce Rate | Daily Pageviews per Visitor | Daily Time on Site |
July 15 | 48568 | 19962 | 40.20% | 7.60 | 11:09 |
July 18 | 35637 | 15149 | 38.60% | 8.70 | 12:02 |
July 19 | 29683 | 12776 | 37.60% | 9.20 | 12:55 |
Visitors by Country on July 19
Country | Percent of Visitors | Rank in Country | |
9 | United States | 18.4% | 12776 |
Germany | 8.2% | 4460 | |
India | 7.2% | 14184 | |
Russia | 6.4% | 9554 | |
United Kingdom | 5.4% | 6251 |
My screenshots
Thanks for the info, but now I just feel let down by the UK... Come on UK we can do better then that!!
Same here! Never mind, UK will be in a good shape soon, I hope. If you want I can change a few numbers here!