Did you know❓ - Voting Is RECEIVING 🎁 After Giving❗steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Why don't people vote and curate on Steemit? It seems, they didn't get it, and they are for some reason kinda afraid they would lose something.

Why Gift on Hand

I came across several articles lately dedicated to or at least touching the subject of the lack of votes and recently noticed, more or less significant, but constant voting/curating drop down amount. And I'm not talking about whales' voting deficiency here. It's another story. I'm talking about you and me, an average Steemit Joe.

Why is this happening?

Well, I can't pretend that I know the exact answer. I just I have few guesses. But, whatever the reason is, let me tell you how I see it.

Grudgingly counting every single vote and curation you are going to make, in fact, avoiding to vote and curate or even not voting and curating at all it's like pushing away the gift you want, waiting for and expecting to receive.

Gift pushing away

Before I explain why I think that it's so, let me tell and ask you the following.
Putting aside the owners, core investors of this platform and even those few who bought some Steem to invest it in their Steem Power, increasing it that way - I believe, you would agree with me when I say that majority of us didn't spend anything except some time to create and publish the articles around the subject we are interested, passionate and/or knowledgeable about. And that's it!

And now what?
Are you expecting, only by posting your article, to get noticed over sudden by thousands and thousands, gain numerous followers, became famous like Oprah and rich like Bill Gates, just like that and overnight? If you are really expecting something like that to happen, I must disappoint you as you are deadly wrong!

I'm not going to say it's entirely impossible to happen. But hey, come on! Get realistic just a bit! As otherwise, you are in fact waiting for the miracle. In that case, my advice to you is, don't even bother yourself with Steemit. Go out and buy yourself a lottery ticket. With it, you have a better chance to win and become wealthy and famous. 😉

Lottery Ticket

Oh, you are still here?! I would assume you've put the lottery option aside and agreed with me that we have to put something in first to be able to receive something in return after. Well, then I have good news for you!

By voting, curating and placing comments you are not going to lose any of your Steem, Steem Power or Steem Dollars. Quite in contrary!

By taking those actions regularly, and besides meeting and knowing some new people through the interaction that would very likely follow, you are tremendously increasing your chances to:
1) Get noticed
2) Gain new like-minded followers who would bring you
3) More votes on your articles what would result with
4) More Steem
5) More Steem Power and
6) More Steem Dollars in your Steemit Wallet (whole of which would gain you)
7) Higher Voting Weight Value of your single vote


Or let me put it like this and ask you:
From bellow picture, what kind of earnings would you like to see, under your post/article, "A" or "B"?

Possible Earning

Yeah, I know the "B" one looks great and almost unrealistic, but as you probably know (as this is not a photoshop, but true article earning screenshot) somebody manage to gain.
OK - we are not going to be that greedy, but more realistic. Personally, I would be quite satisfied with 1/100 of that "B" amount what is rough approximately $150.

But, why is that so hard to achieve?

The answer is very simple and lies in pure mathematics.
In the worst case scenario, and having in mind that the lowest Voting Worth i.e. of a just joined New Steemit Member fluctuates around $0.000525 we would need 285,714 votes to reach this $150 goal. Currently, while Steemit, just a few days ago, reached 100,000 members, it looks utterly impossible.

New Member's Voting Worth in USD

Luckily the voting algorithm is set somewhat different so even if the single vote would worth just $0.000525 in combination with other voters it may bring greater value to an article.

In spite of that, the greater Voting Worth our voters have, the better for us and our earning possibilities. If nothing else, therefore, we don't want our voters to be powerless.

Powerless Dead Battery

Furthermore, it's also critical to understand, know and keep in mind that by curation - voting and commenting on other member's articles that we like, find interesting, funny, educating or for any other reason valuable, we DO NOT spend or lose any of our Steem, Steem Power, Steem Dollars or even Voting Worth! Again, quite in contrary!

By giving and spreading our votes, we are empowering our future voters!

Empowering and Energizing

In other words, voting curation doesn't cost us anything but can bring us a lot in return.
In fact, every single vote we give may returns to us as a gift in the form of a whole brigade of empowered voters.

Power Windmill Gifts

So, ...

Share it Scrooge

And go out there, touch and empower this Steemit World with your votes, comments, and shares. They would return to you multiplied!

Touch the World

Posted on Tuesday, October 11, 2016

You may also join #steemtrail and help Steemit to go in right direction.

Follow ana-maria Button


Getting started takes a bit. Just figuring it out takes a bit. Hope it works.

Yes, it works - although some things changed in the past year (or from the time I was writing this), but some essentials are still the same.
However, you may always ask if you don't understand something or don't find the right answer! 🙂

As a relative beginner to Steem this has helped me get a handle on what I need to do in order to better my Steem experience. Thanks for the great info!

Thank you for the comment @snginc!
I would be glad if it helps!

Just joined today. Perfect article for a newbie like me.Thanks.

Thank you very much @freelancewriter!
There are many very good How-To articles around there that might help you started.
Although, if you have any question and think I might help you, please don't hesitate to ask.
You may also find and PM me on Steemit Chat as @ana-maria

Yes my initial question as a newbie was "but by voting am I giving away my Steem power?" and so wish that I'd found an article like this sooner! Sharing in a Steemit 101 FB I'm in, and re-steeming from two accounts I have.

Thank you very much @ibringawareness, especially for sharing! 😊 - Hope it would help others to clarify some things.

I'm certain it will help others, no doubt, which is why I re-steemed and posted to FB!

Interesting, I noticed your voting power is at 100% lol

According to http://steemstory.com/ you have averaged 2.24 votes per day since joining...

I agree Steemians aren't voting as much as they should. Please vote :)

Well, it's not exactly 100% - it currently is 99.20%, but I noticed whatever I "spent" during voting in 24 hours or especially after posting an article accumulates back.
enter image description here

Hey, I'm not picking on ya it's a good article :)

It was at 100% when I checked, you voted on my comment then posted a screenshot.

1 vote in 24 hours, voting power not used is waisted and the entire community suffers. The more we vote the more we help each other.

Thanks for sharing :)

Thank you for the FB share! - Didn't expect it! And it was really nice to find it there! 😊

Anyway, one more thing just to clarify to others why I have just 2.24 votes per day since joining. I was quite inactive the first month, and then I was hit by being completely unable to vote (the reason for I still don't know).

Thanks for explaining that :)

Uh-oh, good call. Being charitable, perhaps she spent so much time on the article she hasn't been surfing in awhile ;)

BINGO @ibringawareness - you got it! 😊
I really do spend much more time for creating the articles than average member around here does, especially because English is not my mother tongue.

It shows for sure.. that you put a lot of time into this. Following!

Thank you once again, @ibringawareness and following back! 😉

Nice one @ana-maria , well put thoughts. Give and you shall be given .

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