4 Years From Today You'll Have Over $150,000 US - Worst Case Scenario - If You Keep Posting, Commenting and Curating DailysteemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Would you believe me if I tell you, 4 years from today, you will have over $150,000 USD if you keep posting one post per day, commenting and curating, even if all of that wouldn't bring you more than just 0.100 Steem Power daily?

Money Suitcase

Yeah, you heard me right, only 0.100 Steem Power daily and on July 23rd, 2021 you'll have over $150K.
Don't believe me? Keep reading!

But, before I tell you what you need to achieve that, let me tell you what you don't need!


To Earn $150K On Steemit In A Four Years Starting From Today, You DON'T NEED

- to be the most famous author on Steemit
- to have thousands of followers

Can you believe it? Probably not! Keep reading then!


What DO You NEED To Earn $150K On Steemit In A Four Years Starting From Today?

  1. One decent post per day, 100% Powered Up! Meaning, own original content of about 300 - 500 words (or more), even better if with a photo (but photo which is free to use for commercial purposes from e.g. Pexels or some similar site).
  2. Few (10 - 20) meaningful comments for other author's articles you feel like commenting.
  3. Few (10 - 20) votes (curation) given for articles and authors you enjoyed to read!

How is that possible?

As first, with every of above listed three actions, you are earning. Second, only 0.100 Steem Power which is only 1/10 of 1 whole Steem Power is a ridiculous minimum you can achieve, in fact, only by accomplishing only one of above. But to stay on the safe side and for worst case scenario, let's say you need all three.

All the rest is pure mathematics!

For the sake of argument, let's assume that you have arrived at Steemit today and you don't have a single Steem Power.
(Although we both know certain amount has been allocated to you just for signing up. At the time of this writing, it's about 25 or something Steem Power.)
So, you are starting from total ZERO!

Let's also assume, for the sake of the worst case scenario, that all of your actions (posting, commenting and voting/curation) will be paid on Day 7 (as the post payment dues on the seventh day). Meaning, first 6 days your Steem Power would remain at zero.

If this first week wouldn't discourage you and you would still be on Steemit, here comes the first change you were looking for.

  • Day 7 - Your first payment from Day 1 arrives, and now you have 0.100 Steem Power
  • Day 8 - Your second payment from Day 2 arrives, and now you have 0.200 Steem Power
  • Day 9 - Your third payment from Day 3 arrives, and now you have 0.300 plus 0.6% interest for the Steem Power you were holding for 1 day which is 0.001 Steem Power, what means your total is now 0.301 Steem Power
  • Day 10 - Your forth payment from Day 4 arrives, and now you have 0.401 and again plus 0.6% interest for the Steem Power you were holding for another 1 day which is 0.002 Steem Power, so your total is 0.403 Steem Power
  • Day 11 - by using the same calculation your total Steem Power would be 0.505 Steem Power
  • Day 12 - total Steem Power is 0.608 Steem Power
  • Day 13 - total Steem Power is 0.711 Steem Power
  • Day 14 - total Steem Power is 0.815 Steem Power


2 Weeks for just 0.815 Steem Power which is only about $1.30 at the moment?

Yes! But, this is worst case scenario! And this is just first 14 days of total 1462 days where your $150,000 is waiting for you! Remember? Besides, if you divide those $150K with 1462 days, you will find out that each day you have invested here by following 3 simple steps brought you over $100 per day, in fact.

Even bigger questions are

What if you can make (and you can) more than just 0.100 Steem Power per day?

What if 4 years from today 1 STEEM wouldn't worth just $1.68 (as it worths today at the time of this writing), but let's say $10?

Can you imagine, in that case, your accumulated (about) 100,000 Steem Power wouldn't worth just $150,000 but $1 million ($1,000,000), what means you've earned, in fact, over $680 each day, starting from today?

By knowing that now, the key question for you is:

Would you invest an hour or two of your precious time on Steemit to go through those 3 easy steps and reach that goal?

From my point of view, only one thing may stop you.

Only laziness can stop you!

Yes, that's right, only laziness accompanied with lack of persistence and just seemingly discouraging small start my stop you. Nothing else!

I know, you might say, 4 years is a long period for such a commitment, but let me ask you this.
How many years have you already spent on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest or what ever social network for nothing?

For own sake, I hope you would embrace this opportunity and take that road to wealth!

Walking the road

Photos: Pexels

Posted on Sunday, July 23, 2017


absolutly true. I have been always saying that, but could not put as well you did.
you got yourself a new follower :

Step by step closer to a million :)

Right! 👍 🙂

Very compelling post @ana-maria. I am just on my 3rd day of posting, so I am learning so much. I have seen a lot of people saying that only the established people will make any cash worthwhile, so your post was very encouraging!!

Thank you very much, @sallykwitt! 🙂 I'm really glad if it would keep you going!

To be honest, I thought so too for a long time (that "only the established people will make any cash worthwhile"). But it's not true! OK, established members would always have higher possibility to earn more and quicker, but that also might change through time because of some new kids on the block that would also become 'established' through time. The beauty of Steemit is that that new kid on the block could be you or me, both of us, or anyone else.

Being here almost a year by now, I also had my ups and downs, giving ups and returning backs. As well, through all that time the platform was changing, developing and growing, but also being through some 'less good times' overcoming obstacles and mistakes.
Steemit is a 'living organism' in constant change, from the beginning, and in its essence created the way that it might always be changed, developed and improved by contribution and ideas of any individual or group of individuals! - That's its basic beauty and advantage.

So, what I'm talking now it's something that I tried, checked and tested, and what's currently valid and actual.

All the best, sincerely

it is like a living organism, and like always, it will be interesting to see what the next few months bring. thanks for your post, intriguing

Looks nice but where did you get the daily 0.6% interest rate info from. I am so bad in math.
It's says 0 in my wallet, it used to be more last year.
I am here since June 2016 and I am not one of the superstars but I did quite well so far.
Nice to meet you Ana!

Thank you for your comment, @mammasitta! Unfortunately, daily interest is not 0.6% as I thought. It's way lower. Where I found it and what my newest findings are you may see in my Follow Up Post.


That's such a great information @ana-maria. I didn't know that SP in our account is accumulating some interest for us. Thanks a lot for putting light on this. I just checked FAQ and found that "STEEM tokens that are powered up to STEEM Power earn a small amount of interest for holding.". Can you please let me know from where did you find this 0.6% figure? I wasn't able to spot it.

Also, going by that calculation, I have currently 73.537 SP in my account. So, even if I don't do anything, will it be roughly half a million in 4 years from now accumulating the compound interest? That's bit hard to digest! 😀😀😀

Wow! I wish that happens, but is unbelievable. I mean, there are so many number of steemitians, will everyone be a millionaire?

No, apparently not everyone is going to be a millionaire. The developers changed the algorithm and here you may find my newest findings.

Well, the truth is that SP in our account accumulates some interest, but not 0.6% daily (or at least not as much anymore).
More about it, you may find in my Follow Up Post where I explain more about how, where from, why and how much at the moment.

New Followers get 0.001 SBD$ and an upvote for free!!

Just follow @steemvote and...

  • we follow back
  • send you 0.001 SBD to your wallet
  • upvote your newest posting

This is exactly the wrong way to endure the four years.

Thats right! if you can just save up $1000 in steempower, then in just a year or two when steem is up to $1000 then you will have 41 million dollars! and steem WILl hit $10 then $100 then $1000 it WILL hit $1000 just look at bitcoin going from a fraction of a penny like $00.000001 all teh way to $3000 a 3 million percent increase in value so a 1000% increase is childs play for cryptos! its toitally doable in the next fw years! I honestly belive we can end the summer at 410 and the year at $100 steem wil be unaffected by other cryptos movements we will b seperate because of how many poeople we will have!

steem wil bcome the b;oclchaion that could! the lil b;ockchain that could! we iwll explode and be bigger thajn bitcoin showing the first real application for a blockchain and how it can allow someone to even compte with giants as big as facebook! so next peopel will take the blokchain and apply it toi Amazon andf shipping and sho[pinG! omg did anyone ever realize that amazon does Shiping and Shop[ping and the I and O and IO lik on and off so yeah we should then conqwuer Google and ISPs and make Blockchain ISP satelite lauicnh with spaceX of opur OWN internet cube sats and launch SO many of em that you can get free wifi from anywhere on earth THAt would help anyone get online and alow steemit tio REALY grow! the global economy would dpouble overnight if EVERYONE had freeinternet!

The post made me giggle but I enjoyed it. I did what you are saying in less than a year so I know it is possible.

@hilarski by the strict contest rules, you are not allowed to participate in this 'contest' or 'proof check' as this is the worst case scenario. 😁😜
I'll call you right away when I'm going to post best case scenario! 😉🙂

But you are allowed to giggle as much as you want! 🙃 😁🙃

Now, seriously! Thank you very much for your comment and support! 🙂

Looking forward to all those other posts you mentioned here. Particularly the best case scenario! I like to dream big.

LOL - Well, although I also like to dream big, I would rather stick with "worst case scenarios" as if that works or might be compelling enough, all above that would be great! 😉

@hilarski Nice! But you also had the benefit of the very low price and small community with therefore more Steem in average for everyone. I am not sure if that is actually correct, please tell me otherwise. Of course the same could happen on a larger scale again (and hopefully will). I also assume that you accumulated more than 0.1 Steem each day.


Looking in my wallet it is showing a current interest rate of 0%. I do remember getting an interest payment or two way back in March or so. But nothing since. Back then it said something like 1.3%. And it was NOT on SP but rather on SBD.

Dear @troyvandeventer, you must be mixing something as this what I'm talking about doesn't have anything to do with our Steem Dollars or even less with our Savings (that you showed from your Wallet screenshot).

But, I will tell you right away how you may check what I'm talking about.

I would just kindly ask you NOT to Redeem any new rewards that would come your way in next 24 hours (just to be able to see it even better).
Although it could already be seen. 😉

Your screenshot shows (at the time of taking it, what was 2 hours ago) that you have 211.208 Steem Power.
Now, when I checked it already raised and current stats are 211.209 SP (0.001 more than 2 hours ago, having in mind that you didn't redeem anything in the meantime, what is also very important to prove my case).

So, your current total is 211.209 SP and I checked that at 10:15 pm (UTC+2).

If you are not going to redeem any new rewards for the next 24 hours (just leave them in that greeny box for that time) - you will see that, tomorrow at exact same time (10:15 pm (UTC+2) - your SP wallet would be in total of 212.476 SP.
In other words, 1.267 Steem Power more than you are currently holding.
What is exactly 0.6% daily interest that we receive for keeping our earnings in Steem Power.

If you agree to participate in this proving/checking experiment, and tomorrow after the 24 hours pass, you are going to Redeem for the first time your (in the meantime accumulated) rewards it would be added to your new 212.476 SP total, and day after tomorrow evening your SP interest would show additional 0.6% interest calculated on (212.476 + Redeemed amount).

I hope this would clarify to you the whole thing. 🙂

Thanks for the clarification.

Any time! Glad if it helped! 🙂

Hey @ana-maria, looks like this calculation has a flaw somewhere. It is more than 24 hours after posting that comment so as per your opinion @troyvandeventer's SP should have been 212.476 but it is currently 211.224 only. It surely has increased but not by the rate of 0.6%. What's your take on this?

Yes, you are right. The rate of 0.6% is not valid anymore, and it turned out it was only for few first months upon launch of the platform. Not to repeat myself all over again, please take a look at my Follow Up Post.