Why Do My Well Sourced Articles By A Financial Whistleblower Have Less Votes Than A Shit Post?

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Steemit is absolutely broken with rewards going out to people who don't deserve it while my posts from a whistleblower regarding massive Wall St corruption, the biggest financial fraud documented in history are completely ignored.

I won't spend much time ranting here, I will simply leave the two recent posts that deserve your attention more than anything else on this platform that aren't getting any views and up votes. Trump has nominated a racketeer for the federal bench. Do any of you care that Goldman Sachs and MNAT are in control of financial law (SEC) and soon the judicial Delaware 3rd circuit court. Where majority of bankruptcy cases happen? YOU Should.. 

This could make 2008's collapse look like child's play.. propping the economy up on massive amounts of fruad..

Part 1:  WHISTLEBLOWER: Trump Nominates Racketeer for Federal Bench

Part 2:  WHISTLEBLOWER: Trump Nominates Racketeer for Federal Bench PT2

This is extremely discouraging being a journalist who is struggling just to continue. After coming back from being extremely sick for nearly a week missing revenue, this is even more disappointing. I work my ass off writing these articles, digging up information. Sometimes talking to sources, risking my life etc. and the least they deserve is $100. 

Why should I continue risking my life putting out information when I am getting less funding then Infowars?  Which lies consistently, latest example "FISA DNI memo just declassified." That's incorrect the memo seen on the DNI's website using archive.org was declassified last year in May.

I hold way more cited factual information than Alex Jones and I have more sources because I am technical, know how to protect my sources, wipe exif data and dig up past information.

But whatever, maybe I should just start making up stories because no one seems to care about the truth, integrity and citing sources anymore and its all about sensationalized bull shit headlines for clicks. Humanity you are quite pathetic, you bitch, moan and whine about Wall St robbing you blind but then when there is evidence of it, you ignore it?

I am going back to bed.. because clearly I woke up on the wrong side..


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Please don't give up AK you do great work.
You're right in that some posts get a decent payout for what some consider shit while others who have like you worked tirelessly to expose the scum ruining our societies are receiving less.
I'm sorry I don't know the answer however I will do my small part to help keep you here by being more vigilant and checking your blog more regularly.
Hang in there mate, Steemit needs quality researchers/ bloggers.
EDIT: I've added you to Steemvoter for what it's worth so I won't miss any of your posts again.
Feel better dude.

Not your fault and thank you for the add to yet another bot on this platform. But yes indeed its a very big problem. Especially when the information has to be put out but the reward doesn't pay for the time spent. Ill continue covering Laser Haas's story because no one else has and everyone including Mainstream reporters have turned down this story.

I'll be honest I'm not a fan of bot voters, I try to do as much manual voting as possible.
Steemvoter is handy if you take a few days away as you can go back through the log and find all the posts to ensure engagement with those you have voted for. Not perfect but better than missing out on the chance to engage with the writers you respect and support.

I get what you mean and I've also been frustrated by Steem in the past and I still get frustrated sometimes but it's up to us to change what we don't like.

Steem could be better. What do you think should be done? Have you read Steem's whitepaper? Do you understand how Steem works?

You should use bot to give more visibility to your posts if you think they deserve more visibility and rewards.

Also because someone is publishing the best post doesn't mean they will get the most reward. That's not how it works nowhere on the internet and Steem isn't an exception. If no one see your post then they will flop no matter how good they are.

And also I don't personally care about politics because I know what it is, it's political theater orchestrated to mislead us.

Nothing good will ever come out of centralized government and they need are will be totally reformed influence by the power of cryptocurrency. That's one subject I want to read about how decentralization is undermining the power of governments.

Someone with a 1$ upvote on Steem shouldn't expect the same support as someone with a 1,000$ upvote and that's part of Steem. Steem was originally designed in a very different way than it is today and I tend to think the 2^n curve made more sense than the current design.

And if you don't bid on bid bots others will.


Hey buddy, I think what could be done has to do with limiting posts rewards basing it on how many characters are in the blog post or how long the article is. Which would encourage people to put more work into their posts.

I don't have the time to play with Steemit bots, I do so many different things and I am constantly working. I don't have time to day trade cryptocurrency let alone sit and bid on a bot.

My time is spent writing for Activist Post, Coinivore, Steemit or various other volunteering that I do such as helping create onG.Social or helping run CEEK's ICO. www.ceek.io

In regards to this series, it comes from a whistleblower and after everyone complaining about Wall St fraud this is direct evidence of it. If the bad guys get control of making laws they will aid their friends on Wall St what we are looking at is a bigger crash then 2008 deregulating Wall St again.

I am a well-known journalist I wrote for www.wearechange.org during the election and now I am writing for Activist Post. So maybe it's self-entitlement but yes I feel I deserve the same support as someone with a $1,000 upvote.

Especially since I am putting out original content, my work is influential and I am one of the best researchers out there digging up documents etc.

Further, I am putting in mass amounts of hours to produce this content working my ass off. So seeing quality work like mine not rewarded more is a bit depressing when I put my heart, soul ,
blood sweat and tears into my articles.

Independent journalists are being threatened by Google and Amazon's adpocalypse and continue having their careers and livelihoods destroyed.

Activist Post is being eaten alive having its fundinng cut due to this and our traffic is way way down..

I am not sure what the original model of Steemit was but as this is still a beta I think we have awhile to go to fix the problems.

In the future I may consider paying someone to bid on bid bots for my posts LOL.

I'd love it if all of the best content was the most rewarded but that's not exactly how Steem works. I think it use to do better with the previous reward algorithm.

We aren't arguing about the fact your posts might be more worthy than some posts that are making more.

The bid bots aren't so time demanding and can be quite a good tool even more so if you spend so much time on your posts and I know you are.

I'm not in favor of such a limit on post because that would limit the amount of money people would want to invest in Steem and thus that could curtail the price increase of Steem which is the most important thing for the platform and thus everyone.

I agree with @teamsteem, payout limits based on article length or any other subjective criteria goes against what Steemit stands for. There are indeed lots of problems with Steemit paying out to the least productive members of the community (just go take a look in the NSFW section where people are raking it in just copy-pasting porno .gifs they've stolen off the internet) but complaining because people aren't giving you the votes -- and the money -- you think you're entitled to quite frankly makes you sound a little like the politico-scum you're working so hard to expose. I'll be following you as much as I can from now on and doing my best to support your work (and that of others like you, recommended by suzi3d), so please cheer up: it may take time (like you said, this is still a beta version), but things will sort themselves out, I'm sure.

Oh, and another tip: go easy on the resteems. When I look at your blog I have to look quite hard to find anything written by you. I understand you want to support other good journalists, but when I come to your blog, I want to read stuff written by you, not by other journalists...

Like I said it was self-entitled and I am putting in 48+ hrs to bring this series with the help of a whistleblower. I worked with Suzi3d at We Are Change but we have known each other for years. The reason I am resteeming other's content is to help them grow since I have 2,000+ followers on Steemit. This is another flaw of the design of Steemit there should be a tab to separate someone's blog and there resteems.

Granted I am doing a lot better than most because of who I am and I have met a lot of people who support my work. After complaining with this post the rewards on the post went way up.

The real problem is that I do journalism as a full-time career and with Activist Post having to cut back due to losing traffic on the site.
I am left with only Steemit and Patreon to continue getting by. I am working on helping run an ICO and working with onG though. So the money problems will vanish in the near future. Thanks for the support!

Cool, good to know! Chin up and keep up the good work ;)

Well gave you my two cents on each post. You're doing good work, society just kinda sucks. The fact that Logan Paul is making millions for being a complete dipshit is all you need to know. I'm mad I even know his name.

As Ricky Gervais said on the Daily Show this week though. Human history is 95% of people doing all they can to fuck up, and 5% dragging all of society forward. Unfortunately it's the Sisyphean task we're given in this life.

Stick at it man - what you are doing is REALLY importantant, but you will never have zionist funding like chump or infowars.

And the sheeple have been well trained.

I hope you get more exposure and rewards for your excellent coverage. It is in a whole other universe compared to hacks like Jones. People's attention spans have attenuated dramatically over my lifetime. They want quick and easy answers provided to them by caricatures. Please keep turning that tide!

Yeah I was faced with this recently too, and many Steemians (believe it or not) got me to change my views a bit, don’t get me wrong. I’m still pissed off with the Rewards Pool Rape that’s going on, and I wrote about it here:

https://steemit.com/steemit/@lifeinspired/goodbye-steemit-thank-you-minnows 😤
It almost motivated me enough to leave, but I love steemit and the Real People that are here and that put out quality content vs. the shit posts. You are one of those peeps man. Just take some time and process, we can still fight against the bullshit, but yeah, I’ve realized the system is the system, and whatever system it may be, people are always going to find a way to bastardize and abuse it. People. Not all are bad. - as for quality content, yeah read my post dude. Cream doesn’t rise to the top here, quality doesn’t get rewarded (truly) it’s people who have the most Whales in their pocket that make the most regardless of the content they are putting out. So as fucked up as “Whale Fishing 🎣” is... that’s what this model was built around... Whales have the power, and minnows and Plankton don’t. If a whale doesn’t like your post or comment and say it earned a bunch from all the Minnows following it, well, the Whake vote can wipe it out in 1 shot! Weight of the votes are powered by how much Steem Power you have... sadly.

Resteemed your post and UpVoted. 🤙🍻
Keep it up dude...

Too many vote sharing rings mean that shit articles make good money whilst quality content gets buried. They will fail in the long run.

Keep going though, man. I'm enjoying your stuff.

Your article poses a question, and to answer it, I'm suspecting it's because the posts you link to have more of an American than a global interest. I don't mean to sound critical - it's just an observation. I don't know what proportion of Steemit members are American, but I would guess that's at least part of the reason.
Personally speaking I've never heard of the Federal Bench, and I have no influence over Trump being in the White House, so these two posts contain a lot of information which I don't really understand - and I'd imagine that's the case with most Steemers who don't live in the US.
Having said that, those posts did get a lot of upvotes in my opinion. They seem pretty successful to me.
I know what you mean - there are many trivial posts that seem to earn fortunes on Steemit, and many people game the system. I also put a lot of work into posts that don't get enough attention. But I don't think Steemit's broken. We just have to try harder to make it work.

Until the East takes over as the world reserve currency, economic moves made in the West will affect every other country. As such having racketeers in charge of the law (SEC) and state judicial 3rd circuit court in Delaware where most bankruptcy cases take place, fraud will run rampant. What happens next is markets climb wrongfully since Wall St is deregulated. What follows is economic collapse that will be way worse than 2008.

It does sound like a dreadful and possibly engineered situation, and I'm glad you're speaking out about it.

Not me this story was given to MSM they ignored it this is whistleblower Laser Haas I am just telling his tale.

You are absolutely right and I support you 100%. You have my vote although it does not have much value.

Seems writing ten crypto posts a day on here with wild predictions about currencies that even the market has zero idea why it goes up or down, is the best way to earn money on here sometimes. I feel for ya and hear ya.

I also write for @Coinivore I don't write 10 posts a day though and i actually do understand the markets and politics that affect them that others don't and completely ignore. :P

At least you know what you are talking about then, I was more referring to a gent whose name starts with a H :-)

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