in #steemit6 years ago


Set off (phrasal verb) = to start a journey (शुरू करना)
Revelation (noun) = disclosure (खुलासे)
Sway (verb) = swing, shake (एक ओर झुकना)
Dubious (adj) = doubtful (संदिग्ध)
Consent (noun) = agreement (सहमति)
Slander (noun) = infamy (बदनामी)
Propaganda (noun) = information of a biased or misleading nature (प्रचार प्रसार)
Potent (adj) = powerful (प्रबल)
Corrosive (adj) = destructive, unfriendly (संक्षारक)
Prickly (adj) = spiny, spiky (काँटेदार)
Mandate (verb) = command, injunction (शासनादेश)
Viable (adj) = Capable of working successfully(व्यवहार्य)
Unprecedented (adj) = Never done or known before (अभूतपूर्व)
Bystander (noun) = Non-participant (दर्शक)

Lip service (noun) = To say that you agree with something but do nothing to support it (दिखावटी प्रेम)
Agitate (verb) = Make troubled or nervous (उत्तेजित करना)
Ceremonial (adj) = Relating to formal religious (अनुष्ठानिक)
Dissuade (verb) = Discourage, prevent (रोकना)
Gruelling (adj) = Extremely tiring (थकानेवाला)
Chronic (adj) = Persistent, long-term (बहुकालीन)
Paradigm (noun) = A typical example or pattern (मिसाल)
Procurement (noun) = Occupation of acquiring something (खरीद)
Surmountable (adj) = Vincible (जीतने योग्य)
Plight (noun) = A dangerous or unfortunate situation (दुर्दशा)
Woe (noun) = Sorrow or distress (शोक)
Compel (verb) = Force to do something (मजबूर करना)
Magnitude (noun) = Volume, quantity (परिमाण)
Overwhelm (verb) = Overcome (पराजित)
Discard (verb) = Get rid of sth as no longer useful or desirable (अलग करना)
Inhale (verb) = Breathe in (साँस खींचना)
Indisputably (adv) = In a way that can not be challenged (निर्विवाद रूप से)
Contaminant (noun) = A polluting or poisonous substance that makes something impure(दूषित पदार्थ)
Induce (verb) = Succeed in persuading to something (प्रेरित करना)
Aggravate (verb) = Annoy or exasperate (उत्तेजित करना)
Stagger (verb) = Move unsteadily, astonish (लड़खड़ाना, चौंका देना)
Debris (noun) = Scattered pieces of rubbish or remains (मलबा)
Durable (adj) = Long lasting (टिकाऊ)
Feasible (adj) = Practicable, doable (संभव)
Segregation (noun) = Separation (अलगाव)
Consensus (noun) = A general agreement (आम सहमति)
Outsmart (verb) = To defeat (मात देना)

Intercept (verb) = Obstruct (अवरोधन करना)
Parlance (noun) = A particular way of using words (बोल-चाल)
Quantifiable (adj) = Able to be measured as a quantity (मात्रात्मक)
Intervention (noun) = Involvement (हस्तक्षेप)
Magnitude (noun) = Volume, quantity (परिमाण)
coughed up from the respiratory tract (बलगम)
Infertility (noun) = Inability to conceive children (बांझपन)
Dormant (adj) = Inactive, passive (निष्क्रिय)
Etiquette (noun) = The customary code of polite behaviour in society (शिष्टाचार)
Notorious (adj) = inf3amous, ill-famed (कुख्यात)
Sheer (adj and adv) = Complete, genuine (वास्तविक)
Bombardment (noun) = A continuous attack with bombs (बमबारी)
Concession (noun) = Compromise (रियायत)
Caliber (noun) = The level of ability (क्षमता)
Provocation (noun) = Speech that makes someone angry (उत्तेजना)
Disproportionate (adj) = Irrelevant, odd (विषम)
Enormous (adj) = Large (विशाल)
Utility (noun) = Usefulness (उपयोगिता)
Laden (adj) = Loaded (लदा हुआ)
Discourse (noun) = Discussion, conversion (बातचीत)
Dispensation (noun) = A political, religious system (व्यवस्था)
Inferiority (noun) = The condition of being lower in status (तुच्छता)
Infiltration (noun) = The action of entering illegally (घुसपैठ)
Tactical (adj) = Strategic, calculated (कार्यनीतिक)


Thanks for this important information,

Good publication

Thanks for the important information

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