Biggest Challenge for Steemit innovation and further evolution

in #steemit8 years ago

It may seem like a fairly simple question at first but when you dig deeper it’s a whole other story.

So what exactly is the biggest challenge to Steemit innovation coming days?

There have been many expert articles on this question,who have many views and there are many answers to it. But that’s what the issue is.


There is not just one answer to this question.

This is because even if Steemit succeeds in figuring out the biggest challenge that haunts the platform they cannot come up with a straightforward solution.

“Right then, so from now let’s be innovative!”, @ned, @dan, and all witnesses might say one day but this is not easy. The whole approach in order to reform the Platform to be innovative cannot become part of the way Steemit operates overnight. It needs proper sunlight, water, and air to grow.

Well, it sounds weird?


Let’s assume Steemit's strategy as the Sunlight here. Steemit strategy has to be worked upon. A Proper strategy can land the platform in a place where it intends to be in future. Keeping that in mind the platform should also examine its current position. Bridging the gap all the way from where they stand now to it’s desired position in months or years to come must be looked into. And u must be wondering where does innovation come in all this strategy planning for steemit? So, once the strategy is put in place, steemit needs different kinds of innovative approaches to fuel the engines of strategy.


Moving on to water, steemit as a multi-blogging platform should be as flexible as water is. There may be times when it will run into roadblocks or will be faced with unexpected events. Being flexible will help the platform explore the potential outcomes to discover a way that really works. This will only be understood once you are in the game but it is wise to be open to everything rather than being rigid especially during the initial stages of steemit.


Finally, the Air, that which cannot be seen, tasted or touched is the most important component for living beings to survive. Just like the reputation of Steemit. As reputation builds up, so does the struggle to keep up with it. In such a cases, Steemit has to come up with more innovative ideas to improve the platform in order to maintain the reputation again leading to the increased innovative spirit among all the steemers.

What needs to be understood is that you cannot teach people how to be innovative. It just doesn’t work like that. But does that mean there is no way around this? As a whole, what steemers and people who run Steemit need to understand is that innovation cannot be taught. It can be nurtured.

You cannot teach a plant bud to bloom but with proper sunlight, water and air you can nourish it.

Let me know what do u guys think about it in the comments

Follow and Up Vote @alwayzgame


you cannot teach people how to be innovative.


That's why i like, how you are thinking about the future of steemit :)

What we need is enough love in our hearts to forgive what was wrong but defend what we seek. Jesus is my God and no matter what kind of struggles life brings, Jesus brings hope.

He was kind, humble, forgiving, understanding, meek, peaceful, justified, and his cross testifies our faith. It's only by His glory that can wash away our sins making us whole again.

So you ask what can be done and how can steemit succeed in this massive lake of fire? Here's my answer, Jesus .

He wasn't just a man who came to bring salvation , rather he appears in our sins and wipes away the blood from our hands.

What we are seeking is Heaven on earth, life in death, and an eternal being breaking out of this flesh and living as "One" . Unification brings holliness .

"The same power that rose Jesus from the grave and commands the dead to wake lives in us".-CT

excellent point of view, I like what I post, Many Thanks

I believe you can help people become innovative, you just need to break through two barriers; the programming they have endured all their life and the self doubt they have been shackled with. After that they can become innovative, if they wish... which is hard to resist when you are a free person.

Hey what do you guys think of filtering all the applications and steem tools so that it would be easier for certain people who have a niche in that particular area to make a larger impact without being burdened with all that comes with the blockchain.. Let's Say for example,i am all over the place when i t comes to crypto , I flow in every direction.. Just food for thought :D

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