Ways to Increase Regularity of Posting

in #steemit2 months ago

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Hello everyone!

I got myself a special Google spreadsheet called "Content plan Steemit" and this, along with other devices, helps at least a little to cope with the beautiful horse named Time.

This horse (or is it a horse?) is galloping. Just recently I wrote a post, and now... two days have passed! How is this possible, how is this all possible.

Yes, it makes it a little easier to understand that now is the night between the second and third days, and with a big stretch, if I publish a post now, then I can say that the break was 1 day.

But this is already an attempt to pull wishful thinking for reality. And this is not at all the desired publication of a daily post.

What to do?

It is necessary to approach the situation systematically. What are the options to improve the situation?

Posts list

First of all, it is necessary to clearly define the goals. That is, the whole whirlwind of what is happening should be divided into clear goals.

What do I want? Publish quality posts on Steemit daily. You can also ask - why do I want to do this? A good question, although more difficult.

But I will still answer it - publish on my blog on Steemit - to maintain activity in the ecosystem, to have an active blog, and, ultimately, to increase my contribution to the ecosystem.

Is this true? Yes, but that's not all, since I also want to create a project on Steemit. And here new difficult questions begin. Therefore, perhaps it is worth highlighting the goal - to write daily posts.

And for this to happen, a content plan can help. Schedule posts a month in advance, and this will make working with posts much easier.

The second option is to reduce the frequency

You can abandon the ambitious plan to publish posts daily, and even publish posts every other day.

The main idea is that regularity is more important than one-time spurts. In other words, it's better to write posts once a week for a year than to write every day for a week and then disappear for a few months :)

Have a nice day everyone.


ніби вчора писав допис...дивлюся, а йому 2,3,4 дні - не може бути! Я ж щойно його написав.
Нік не можу перебороти себе писати "щоденники" як я п'ю каву, що сниться, тобто нікому не потрібні дрібнички мого життя, хоча вони можливо і потрібні, але меншому колу.
То ж все трив боротьба один аккаунт чи два, один для серйозник розмов - а інший для всіляких дрібничок, які часом і хочеться писати але не в основому блозі. Чи махнути на це все і постити все в один? Знати б як краще....

Так, так, сама таки є думки - що хочеться ще один писати кожен день та ще й в декілька аккаунтів, але ж це час.

Мабуть дійсно краще регулярно, але постійно, в небагато, а ніж ривками багато а потім паузи.

Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.

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