How Do Certain People Go to Be at night?
The world can be one crazy zoo filled with psychotic people. We live in a world filled with all types of people, business people, labor workers, criminals, murderers, etc. But I'm here to tell you how the crazy and psychotic people like murderers and molestors or criminals go to bed with with no problem and don't feel guilty.
Some people that are murderers, molesters, or criminals can go to bed at night because they find perverted reasons to justify their wrong doings. These people find ways to tell themselves that there's nothing wrong with what they did.
A lot of these people not only find perverted ways to justify their wrong doings, but they are in most cases mentally ill. And when you are mentally ill like that, taking somebody's life doesn't phase you or hurting somebody or destroying somebody's life doesn't. It's just amazing the kind of things that can make a person do a certain thing. If I would have killed or hurt someone I couldn't live with myself.
And I do believe that some people are actually evil. And I'm not going to name any examples...(although I could If I wanted to)...but I don't think I should share who I think is evil. Some people, deny it or not, are just insane, crazy, and evil. And it's sometimes scary.
The way the human mind can evolve is really crazy. If you try to unfold the mind of one of these psychotic people, it's like opening up a Pandora's box. So anyways, what do you guys think about this? I just want to say thanks to all of my supporters, you mean so much to me, and have a great day!
Interesting post @alex-icey thanks for sharing! Cheers!
good post upvoted