How To Start A Blog Today In Steemit
An Easy Free Step-By-Step Beginner’s
Guide To Create A Blog In 20 Minutes

Are you looking for a free, easy, step-by-step guide on how to start a blog?My free guide on this page will show you how to create a blog that is beautiful and functional, all in an easy step-by-step tutorial .Ready to start the simple step-by-step tutorial?
I know that starting a blog can seem overwhelming and intimidating. This free guide is all about blogging for beginners, and will teach you how to be a blogger with just the most basic computer skills. So whether you’re 8 or 88, you can create your own blog in less than 20 minutes.I am not ashamed to admit that when I was first learning how to build a blog I made a ton of mistakes. You can benefit from more than a decade of my experience so that you don’t repeat these same mistakes when you make your own blog. I created this free guide so that anyone can learn how to blog quickly and easily. <>send me a message and I will do my best to help you! How to Start a Blog in 6 Steps Learn how to create a blog in about 20 minutes following these steps: Let’s start your blog!
Skip the rest of this introduction and <>start building your blog!