Why Steemit will make you more money than any blog with adsense

in #steemit8 years ago

 This post is for anybody new to the Steem community or anybody that is seeking the real value in making money on Steem.  

When it comes to making money online I have gone the full circle. I started off in my early years making tiny websites with affiliate links using a platform called click bank. I gradually moved became a member of the eBay partner network and the amazon associates program and using those. At one point I even had an electronic cigarette review blog that whilst didn't earn a huge income. It brought floods of free e cig kits coming through the post for review. Random but I was never short of e liquid!! I am now running a digital marketing agency helping other companies generate leads online. I have become the person that actively seeks out the bloggers to help promote our clients. I am telling you this because over the years of seeing the potential of earnings from a blog. I have never seen anything like Steemit. 

The potential earnings on Steemit is huge. Despite the complaints of it being difficult to earn at the beginning, if you compare it to how long it takes for a standard blog to earn money it's phenomenal. In the first two days here I earned around ten Steem. This isn't anything special but I remember it being months before I saw a penny from some of the blogs I started years ago.   

I now tell all of my friends or anybody for that matter who is actively blogging they need to take a serious look at Steemit right now.   

Whenever I talk about Steemit there are often a few key things I end up saying as selling points for the platform so I thought I would share them with anybody new here so you see the direct benefits to the old way of blogging.  

You get paid for everything  

Most bloggers are used to dashing around Facebook and Twitter. Constantly engaging with people to build up their personal brand and their followers. They do this not for direct monetary benefits. But so that people know who they are. Just so that there is a chance that those people will remember that blogger and maybe one day will go and check out their site and then maybe they will benefit from that user clicking an ad one day. Sounds like hard work...

When you tell a blogger that on Steemit they get paid directly for the up votes their content gets, get paid for commenting and for even up voting others people content. Watch their mouths drop as their mind is blown. 

Put simply, the other ads driven platforms cannot compete with a block chain social platform like this. Especially for a new blogger starting out.   

The income is far higher than ad clicks  

The next selling point is the actual income itself. Again bloggers know that it is almost habit for people to engage with something they like on social media. Be that a like, a re tweet or an up vote. It is almost second nature for people. Apply that to a platform like Steem where up votes drive revenue and you can get a well paying system.   

Steem has found a way of driving funds directly to the content creators and at a much higher rate than google and Facebook etc.  

No need to worry about off page organic search or SEO

Most bloggers will be aware of the amount of time it takes to build up an authority website. It is years of hard work building partnerships, relations, doing PR jut so that your website can get mentioned in other places on the web so you can then rank in Google for articles that you write.

With Steemit there is no need for this. You are already writing on a domain with authority that has strong backlinks and attention from search. This means that the content you create from day one will already have the best chance to rank. It allows you to spend more time on your content and less time worrying about building the website's reputation.

No hosting required 

 I have seen some bloggers actually debating shutting down their website to focus fully on Steem. Whilst I don't quite agree with this yet as it is very early days, I do understand their point.   

When you have a platform that is paying more than any ad platform has in the past. Add to the fact that all the content is self hosted. You start to think about whether you need a website at all and could potentially save costs.   

For anyone thinking about this, i say wait a while for the number of Steemit users to build up. This is a great idea however the number of users of the platform is still tiny compared to internet users.

It is early days...

This bring me nicely to the final thing and probably the most important point, Steemit is very much in its infancy. Starting to create content on Steemit now is like being one of the first few discovering Reddit or Facebook. The audience is small but it also means that the amount of other content creators is small. This means you can build a following much easier if you are new and starting out. In 2 years time, Steemit will be flooded with millions of content creators and it will be much more difficult for your content to be noticed. Get on it now whilst it is easier.   

So for all new Steemians out there like myself. I hope you are as excited as I am about the fact that you have found a platform in it's infancy where you can start creating content today to get a footing before the main stream audience comes in.   

Happy Steeming!! 



Great post! I also have had some affiliate sites in the past. When you have an affiliate site the monetary incentive is to convince the reader to buy some product or sign up for some service, which may not always be the best for them. Personally I try to be honest and put both affiliate and non-affiliate linka alike, put subconsciously you are incentivised to sell something. With Steemit the only incentive is to great content.


I disagree with not having to worry about SEO. You're right about link building and domain authority etc. Lots of people will find your posts through google so this is still important. I've read a guide which suggests to still submit your links to google and bing.

Hi and thanks for your comment. I'm glad you like the post.
You are right about SEO and in fact I edited the post last minute to change that section title to "off page SEO". Because yes, you do not need to worry so much about building an authority domain with links etc but when it comes to creating the right article title for SEO purposes. Absolutely!!

I'm glad I'm not the only one who is actively trying to encourage great content on Steemit. To that effect I created this campaign (please give me feedback, I just want to help):

I will upvote every constructive comment I get on Steemit with 5-10 cents in order to create a WIN-WIN-WIN.

You win by having me upvote and follow you, I win by having great comments and more followers and above all Steemit wins by getting better content.

Read about the rules and conditions here.

Please respond here or on my post with any feedback you have, thanks!

Not just by blogging but engaging in community overall. It's amazing way of getting people into blockchain and other future technologies along with the coins you make by blogging stuff you are passionate about. Like that slogan says: your voice is worth something. Upvoted.

Thanks. It's very interesting and a good time to be part of it. I hope Steem grows the way I see it in my head. It's by far the best for attracting the everyday user.

It's positively addictive. I sincerely hope it will not be flooded with scam/spam when it goes mainstream. Then only ones from the start will get some attention and the others will drown into the sea of bad content. It's happening already. New section is like some public offtopic chat.

Hi. Thanks for contact me on the #promo-uk number. Tried calling back but it went to voicemail. Can you call me when you are free. Thanks. Stephen


Great post!
Steemit is paradise ! ;)

Thanks :) Nice!!

I agree in principle. But it's a fickle platform where a smiley face earns far more than anyone's philosophical exposition, where quality (of input) does not directly gear to quantity (of Steem earned).
So there is much to calculate and learn to get into the flow of making it work.
Nonetheless, it is a noble effort and fun to see how it all goes.

It is definitely an interesting platform. I have spent hours writing posts putting 110% effort in for it to get a few cents reward. Then a very simple post that takes half an hour or so and it performs well.
I suppose it comes down to what content works well at the time. Which I suppose is the same as anything really.

Yes, I think I got that long detailed posts might be good for the soul to get them out, but short great thoughts may well work better.
Reminds me of an old friend, a very talented but struggling artist and writer, who told me once that the universe is screwed up because it rewards persistence over talent. I pointed out that he was screwed up because he knew how the universe worked and expected differently.
So I just need to conform to Steemit, rather than expecting it to conform to me :)

The thought of strictly blogging on here at the moment is a bit tough.

The publishing tools aren't ready for that just yet! But the potential income-wise is certainly there!

I agree, there's a lot more work needed. I've seen a few articles of people saying they are going to move to this solely. As I said I understand why they want to but it's a bit early.

I am excited as you. Glad to have got on it while in its 'infancy'.

In the first two days here I earned around ten Steem

How did you do that?
Care to share some more specifics like:

  1. did you start off with a few or a lot of Steem Power?
  2. did you follow whales and commented on their posts
  3. one tip I read said don't even blog on the first week, just comment and follow people. do you think this is effective?


Sure, happy to help.
That was from the first intro post I did from the first account I created. I originally got annoyed with waiting for Steemit to approve my account to I used @anonsteem to get one instantly. I later moved everything over to this account because apparently you need to have your account approved by Steemit if you want the recovery options to function if anything goes wrong.

In regards to the post itself. It was the same post I did for this account. Nothing particularly special, I just think the community is quite welcoming here. I did have a bit of Steem in the account so that may have helped.
I'm not sure how much that helps though in terms of gaining rewards as an author. I thought it was just for curating content.

Sorry I didn't cover your other points.
No I did not follow whales or comment on their posts. Although that does make an interesting strategy.
The last tip you mentioned I've never heard or tried. Maybe somebody on here has documented the split you get between being an author of a post and a comment.

Thanks for replying.. I know of an account.. and seen it with my own eyes.. it had 0 blog posts, but tons of curating rewards and thousands of comments..

Very encouraging for me as a new blogger. Thanks for that, great post! :)

You're welcome :)

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