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RE: Introducing some few Africans to Steemit

in #steemit7 years ago

@tj4real do not worry about how the price of this wet from $1600 something down to $1564 noone took away their upvotes, its just that the price of steem changes, and steemit doesnt actually show the CURRENT price of steem, but it catches up!

steem is actually up today 11 percent today!
Now u and your african friends can live my dream of everyone in Africa having investment portfolio, not just in stocks but something better that performs way better!

this $1600 dollars you have made if you can try and save at least $1000 in steempower, will end up being 1 MILLION dollars if steem ever goes to $1000 which I know it will just like bitcoin!

if steem goes to $10 this $1000 will be $5000!
and when steem goes to $100 you will have $50,000 just from one $1000 investment!

now more african can RIDE this wave! I thought that if we canmake such EASY money off crypto currency investments hwere in the west, WHY CANT POOR people make this money this fast too? It would solve global poverty if every poor perrson just had a LITTLE bit of investment to live off!

If you can stay frugal and keep your living costs doown, you could live off your steemit account and the crypto currency you get from it!

I want to make sure you dont pay too much money when you "cash out" bitcoins tolocal currency!

i wana make sure we find you the BEST deal do you will only have to pay a few percnetage points but you can hopefully get SPOT prices bu fining someone who wants to BUY bitcoin for cash, you just sell the bitcoins you have for cash

eventually you can USE your bitcoins as Regular cash with more and more people!

untill then its a GOOD thing to save the bitcoins and steem up!

they ARE real money, i know some peopel will try and say this is not real money, OH IT IS real VERY real, you just need more Bitcoin ATMs in ghana an that way people ca n see they are real and not even WANttocash out!
ppeopel will keep the bitcoins i think people around the world just have to be shown the grapph of bitcoin going from penies to over $3000 and they will understand that its real money hahah


Thanks for the advice. I am going to save a 1000$ as you have said and get a camera for my steem activities. I have a seminar which will be held next month fully funded by part of the money i will receive as a reward from the post. So that i can introduce more and more people and show them the love steemit has shown me

if u need to spend the money its yours and u can and i am just remidnig ou that if you CAN ave it, it will end up being SO much more!
also i am SO overwhelmed right now! i even forgot to menton @kus-knee and @fisteganos
they were the first to inspire me to make apost about you guys to promote africanon steemit BECAUSE of how they pointed out how something like a few hundred dollars is like a few THOUSAND dolars to you in africa! That most peopel do not even make $1000 in a month so making $1000 in a single day is a huge deal and I also want you to be friends with all the leaders of ghana so they dont try and make u pay extra taxes just because they see you making money, you will be able to ddo a tax Write Off with your charitable work! You wont have ti pay taxes after t hey see how much good you will be doing for ghana, theyw ill wnt to give u tax breaks so u cancontinue to increae the GD of ghna and ghn governet will end up making BILLIONS more dollars from taxes after steemit btcoin and crypto currency increases your nations GDP by 3 x in a year!!!

@ackza. I really want to get more Ghanaians into steemit so will be organising a conference for Ghanaians in month time. I think the article you referred me to will help me and give me a guide to how its going to be. I have started with the planning and am going to purchase the camera which we talked about last time. Thats what i will use to cover the program. Expect more instant Ghanaian sign up next month. But before then i will be introducing another bunch of Ghanaians very soon. The Ghanaian community is developing and very soon every Ghanaian will join streemit

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