
Sarcasm :D

I will donate the SBD from this post to a social cause.

its all good , i was just joking, and hey you should donate an upvote to my Steemit Africa friends @tj4real and @bania and @mcsaam
@tj4real is getting oots of afrian userson steemit hesin Ghana, Africa, and he has some amazng projects were working on im helping him organize a big steemit advertising campaign for africa, and he just needs lots of supporters and followers to help him upvote his fundraising pots, he has results, hes trustworthy and hard working and also @stellabelle and I wanna send more USB solar chargers to arica so they can all stay online longer (smartphones run out of battery fast especially whenonlien!) africa has a lot of existing wireless infrastructure that is usable they just need more smartphones and smal solr carger backups OR more pocket battery bricks to kep their phones charged

anyway we need to promote more mesh network decentralized interneyt and satelite recievers from outernet we need thsoe BRCK portable wifi backup generators, we need ays to get internet to evryone in africa, get cheap $40 android smartphons by the box and hand em out to people in exchange for signing up to stemit and peopel can geta LOAN to have a smartphone, solar USb charger and $50 prepaid internet for a month, , and they can signup on steemit nd show the program they used in their introduction post, and end up making $100 off their FIRST post to have enough to then pay back the steemit proga, whichg usesthat money to then buy ANOTHER $100 africa inteenrt kit wiyth usb solr charger, smnartphone,a nd one month of prepaid mobile data, 9e need a longterm soltion for free wifi to africa and developing countrues) but yeah we could use steemit to rowdfund so many new steemit users in dveeloping world, and now @tj4real is on his way to ecomning a steemit whale, i convincd him to save most of his searnings as stempower which he has, and now he will be able tp uopvte all the african users who deserve upvoptes, he will be there for his fellow arican stemit users in and we should all go in there wen we can and sprinkle some upvotes to African steemitusers ! even if a small number of Africans are on steemit, when they start making money they become beacons of hope for the people around them in reallife! This is how steemit spreads best via word of mouth, when a minnow becomes a dolphin and they are able to show people steemit and the money theyve been able to make!

Thanks for the info! I do use @treeplanter a lot, to reforest a part of Africa. And I totaly agree with you on this. Africa needs a little push to selfsustain itself as a continent.

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