Make your own "engraved steemit password keychain" metal keychain with Steemit (or any Crypto) Password or 2FA backup Code, out of an Aluminum can in minutes!
If you are new here you NEED to write down or backup your password, and keeping it HAND WRITTEN or HAND MADE LABEL without any internet connected printers to become the weakest link, is what you MUST do! Sure if you save your steemit password to your hdd in a text file or print it fine, you might be ok, but you should do THIS with that precious code you have and need to backup! Make your own keychain that you can engrave your password onto!
I have a feeling @fyrstikken will like this and @thejohasfiles (for a specific reason ) and @craig-grant who can tell new users about this so they dont loose that password they just got!
I am taking a page from Indestructible, and making each step in Picture form! Basically I had this idea that I was writing my codes down by hand because printing can not only "phone home" to printer companies but also printers have a document cache hackers can find, and there goes your crypto currency or 2FA backup! always just hand write stuff down clearly in very clear PEN handwriting, on multiple pieces of paper, and then I thought, ink and paper is so delicate, I want my passwords Tatood on me! That is too extreme, and youll feel stupid if you end up having to change your password. So I thought of engraving my password onto a piece of metal! I realized the pop top rings of soda or beer cans already have a loop that can be used as a key-chain if cut out with scissors! And then ENGRAVE your password with a thumbtack, scissors, or an Exacto Knife!
WEAR GLOVES Cutting up aluminum cans with scissors is VERY sharp and can end up cutting you REAL bad so be careful!
NEVER show pictures of your keys online! Anyone can actually print out an image of your key, and then cut it out of an aluminum can just like this but they end up with a fucking working key! They can just use 2 or 3 layers of the aluminum "key" they cut out of a printed "paper copy" like tracing , LOL you dont even need any special 3d printers!
and for the OPTIONAL LAST step you must get your hands on a DYMA LABEL maker (Which many of you already have or your family members probably have one or a friend or neighbor will!) make a label from your password or backup code or brain wallet 14 word phrase, and then stick it to this aluminum can keychain or whatever keychain or personal item you want like even a dyma label for the inside of your wallet or placed onto a card that you can leave in your wallet next to your ID!
! If you already have a big enough keychain you can always stick the label you print out with the Label Maker onto whatever you want!! If you dont ave access to a label maker they carry them cheap at sometimes CVS but always at Frys or BestBuy home depot or Ace or Walmart or online for a few dollars! Just google "Label Maker" heres one for $11 on amazon
OR if you HAPPEN to have an old TYPEWRITTER you can actually use those metal typing heads, the engravings of each letter, and PRESS it into this rectangle of aluminum
If you dont like how the above keychain ring hangs from the twist off cap, even though those things are freakin attached very well, here is cleaner backup method:
Second method:
Step A2:
Step A3:
Just Engrave it on NEATLY YES i KNOW engraving 32 characters seems tedious, but once you get past the first couple youll realize, it is TOTALLy worth it! If you can't write or have arthritus etc, use the Label Maker and pop that label out and just stick it (they have adhesive on the back so you can stick it like a sticker on this and it will look very professional! I jut like engraving it myself because you never know, with these digital label makers someone might hack into it, LOL you never know just kidding haha but STILL i wouldnt use a digital label maker Id use the analog ones like I listed above :)
Anyway DONT play with the password and put off backing it up! and dont email it yourself or keep it on a digital file in your computer! why risk it! do what coinbase and poloniex does for the majority of their customers coins! Paper wallets! or better yet METAL ! (Stone or Quartz would be cool , imagine engraving your password onto a quartz crystal LOL or ENCODING it onto one of those laser lens so you would need a laser to see your pasword! Holographic password encoding! because stone stuff lasts forever, metal should too but Plastic also lasts forever, carbon fiber would be the best actually!
Heres untill the day when Quantum Super computers can decrypt crypto currencies! LOl maybe someone will use the many exohashs of an ethereum type network to break into a blockchain code using a blockchain ..seems like that would violate the laws of thermodynamics, LOL
But I have heard of people as far as a few years ago making hypothesis that bitcoin and crypto currency could be made obsolete by increasing processing power an quantum computing that can "break" the highest encryption
Fun DIY but I see cutting myself with that thing as some point (or others).
Second Use: Emergency Weapon
You have too much free time! Rofl. Hey its a decent idea. Maybe not good to have in the open if someone recognizes what it is though. Ohh and dont cut your self on your key chain.
yeah i need to add THIS disclaimer
The engraving makes it so youc ant see it from a distance especialy with camera flashes, the metal refelectivity will ame it so you cant see shit...H Yeah but how often do you take your keys out of your pocket?
Your keys stay in your pocket and once you know your keychain has the password you know you cant flash it around
OR you can just BEND the aluminum HAHAHAH yeah just BEND it!
Just bend the aluminum in half !
thats it!
thanks for the comment man...
I will try to store password in brain. Wish me all the best 😀
You cant do that with the regular password string,..convert itto a 14 word brain password phrase and youll EASILy be able to memorize those 14 words!