I was reading Ars Technica and I saw a new article about how US Supreme court ruled Social media is a Constitutional Right! Lets link Instagram with Streemian.com & auto post to IG once a week showing steemit stats! Lets fund our creative projects!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)


So the US Supreme Court just decided that Access to Social Media is a Constitutional Right of Free Speech...for sex offenders ....lol of course it had to be for sex offenders. This brings up so many questions about the right to be on social media even if you aren't a sex offender. But maybe twitter will have to put a little PedoBear icon next to known sex offender's Profiles? LOL Imagine when we have this Scarlet letter or Yellow jewish Star type labeling on social media, where you get a little icon instead of "verified" but says "sex offender" !

(Whats next, a pedobeear logo to show your a verified sex offender? I can see trolls ASKING for this just to have it as a badge of honor! Or how about a little swastika to point out "alright nazis" hah i bet they would love that! I can totally see the creation of little label badges for sex offenders and then theyll make a badge for people who engage in "hate speech" I can totally see this spiraling out of control.

Its like Steemit came out JUST in time to allow people too side step all this bullshit! Because you KNOW they will just abuse a system like that to "allow kids to distinguish sex offenders" hah you KNOW they will be doing that next! ...they'll say "well we couldn't keep sex offenders off twitter so we have to give them a little label like the little blue check for "verified" accounts haha. I HATE Big corporate social media! I HATE the idea that you can have your account "suspended" or outright banned and all your content GONE!

THIS is the MAIN reason I am on steemit! Not to make money! But to have a platform where I can never get banned! The money is just a Bonus but people all focus in on the fact that we CAN get paid. They all go "OH WELL THEY CANT JUST KEEP GIVING OUT FREE MONEY FOREVER"Oh you mean like how Youtube pays its top users? or how about Facebook which is worth 200 Billion Dollars and doesn't sell anything! Or take twitter...they make billions but don't even have a product to sell!

(Image by @ethbull upvote it here https://steemit.com/steemit/@ethbull/steemit-economy-101-infographic-s-on-steem-steem-power-and-steem-dollar )

We actually DO have a product! Steempower! But that's beyond the point (greek word for beyond is Meta) ...

If Reddit actually SHARED some of the profit they made, either from Reddit Gold or from their ad revenue, they could ALSO be paying users! If FACEBOOK decided to not be greedy and actually pay its top users the way Youtube Does, people could be theoretically getting paid from their Facebook Likes! Same with Instagram!

On Instagram you dont get paid a dime no matter how much traffic you bring! I am sure maybe Kim Kardashian and other celebrities with millions of followers receive some bonus gifts from Instagram Corporate offices for driving so much traffic for them but Instagram sees themselves as a product people should be paying THEM for! And honestly if Instagram DID start charging for premium services or just to use the program all together, many people WOULD pay! People are ADDICTED to instagram! And it DOES provide a very high quality service But Steepshot is a REPLACEMENT App for instagram that we can all be using to post and browse photos on steemit with the same easy of use as the instagram app! Download it for Android 9no ios) and login by just logging in with our steemit username an Posting Key (Found in Wallet>Permissions page)

Steepshot is WAY ahead of its time! I think its almost perfect but we need to all be using Steepshot for it to really make an impact on the social media world! Steepshot should post to instagram as well by even while it doesnt it can still be useful for ys! We should all be using this app at least once a week! Once a day might be too much if you dont have alot of photos to post but eventually you wont even sign into instagram you will just open SteepShot App, post a photo, and count the steem you earn instead of counting up those worthless instagram likes and follows! If we invest the time an energy into upgrading this app it will eventually automatically post to Instagram, with a little message like "I just made money posting on IG! download steepshot app and monetize your instagram photos!" if we can get just a fraction of instagram users to joinsteemit we can see steemit's user base grow exponentially! I made a mockup to show you what I am talking about because I tend to ramble on and on but this will make it crystal clear what I mean about our need to link Instagram and Steemit

See what I mean? And I looked this up, we may have a way to build our own special plugins for Instagram! here is the instagram API plugin page https://www.instagram.com/developer/sandbox/ I think if we come at Instagram as a team and all throw our support behind this we can come at Instagram as Instagram users! If just 10,000 of us steemit users with Instagram accounts just started emailing them then they wont be able to ignore us! We can offer Instagram a DEAL to allow Instagram users to MONETIZE their content and we will make sure Instagram knows we are not trying to steal users, if we integrate with IG ahead of time we can work WITH them! we can allow Instagram user to simply show how much Steem is in their wallets by making custom Profile Pics! or just auto upload a Instagram Picture showing all the details from busy.org like a snapshot that gets auto uploaded through Streemian ...now THATS an idea!

Instagram could offer this service to users to offer them a chance to earn some money WITHOUT having to pay users out of their own pockets! let steem take care of paying your users!

I just realized that we should make things easy for ourselves by not fighting facebook or Google or instagram or twitter haha they have like a trillion Dollars between them all so lets not piss them off! Even though we are the future and unstoppable we should just work on symbiotic relationships, we can disrupt them later! At this point even f steemit.com went down we have chainBB busy.org even Golos in russian! haha so lets have SYMBIOSIS with tech companies! they are all fellow nerds! They just happen to be corporate autists! They want money we got money...they want satisfied customers we got em! We just need their users! And you can be a user of both facebook and steemit! We can all work together!

But Steemit doesn't have to sell its soul, and steemit.com could be "sold" to some big company and they wouldn't be able to corrupt it even if they tried! They could screw shit up with steemit.com on purpose sure but steem blockchain is more than just steemit.com! we could all just use busy.org and or just use the backup steem block explorers! So dont worry we are invincible! you would have to go and assassinate every steemit witness and there are secret witnesses out there who have backups of everything! Ahh Now I get why @neoxian made that Dune Spice reference! Steem is Spice, Spice is life, spice must flow...

(Clip from Movie "Dune(1985)" Where the "Spice" is this magical DMT like substance that lets someone have superpowers and experience all time at one time, and moves the entire universe around you while you stand in one point....at least thats how I remember it as a child...that movie really made an impact on me as a child! probably some of my earliest memories are crazy sci fi on TV hahaha starting to see why I am like I am? I was born in 1987! I didnt have a chance ...haha)

We have a chance to either stand up for steemit and blockchain and RECOGNIZE that we are basically at the start of Reddit or Google or Facebook when they first started, its like we are all working at Amazon.com in its first year or two and people are saying we will never be that big and we should go find a real job

(75% of these tch Billionaires never graduated College)

Even if you joined TODAY you are STILL an early adopter! Acquiring steempower to have a "stake" and getting rich is cool and all, but its just a bonus, a side effect, of the MAIN innovation here, the blockchain social network! NOONE has ANYTHINg lliek steemit and we are past the point where a blockchain social media based onEthereum for example, could be relased, no people would not be ale to reinvent the wheel!

the ONLy way steemit could be outdone is the only way Bitcoin could be outdone! if a Large tech company with massive data centers like Google or Facebook decided to start pre mining their OWN blockchain and then mined it and ran it on their mainframe, pumping in Billions to match any altcoin out there, well, they would then have to force it on their users, and Facebook for example or Paypal or Google could all just create their own coin like facebook makes Facebook coin and tells users they must use it to send money back and forth or paypal would have to quickly make their own blockchain and USE it as the bases fr all their current transactions! It wouldn't work it would be too complicated and would TOTALLY be inefficient!

(Clip from Ghost in The Shell 1 Showing a City made of Computer Servers!)

of course if they DONT invest in this they will be left behind! Its like a country like Saudi Arabia voluntarily loosing money that they COULD spend on the same old profitable Oil infrastructure and more Oil tankers when they know they need to invest in Hydrogen Fuel Tankers (Like they thought they would need a decade ago, remember that?) or large solar farms, to basically not be left behind....But they dont see it that way they see it as a Loss, even if for example, a Giant Automaker realizes they will need to retool all their factories to handle the manufacturing of electric cars, well, that will cost them money that they might not see back for decades!

(Tesla and Google know how to make Long term decade long investments in Infrastructure!)

But when a company actually invests in the future ike when Google "looses money" building some fiber optic network that noone needs at the moment, well further down the line people hail them as Geniuses for thinking ahead and people are actually seeing that you must think LONG TERM lik DECADES at a time if you really want to start making hundreds of millions of hundreds of Billions of dollars like Google or Amazon make.

So if you as a Steemit user, just decide to Invest, NOT just your money as steempower, But your TIME into actually building steemit up as a viable alternative to Reddit and eventually for even facebook and Twitter, then a few years down the line when Steem price is $1000 or above you will UNDERSTAND what I was talking about!

image by @ynotplay upvote his post here:

Its not some pipe dream WISH of mine to see steem at $100 or even $1000 ....Look at bitcoin....in just a few MONTHS it went from $1 to $1000 back in 2011! People think it took years? NO it went RIGHT UP from pennis to $1000 and beyond all within a matter of MONTHS in 2010/2011 ! Steem is TODAY Bigger than the ENTIRE Bitcoin Network when Bitcoin was under 1 billion dollar marketcap! Steemit only began March of Last Year! And we are already about Half a Billion Dollar market cap, while Bitcoin took YEARS to reach even 100 million US dollar marketcap much less 500 Million dollars like Steem! And yes yes that has to do with how ALL cryptocurrencies are booming right now!

(Steem Marketcap As of Today $498 Million US Dollars, $2.12 (Up 6% today)

People look up Altcoins and steem is in the list of top altcoins and unlike every other altcoin besides maybe Ethereum, Steem actually has tens of thousands of users all talking over the steem blockchain and we also have more women than any other cryptocurrency so HONESTLY there is only Bitcoin community, Etereum community Which is basically the same as the Bitcoin community, and then there's Steemit! and there's nothing that even comes close! I could even argue that Steemit and steem blockchain has WAY more people interacting than all of ethereum and bitcoin put together! Bitcoin Doesn't have a massive forum besides BTCtalk forums and theres NOT as much activity there as there is onsteemit!

(Here we are at #17 altcoin with Half a billion dollar marketcap We only dropped from #12 to #17 altcoin because there has been a correction recently and reorganization, some other altcoins really came up like IOTA (which wont last long) and then alot of other altcoins gained alot of market cap and steem is still steady around half a billion! we were up to near 700 Billion but we will get back there!

Same story of low user engagement with all the Reddit subreddits for bitcoin or ethtrader or ethtraderpro or all the ethereum and bitcoin subreddits, they may have more users than us total but many are fake accounts AND reddit has a TERRIBLE user engagement! people signup, make one comment and NEVER use reddit again! people on steemit post an comment everyday and actually reply to everything and NO website has a better user engagement than us right now besides maybe snapchat or instagram! Another reason why we would all be using the @Steepshot App to show instagram users they ccan make MONEy instead of just likes! But we should also post on instagram too but only ABOUT our steemit posts!!

People here are all happy and making money on steemiit! Instagram users seem to be happy but none of them are making money off their instagram posts directly! Now MANY instagram accounts DO generate income but indirectly through marketing or advertising of products where customers request an order manually through a DM (direct message) and plenty of stores exist on instagram where people sell stuff directly on Instagram! But Imagine all the people who make money indirectly and get tons of likes an comments and views on each post, hah they could make even MORE money! I like to call it "ReMonetization" Like taking all your most successful youtube videos maybe some you couldn't monetize due to copyright, well on steemit if you make a Post out of them you can "re Monetize" if your post is good and you are original creator of the youtube videos and can prove it! If we connected our steemit accounts to www.streemian.com and created an automatic post that took a screenshot of our busy.org profile showing our steemit stats and money weve made we could update all our instagram followers every week showing how much we have made on steemit that week!

For example, here is a Screenshot of my Instagram! I changed my Profile Photo to the Steemit Logo so people know I am serious and steemit isn't just some Fad! (I also changed my facebook and Google/Youtube profile pic to steemit logo as well!)

And you can see how I post about how much I make and others make on Steemit , and post theese screenshots of steemit..com ONTO my instagram to entice my Instagram followers (and facebook twitter tumblr) to all join steemit!

People on reddit are seriously suicidal you can READ it in their words! Their so apathetic and cynical theyve given up on life everywhere except Steemit and Youtube and theres some happy people on Instagram too because instagram is where you go to show off your happiness to other happy people

We are seriously just like the founders of ANY large tech giant like Google or Amazon or Paypal! These are our moments of glory! people will make documentaries about early steemit users one day "before they were rich and famous". Because if you just invest in steempower now you will become a steemit stakeholder and you will not regret it. But hey I dont need you to! Steemit doesn't need any one of you! its going to happen with or without you so you might as well get a piece of the action!

dont end up like all those people who knew about bitcoin when it first came out but just NEVER bought any! DON't be like that with steemit! BUY AS MUCH steempower as you can AFFORD it is the ONLY cryptocurrency you really need! Sure buy some bitcoin and some ethereum and Zcash and Dash and litecoin and Nxt Coins and steller ripple Siacoin Bytecoin and Monero to play it safe but DONT be crazy and NOT buy any! Get at least 1 of all of them! You have nothing to loose but everything to gain!

Buying/Earning/Saving steem or steempower at $2 per steem before it goes to $100 then $1000 then $10,000 per steem, is your chance to actually go back in time and buy a bunch of Bitcoins for $2 each! if you could go back in time, wouldn't you buy $2 bitcoins? Well look steem IS the next great thing in crypto an just look how easy it is to send and receive steem compared to ANy other crypto currency! I think ethereum has some sort of domain name service where you ca BUY a eth domain like ackza@ethereum or something but the fact that you dont get that automatically PROVES even ethereum is obsolete and steem is just better!

(Image I made back when I joined, proving I had confidence in steem even at its lowest point back in March at 20 cents! Imagine everyone who listened to be and bought steem at 20 cents! they made 100 times profit! $1000 would be $100,000 dollars ...believe in steem and all crypto!)

Only very few people care about all the technical aspects of a crypto currency. What matters is its ease of use and how easy large numbers of people can access and use it! and right now steem is the ONLY cryptocurrency that lets you REGISTER a REGULAR username and USE that regular username to send or receive money from anywhere around the world for FREE unlike Bitcoins crazy high fees and ethereum also has a fee that could get higher and higher, especially with fixed fees in wallets when ETH price goes up! And hey i love both bitcoin and ethereum and have some of both!

(See how easy it is to send or receiv money with steem? You cant do that with bitcoin or ethereum or any altcoin but steem!)

I just call it as i see it and so far NOTHING has been as easy as Steemit to use! Steemit is the EASIEST crypto currency to ACTUALLY USE. Old people CANT USE bitcoin OR ethereum even when it's over coinbase! Its still too complicated! And coinbase has RUINED bitcoin for MILLIONS ! They MUST be doing it on purpose at this point! But my point is that even when its as easy as coinbase, ethereum and bitcoin is STILL too difficult!

So when a friend cant understand bitcoin or etherem, you tell them to just use steemit! You show them how steemit makes it EASY and when they say they want bitcoin you tell them that steem IS bitcoin, and that we pay you in bitcoin! Because you CAN convert steem into bitcoin instantly so dont act like we use our own monopoly money thats what they'll think that thi is all just fake, when its the banks and federal reserve who print up fake monopoly money and we are using REAL cryptocurrency based on math .

(This is how easy it is to send or recieve money with Steem! Why would you ever use any other crypto currency to sen and receive money if you could help it?)

If you can get yourself 1000 steempower, youll be a millionaire BEFORE steem gets to $1000! That steempower will help you earn MORE! Remember Steemit gives out like $137,000 everyday! Thats roughly the size of the rewards pool! We will be giving out 137 Million when steem is at $1000 ! We can get there with more users more investors in steempower and people seeing esteem it as the best social media experience that will let you do things you cant do on facebook or instagram or twitter! We will have features and plugins and shit u wont ever be able to do on old dinosaur social media!

So start posting your Blog feed and your wallet on instagram like I did! It got Hundreds of Likes and many times more views! People REALLY like seeing ANY sort of way to make money online with the least amount of effort! I probably got 100 nw signups to steemit with these instagram posts! And here you can see where I posted a screenshot of the Trending page on steemit or www.steemit.com/trending and i took a photo of ALL the $100 and $1000 even some $2000 posts and that REALLY makes people curious! they ant a piece of that! Especially when I tell people on instagram how this website gives away $137,000 worth of Bitcoin everyday!

As you can see this one really got some attention from my 2000+ followers! I will ONLY post steemit posts now on instagram Facebook Twitter Tumblr (All the accounts that my Instagram is linked up to!)

Just get into programing! Find projects that you could create if you had the money! Save money to pay developers! you can always find some young kids in college who would love to find a good internship! We can create INTERNSHIPS for interns where they GET PAID by their OWN posts! Just get into this! If you create a Steemit related App or project or website Steemit WILL show you support for it!

if you aren't a math or nerd computer type person, but you want to learn, start watching Youtube Videos to educate yourself! This is your chance to create a SUCCESSFUl startup! Anything cryptocurrency or blockchain related that actually has a solid foundation WILl succeed and get investor money and its partly to do with how its never been this easy to actually sen and receive money to invest in a project! if you're an extrovert then use your SOCIAL extrovert skills to promote steemit in real life and or on facebook and instagram and SNAPCHAT and youtube! you WILL succeed!

Think about helping others! Find ways steemit can actually help unemployed students all over the world who need to pay for their tuition but who can start their own business now thanks to steemit AND the chance for steemit users who notice them to give MICROLOANS and other bonus side effects that steemit's community will provide on accident! They're are already movie makers on steemit who need your support and attention we should be all making movies! I wanna plan out a San Diego Steemit Movie maker club! Like this Cointelegraph article! Wow I just looked up "Steemit Independent Film" to see if there was anything and wow an article on @aaronkoenig and @bitfilm that raises money for independent films with cryptocurrency! from August 2016 when Steem price was 26 cents haha! I even got a relevant image to use!


JUST START MAKING PLANS! Even if they aren't computer related, just make plan to build a cool solar powered Shack or treehouse or draw up plans for an underground home! if you dont have any land to use draw up plans for a virtual building! Learn 3d program like Blender and or the new video Game creator "Unity" or just start making plans and sketch out storyboards for a cartoon! That cointelegraph article from a year ago is so funny! There seemed to be a lot more hope for steemit back then, and as price dropped people left, now that price has stabilized and is going back up, people are starting to have more faith in it! Some people still are angry at all of us for being successful just because they happened to buy a bunch of steem at $4 and feel like they still haven't made any money back...well they would have made tons of money if they would have bought steam power! But they didn't want to "lock up" their money so they never bought any steam power when that steempower could have helped them earn so much more money!

(Steem and steemdollars are liquid and can be exchanged for bitcoin and SteemPower is Steem locked away to give you more influence over the $137,000 US dollars worth of steem thats Mined and Given out on steemit everyday! Its more complicated than that having to do with Steems Set Inflation rate but eventually I will create a Graphic that explains it all visually for people as there is nothing to compare this system to! And so if has never ever been a system that works like this in human history, then you can assume it will take people time to understand how it works and you can bet your ass they will be just labeling it a "ponzi scheme" until they actually understand it, just like some still do with bitcoin! they fear and ATTACk what they don't understand! Also, Past Behaviour is the best indication of future behaviour. So dont give people too many second chances. We have all the best people right here on steemit already! Dont go looking for special deals or programs outside of this cryptosphere! Come to us before you spend any money on any big investment!! And Just get steempower if you cant decide which altcoin to buy!

So many people dont just trust steemit but I swear when you just invest in steempower like how I am making my payout 100 percent steempower for this post, you WILL see results! But we MUST begin our own projects and saving money on steem to pay for a developers rent and food in a developing country! That way we can unlock human potential, allow people in developing countries to invest their time in IT because with IT you dont need a crazy infrastructure! Any child can start to learn programing with a simple computer and internet connection! Eventually we will have work for all the billions of unemployed people on earth using Information Technology and programming and Web Development as Viable Skills they can use and find work with! there will always be work ONLINE because no matter where you are, yoou can do work over the internet when it has to do with the internet!

For people in develloping countries or even unemployed poor people in the developed world, a PayWall or needing Money to start something is a HUGE obstacle! Even to start a store on Ebay or Amazon or Paypal you have to pay these fees upfront and you cant even just start making money and have tem take it out of your paycheck NOPE and even with Bitcoin and Ethereum, there is NO way to just EARN some free bitcoin or ethereum USINg the bitcoin or ethereum system! You might find some online Captcha work but NOTHINg even compares to money you can make off steemit! And Steemit and steem is the ONLY cryptocurrency and even website that I have consistently made a profit without even having to invest a dime into it! But people who Do invest end up making so much MORE money just from curation rewards and comments when they actually go around making friends!

Like @gigafart he is making so much and he just recently bought some steempower and he didn't even have to post very often he just makes money now off curation and comments! And I remember when he was questioning it and I tried to reassure him when he dropped a lot of money on some steempower that he would not regret it and I LOVED being right about that! And He also loved how correct I was! I dont blame him for being skeptical but man he did the right thing and he posted everyday, spent at least a few hour a day replying to all his comment replies and gained ALOT of friends followers and upvotes and steem that way!

We can all organize ourselves into a production house and we can all vote on a really cool idea! We can alll split up the world for a MOVIE or Youtube Series where we can anthropomorphize tech icon as characters like Google or Amazon Facebook and Bitcoin and Steemit as little characters and ALL the bitcoins could be like their own characters, like the Emoji Movie but the Altcoin Movie or the Bitcoin Movie were we show all the bitcoins going back and forth in a giant physical blockchain like Monsters Inc or like Wreck it Ralph or the Emoji Movie how they showed the entire inside of a VideoGame system or Smartphone as a whole city with roadways and buildings and they all have Jobs etc, it would be a cool way to visualize Bitcoin and crypto currency for kids AND adults! Like that show Reboot! Imagine a reboot reboot but with cryptocurrency!

This show was awesome in the 90s! Imagine this it it showed steemit or bitcoin and ethereum as big giant cities! Bitcoin would have the biggest building and then ethereum would be shown as growing fast though and almost as big as bitcoin!
This is just one idea for us! We can use 3d artsts and train our own people on steemit hire from within, make a competition see which steemit users can race each other to learn a whole 3d modelling course and make a whole 3d city and we will buy them some time on the super computer network Golem to render out a whole "Bitcoin City" showing the Miners and showing Poloniex as like a giant wallstreet trading floor, but all using little characters like Wreck it Ralph or how Reboot or the Emoji Movie! Where Pixar takes a subject like a smartphone and creates a whole city inside the phone making each emoji its own little character, we should work on this

(Photo of Pixars render Farm about to be made obsolete by Golem/Ethereum and Blockchain Distributed Computing Technology )

3d movies are something ANYONE can do! you just need time, and money to buy the render farms like Pixar uses, BUT NOW we have Cloud COmputing and a service based on Ethereals gant super computer is available NOW called Golem u may have heard of it, it works by allowing a golem plugin for blender a free open source 3d modeling and animation program and it can allow you to BUY hash power and render out a whole pixar movie but with the power of a whole render farm! Imagine 1 million video cards all working for you! THATS the power of ethereum! We could actually use this tool to render out a really cool Pixar style movie! We could make Zootopia but Steemtopia or BitTopia or Bit Tropolis with each bitcoin as its own character, talking to each other about stuff like "is it really true that there's only ever going to be 21 million of us?" No thats just a rumor!" haha and the Segwit vs the UASF bitcoins will be fighting, ethereum and ethereum classic will have a feud hahaha all sorts of POW vs POS jokes and references it will be glorious!

(Trailer for Emoji Movie so you get an idea for what Im talking about! just replace the Emojis with Bitcoins and Altcoins and they can even still live inside a smartphone next to emojis and wreck in ralph video game characters etc! )
Lets start designing a Bit Topia movie! all in cgi like a pixar movie! Like Zootopia or Emoji Movie but for Bitcoin and ALtcoins!
Steem can be the hero of the movie! We should REALLY start assembling an Outline and allow anyone to volunteer to start working on any one piece of the movie! We should create a master story board! and vote on how the plot unfolds! It can write itself though!

It can be the story of a Bitcoin that is mined by some DIY Miner in college, and gets sold over some website and gets used to for example buy a camera in japan at a store all legally but then we show how dynamic the bitcoin network AND the human global economy really is as we show how it ends up being used to buy illegal drugs on the DarkNet, and we explain the Darknet Markets all using CGI an characters OMG it will be SO cool! Do you see how this writes itself? The humans will be like people in Toy Story or Reboot, theyre like just supporting characters, or "users" while the Bitcoins and altcoins and the blockchain are all main characters and setting, an the human world is just an after thought like the humans in toy story or the EMoji Movie (from what Ive seen in the trailers)

(Example of the Golem Blender Plugin to allow someone to render out using Golem , the ethereum based worldwide super computer giving you more power than any conventional render farm or massive room of servers)

So lets start doing work the AI and machines CANT do! Creative artwork! We will always be needed to create movies videogames and all sorts of art and steemit will allow us to get paid for being artists! Movies are an example of how much artists are already paid! Actors are paid Millions for their art! And videogame creators create art its just complex digital art! So we as a civilization have ALWAYS valued art and I dunno where this concept of the poor struggling artist comes from maybe in the past we didnt have a need for so many artists but now we do!

(It used to take years to make a Pixar Movie and Moths to render! Now we can all split up the creative design work and distribute the rendering to Golem which we just pay for with golem tokens an we can raise that money here on steemit!)

Everything online could be made prettier and more aesthetically pleasing! And we also need new movies new TV shows and new original 3d animations that are RENDERED using blockchain tools like golem and ethereum and putting golem and ethereum in the Credits to REALLY show that this movie was RENDERED using blockchain technology! We can have fun while we change the world and make all our dreams of making movies and TV shows come true! Sounds cheesy but I swear if you post a steemit article with your Dream youve always had, people will help make it come true! then keep posting updates and evetually youll have enough steem to pay for whatever you want!

Like My dream Ive always had was to make the most ultimate psychedelic 3d VR art or Louis Wayns Cat drawings. Since I was a teenager (And im 29 now) Ive always wanted to take the psychedelic schizophrenic break down Art of Louis Wayne and his Psychedelic Cats progression. he was a children's book illustrator who started going crazy, and his art shows how he drew a cat as he went deeper and deeper into his schizophrenia, and I always wanted to make a 3d model of this progression, glowing and pulsing with all the details of the later images in the above cat progression...I want a whole room u can walk around with clouds and this electric cat face in the center, pulsing and glowing with a multi layered aura around it! Anyway I just had to get all this out! (hah that sounds sexual) but creativity IS sexual! Even Lady Gaga admits that being too promiscuous gives away your creative energy! So NOW is the time to do that whole "the Secret" Wealth Visualizations because it seems like they might come true here on steemit! Someone call Tony Robbins!

(My Across the street neighbor Rick who is Quadriplegic used to actually go on Stage to talk about his disability, and how he overcame it by making money using graphic design and how his first time skydiving was in a wheelchair, and he actually gained partial power of his hands back trough sheer willpower, he moves his hands like a puppeteer using his neck muscles but he can still operate an ipad or Xbox controller and hes good at Xbox! he would be able to give advice to @Darthnava and I believe they would become friends and Rick has already used the internet to become a millionaire with Graphic Design in the early 2000s but he had to spend it all on his electric wheelchair and constant care and medical bills so he has no money now and desperately needs steemits support to show how even someone in bed all day paralyzed from the neck down can still earn a living off steemit and i will go over to his house today and show him if he is feeling OK enough to have company! Rick used to go on stage for Tony Robbins, millionaire motivational speaker!

(here is a copy of one of the original Shepard Fairey's he has, ill do a whole piece on all the art in his collection when I do an article on him!)

We can learn A LOT from Rick! I can't wait to do a piece on him and show him how serious steemit is, and also so he can give inspiration to people like @darthnava that even if you became paralyzed Life isnt so bad, you really do have to get fully immersed with the digital world tho if youre going to stay in bed all day paralyzed, you have to learn to enjoy video games and Rick loves GTA and State of Decay and just got an Xbox One and so gets deep into that! He has taught me alot about dealing with Pain and Loss and how I would continue living if I also became paralyzed like he did while surfing at age 27, But Ill let him tell his story! I really want to get him some Oculus or VR goggles I bought him a Jumping Sumo Video Camera wheeled Drone for his birthday so he could explore his house from his phone or Ipad when hes in bed, and I just feel that out of everyone in the world he deserves to get to play with Oculus or VR goggles because hes stuck in bed anyway! And cases like him make me realize WHy we NEED the jacked in Matrix Wirehead experience to allow my paralyzed friend Rick to walk again in VR! Anyway he just doesnt have the money to get alll the new coolest toys and through steemit I want to help him get all those VR toys so he can actually use them and make steemit posts about them etc!

(See how VR can help people with disabilities in ways we cant imagine unless we imagine being disabled)

He was also friends with Shepard Fairy (Who makes those "Obey" t shirts and designs) and even has an Original one of a kind Shepard Fairy Art School piece! Rick has a lot of cool graphic design and digital art to show steemit! And alot of cool stories about the underground art world in the 80s 90s and 2000s that would be as cool as @stellabellle stories about the 80s! his stories about the art world will be very entertaining for us!

My other nextdoor neighbor was a Dog handler in the Vietnam War an also has ALOt of stories and since hes getting old Im trying to raise money for him to return the Japan to pay respect to his Martial Arts teacher Yamaguchi's Gravesite and get to visit Japan where he lived after the war. Ad if I can get him to open up over a youtube video I can make posts on his behalf since he doesn't need any more complications in his life but I will let him tell his stories in pieces and Ill use photos and make posts about his stories too because he has told me about some really cool stuff before about Vietnam War or even china and Japan in the 70s and 80s where he learned martial Arts, and id love to let him share those stories here! Anyway I really believe I can help steemit make an impact on some very interesting people I know, whose stories we will love and be able to learn from! This is just one of many possibilities steemit opens up for us and its up to younger more tech savvy people like us to extend steemit out to more people like steemit ambassadors!

If you have questions about bitcoin steemit crypto or making money mining like this email [email protected] or text/call me (619) 302 0398 and....

Follow @Ackza


(Alex collier says that the actual Alpha Draconis Reptilian Homeworld is called Arakis )

Amazing cycle how posts about your profits sometimes make just as much as the profits you are writing about.

Yeah and i could have sworn I saw my upvotes being worth 4 cents a second ago! two differet poss i upvoted went up 4 cents when i upvoted them! Now its back to 1 cents maybe its cuz were 8 hours away from a hard fork according to www.steemd.com dude yeah i eed to do more posts about the profit i make here ! i should let my payuts stack up and make a post for a whoel days worth of rewards! I think tonight or tmorow ill get a bunch of rewards comin inits great if i stay up late then another night 7 days later ill end up getting a reward for it!

dude this is gonna be us soon!

what kind of fork happened here at steemit? i upvoted your article and it went up 20 cents :)

Lol pedobear!

Great article, good information- I'm sharing to my social media accounts cuz yea, that's why I originally made it here!, I'm following.

I do believe you're right, steemit came out just in time. I'm happy I'm here.

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