Ackza's First Meme Video Contest to win multiple $1-$2 Upvotes on your Blog Posts for a week! make a simple 1 -2 minute video showing you and your Steemit Blog, showing off the money you've made to entice users of Facebook Reddit Instagram Twitter etc

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


My first contest will have users make 1-2 min video showing off their steem reward money pointing the camera at their computer screen and showing how much their posts are getting, explaining how much better steem is than reddit or instagram or twitter and why steempower is so powerful, why it is so nice to get paid for comments, why SBD is so useful, and whatever other reasons you want to explain. I just want users of Youtube, Instagram reddit and Facebook and any other platform to become JEALOUS when they see you making all those dollars on your posts, and I want them to REALLY get upset and feel like they're missing out when they are told that you have been turning your Stemit winnings into BITCOIN, oh that should REALLY make them FOMO when they find out that we have all been getting free bitcoin at steemit this whole time! :D I want to start using aggressive psychological warfare tactics to sell steempower and sign people up the way Coca Cola and Mcdonalds do to people, they get SERIOUS with their consumer mind control and so should we! I'm talking liminal, subliminal and SUPERliminal Steemit Advertising, like this video of me screaming at people on the street to signup to from my car window!

Now you don't have to do that! But here is ANOTHER video that IS kind of how I want you to make this video by @jerrybanfield

@jerrybanfield is the Marketing person for Steemit and you should be paying attention to him! He has developed MANY successful Steem Advertising Methods, where you PAY for Facebook and youtube ads USING Post rewards!

winners will award 1 full weeks worth of $1-$2 Upvotes on your posts for a week! (Limit 3 posts a day )

I feel inspired by @officialfuzzy and his contests who I was alerted to by @btcvenom when he explained to me the WhaleTank competition he holds for his BeyondBits Upvote Tokens . i just submitted my entry for the twitter post promotion and am happy to receive my Upvote tokens and giving out Upvotes instead of giving out actual SBD or Steem is a MUCH easier way to handle the idea of paying winners, it is MUCH easier to give up an upvote than actual Steem or SBD!

Here is an interview I made with @nantchev all about my steemit experience and special leaked info I learned from

Now please check out this news!

And a REMINDER use @booster for a MUCH bigger payout! Do 50/50 on your post and your SBD payouts will be be a JACKPOT! SBD is near $10 to $17 so yeah all your SBD you get is worth 10X or more and if you upvote posts 12 hours from payout you'll get MAJOR SBD PAYOUTS

(Pic I made when i first joined, man i made some great content that no one saw back then, glad I can repost it all and most havent seen it so it still seems new! This is a great Reddit meme we can CULTURALLY apropriate for ourselves here on STEEM!)

And VERY important I MUST mention @AirClinic a Decentralized Healthcare System centering around Steem which is this very impressive initiative by @nairadaddy aka Dr. George for using Discord chat as a Doctors Office and consulting people online and this could potentially become Steem Blockchain's decentralized healthcare system which can even take care of the well being of the members of the blockchain! to visit @airclinic with @nairadaddy @klynic @thelovejunkie and many others and join real health professionals and doctors in the first decentralized doctors office in Africa. People can get consultation from a doctor and can also tap the knowledge pol of the community and Google and WebMD type tools to solve many health problems which honestly do not and never needed big doctor's offices and hospitals, of course they have a place but maybe in the future Doctors will be all private and Doctors own hospitals and hodl keys for the ownership and protocol of the hospital, maybe Doctors can even hold medical records for a patient OR the PATIENT can hold all their own records on steem blockchain, encrypted and simply give their doctor the key to read these records, and the Doctor's would be a GREAT option for holding backups of people's key, since they already take the Hippocratic Oath! ANYWAY I will discuss @AirClinic more in my next post!

OK so don't forget the Video meme competition! $1-$2 Upvotes on your Blog Wall for a Week, AND if you REALLY make something good maybe Ill throw in like $10 worth of steem if this post gets up there, yeah seems fine, yup yup[! I just wanna see the memes!

Anyway I will end the post now and show you a cool picture I made to show my predictions for steem price I made this summer and LOOK I was VERY close to accurate! I thought we would be closer to $3 but I think this is still pretty good!
OK Until Next time, I must hurry and use @booster now to upvote this post so i can cash in on high SBD price! I will be posting more from now on so please leave more comments about what YOU think the community wants to see me write about!

And don't forget to powerup, buy Golos since its DOUBLED since i started telling you all to buy, and buy EOS while its still at $4 and low! i told you all to buy EOS at 50 cents now it is $4 that is an 8 x increase, and since Shapeshift is notoriously offline for EOS exchanges, simply use which is @bitshares @openledger-dex which always works and always has open.EOS

And check out new tutorial by @tj4real for help using EOS (especially for Ghana users or West Africa users, he may be able to explain it better for his people and its VERY important that West Africans learn Bitshares exchange by heart, so they can ALWAYS have a way to exchange Steem/SBD/BTC and even Fiat USD and Euros (fiat requires some verification, but Steem/SBD/Golos/Bitcoin and other altcoin exchanging requires NO paperwork or documents with Bitshares which is IMPORTANt for people in countries where people may not have passport or documents that are used by big exchanges)

Now that I end my post I must thank @elgeko for the cool psychedelic image signature, and @fyrstikken for his chat and @tytran for his crucial upvote support and @reko for his REKO and DFAIR decentralized farmers market coming to Steem, and @mcsamm for his newest effort to raise some money for drilling Wells in Rural Ghana and working with @airclinic to provide Uber for Doctors and Nurses type service to Rural Africans and provide a model for developing nations with many out of work doctors who can use the Blockchain for Medical records and Steem and cryptocurrency for Payment and Crowdfunding


If you have questions about bitcoin steemit crypto or making money mining or marketing, feel free to email me [email protected] or text 619 500 3748 and....

Follow @Ackza


Wow, already a minute into your interview I just had to smile :)
You need to start with your purpose indeed! Everything else you share and explain makes a whole lot more sense to people when they can connect it to your goal!

I love the way in which a conversation on steemspeak turns into a post shortly after. I guess this idea came shortly after we spoke about the need to incentivise people to share with others also outside of steemit about the platform and how they are enjoying it?

I would like to apologize to @instructor2121 @inertia and @fyrstikken for my anger and jealousy that came out as anger and spite , when i was complaining about the sbd problem i was having
I just felt like i should have received something more for my @booster payment..... i lashed out in and i want to apologize to @inertia and @fyrstikken and @instructor2121 for my outburst in text chat but I could not contain my anger and frustration and jealousy, i understand now that since @adept reported the same sort of problem I know now that it is an error, I just should have been more calm and waited, and understanding of the recent changes with SBD and that booster was most likely being used so much or maybe I used it wrong but I apologize for my Anger

I already got a refund and I could have probably just slept through this entire thing but instead i turned a mole hill into a mountain so maybe my post can help others calm down in the future

I am most likely just more angry at my own lack of multiple bitcoins, i wanted to have more than 1 bitcoin by now and i should be grateful for what i do have but Im Angry at MYSELF for not working harder this year and I lashed out at the channel tonight

but now i just feel bad for getting angry in the chat... but i got mad, i know now it is because i am jelous

but at least i know it is from jealousy or Envy

I really enjoy the laughs i have with and do not like the thought of that ending because i cannot control

the latest Gold Nugget @fyrstikken and I talked and laughed hard about is "dead elvis" about the Death of Elvis Presley... on the toilet.... kinda like weekend at Bernie's but involving a lot of bathroom humor and it was so funny that my face went numb, i have not laughed that hard in a while, and the last time i laughed that hard was in the chat joking with @fyrstikken about some other very obscure comedy that involved things few people understand and its a type of humor i can share with few people who really "get it"
I want to make sure i dont burn bridges when my Tourettes Syndrome goes out of control :D.. :| . :(

A story @fyrstikken told me about his early life nearly brought me to tears when I thought about it later, i feel bad about building up correspondence with a channel only to throw it away and ruin any correspondence i had built with users on steemspeak ...i always had some strange urge to be self destructive as a child that I didnt understand and dont WANt but it was just there, i feel like it is a feeling of wanting to just LET go and say things i dont really mean just to hurt others , like when I lashed out at booster, when it was just a Glitch, I feel like i just helped to burn a bridge and it felt bad ... i should not have bad mouthed a business that just had an error and i would have probly been refundeded no problem or it would have been corrected... but i got angry and started talking about "Oh theres no excuse! I shouldnt have to deal with this! I feel ripped off!' but I should have calmed down like @instructor2121 told me and instead i just went psycho and tried to say "You got trolled!" to instructor to lighten the mood, since i couldn't take back when i had said, and i had noticed that i SHOULD calm down, so i felt better and just tried joking around, but I had been so angry previously that it didnt work right, must have seemed very rude and i dont blame instructor if he got mad at me for that, so since he probobly did, i want to apologize, and to inertia and fyrtsikken for jumping to conclusions about booster

I need to sleep more when i am tired, i would haveben able to avoid this if i would have slept when i was tired, buti stayd up worrying aboutthis, if i had slept through it i would have been able to wake up to a refund

Wow bro @ackza with this apology, you have a heart of gold and I respect you for that. And of course your post is off the hook. Steemit is the next big thing to hit the world. Thanks for the mention of @air-clinic myself and others. Looking forward to the post you spoke on doing. Cheers. Resteemmed 👍

Oh yeah, It will be HUGE when we get our own FRONT END for steem for people who have no idea about steemit, where people can upload their health related posts and earn money half for themselves and half to put away towards medicine for people in developing countries, so people can earn money and also help others and no one will have to pay out of pocket, replace charity with steem and allow people invest in steempower and then they can generate SBD to send directly to people in developing nations with a direct Upvote and every other charity or Aid organization no one knows where the money really goes... but with steem we can al see where money goes and when people post about their lives we even get to see HOW they spent thir money!

I want to see special front ends for steemit for medical stories health posts, and also it will be a website FOR charity that lets you earn money WHILE helping people in other nations! I will just set it up like a regular steem front end and take beneficiary rewards and split them up between different Steem Projects in developing world like @airclinic which would get a cut of the money we can make on this new steem based website, and id use the steem pists to show progres o what airclinic was doing with the money, and we could see how much funding we can RELALy get for this iudea

i think its a HUGE idea that bigge rthan anyone of us realizes!

I think airclinioc, when it has a whitepaper and a new website JUST for it, wit plans to build its own steem front end, THEN i think it will get MAJOR investment from Good hearted people all over the world who love to invest in innovative solutions like an Internet Doctors Office people can get consultations from ovrer the internet because with Google today , peopel can almost be their own doctors, but they still need professional advice for many things and so AirCLinic seems like a REALLy good idea and your early involvement i it will REALLy pay off, you will find great fortune here Dr Blessings! Im glad I got to meet you online in the airclinic voicechat room with @nairadaddy ! Ive been so busy showing real life people about bitcoin and steem and EOS and I just got home, and will be posting a lot today to catch up!

Hey @ackza,
This is really cool man. Let's go make Steemit go viral all over these social medium. You are right coca-cola always does this...subliminal, hyperlimnal ads that get you before you know what just happened.

I will have to participate in the contest soonest.

Thanks for mentioning @air-clinic and me. We submit here on comment section right?

Hey @ackza, I did the video contest.

Here's my entry:

Cheers man! Let's make Steemit Go viral...


NICE man I think you will be getting some $1 Upvotes as well as @klynic ! He also made a great video and I am hoping everyone sees that this contest was agreat way to earn some extra SBD through upvotes but ALSo as way to promote steem and I myself will be making more videos simply showing off my steem rewards in short bursts, along with a simple video of me selling some Steem/SBD for Bitcoin on Bittrex sending that to my BTC ATM card and cashing it out, OR selling the Bitcoin on localBitcoins, OR i can show peopel how I was able to sell my ALtcoins like EOS and Cardano for CASH for POT price, so no fees with selling them for Bitcoina nd mpving them to a Bitcoin Card, no high fees using Bitpay to convert my BTC to US dollars and payiong 30% fee or so, no insane fees, i just sent some Cardano and EOS to a friend wo wanted some, and gave me CASH and I simply bought back more EOS and Cardano with BTC i got from selling some SBD i just receievd as steem rewards, so its just perfect! instead of having to sellsome Bitcoin made from SBD rewards on steem, i just sold the altcoins directly for Cash and o bitcoin middleman needed!

And my friend who paid $200 for me to send him $200 worth of EOS and cardano? He already turned that $200 into around $600 because his cardano has gone up 4X i price from 11 cents wne he bought it to 40 cents and EOS he bought went up from $8 to now $9 something and so hes feeling VERY succesful having already more than doubled his money after his FIRST day investing in altcoins :D and his $5k worth of Bitcoin and Litecoin he bought on cpoinbase ALSo went up especialy the BTC which he locke din around $16K hah its almost $20K now, i wish he coudla boughta whole BTC but his coinbase gave him $5k weekly limit (normal for nw custoemr) but shit he didntw anan go to a BTC atm and spend like 8% but he WOULD have made that money back fast! I ALWAYS had to pay high BTC ATM fees ad i never minded because i would make that money back SO fast as BYTC goes up in price a 8% even a 10% fee to get in is nothing when your money goes up 30% the next day!

You should start doing this with your friends who have cash and whpo need to get into crypto,

thanks for the post. ill do the contest! that face meme IS awesome, would make a good sticker.
whats with @booster? you sent it 50 STEEM, thats a lot... is his upvote worth MORE than that?

yeah yeah it was just an error, i cant blame them for the recent changes in steem blockchain, they JUSTnow started accepting Steem, almost like they saw SBD pump coming.... (or are behind it lol jk but they are geniuses if they are seriously buying up SBD like this... GBG will do the same thing on Golos... )

oh and @adept already got a refund i should get mine soon now too

This is really awesome @ackza ...especially since you mentioned the @air-clinic and me.

My video is loading, that I can assure you.

Thanks once again.

giving you $1 upvote for your reporting your entry, good to hear, feels good man

so here it is, my very own entry.... I did a very short video showing off my steemit page
hope it counts

yes it does! i will be watching it all soon, here is some upvotes from @tytran

I like where this is going buddy! who knows if one of the vid's goes viral. RS and UV!

@ackza great one....I would enter the contest but for now I don't have that device that will produce nice video and meme....I will get one soon and be more active on #steemit

One love buddy... tomorrow is my wedding anniversary and dec 14th my birthday

oh nice man! happy birthday and anniversary, make sure to post about it!

and yeah its fine man, u can totally enter the contest, use whatever device you can, its fine, any smartphone will be more than enough !

How do i record a video like that one of Jerry above,do i need a specific software or something.
Let anyone help me out to a tutorial to do it!

That video was pure gold!

i watch this video dear, it is very nice..
thanks for sharing

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