A short Steem break ends and the summer begins

in #steemit6 years ago

Hello everyone

After months of almost non-stop Steeming, over the past couple of days I have taken a small break from producing content to focus a little more on life away from the screen.

My personality traits do tend to lead me all-in on things of interest, and it's a struggle sometimes to find any sort of balance - I now have @osm0sis to help with this though as she has returned from France at the same time as the sunshine has arrived here on the island of Mallorca :D

We've spent the last few days outside enjoying the sunshine and becoming reacquainted with each other and this small seaside town. There will of course be photos, and hopefully, video proof of this over the coming months as we try to share the summer with you guys.

The break came at a good time

On Tuesday, having just completed my weekly utopian-io report, I was greeted with a comment on the post congratulating me on the 'nice photos', stating that they 'deserved an award'. A quick check on other comments made by this account showed that they were spamming this comment all over the Blockchain. I decided to spend some voting power, reducing any pending payouts over the past 7 days to $0.00, and then went on to the next posts that were targeted and advised the owners to remove the rewards for this low quality engagement.

My next comment was on a report showing 'supportive voters', of which I saw numerous Bid-bot and vote sellers in the list. I left a comment trying to help by offering a list of these accounts, which was misunderstood by the content creator who replied back ratherly 'sharply', and that pretty much took the rest of the wind out of my sails.

Seeking balance

pixabay source

While this break was short, it has given me awareness of the need for balance - 10 to 15 hours in front of the screen each day is pretty hardcore, and there is a lot of cool stuff waiting outside! I hope to find a happy medium between both being active here, and engaging in activities away from the computer.

I'll still be here producing the Curation and Engagement League post on sunday, contributing to Utopian on tuesday, submitting quality work to @curie (March has been my best month yet!), and hopefully engaging with the people I follow, and vice versa.

And, there is also another project here in Steamland which is on the go. I'm very excited about this and all will be revealed very soon!

I suspect this will reduce the number of posts I produce each week, but could mean an increase in other areas of engagement - and that's all I am saying for now :)

Thank you everyone for all your support over the past year. I shall see you all on the Steem Blockchain soon.

Asher @abh12345


Nice post

When you are in the driver seat even more so an entrepreneur it often does not mix well with “life balance.” You have those people who just need to have someone else be the boss and they have not realized this yet. Then you have the people who will never turn down an opportunity no matter how small of an impact it will have and how demanding it is.

In places like Steemit, many seem very concerned with taking a break. They think in terms of “what if that kills my momentum?” While numbers could be lower the longer break you tend to take. There nothing more killing to one’s momentum then someone past there burn out phase and just the “I don’t give a dang anymore.” Once you lose that spark that made your blogs something amazing to enjoy it’s hard to get that back.

Workaholics need breaks like everyone else. Otherwise, their entire life passes by them and one day they wake up and realize “this is all I have and it was not worth it.” Some very smart people leave behind some finically rewards environments because they found something worth so much more than what money can bring.

That is great you have the next best thing when you yourself don’t know when to take a break. Someone else to poke you and remind you there other things to do in life!

Hey @enjar

Thanks for the reply, you make good sense :)

It is a bit of worry about momentum that 'forces' people to continue on, but as you say, quality of content can suffer due to this and so maybe it is not the best thing to do and the break would be better in the long run.



ps.I know someone who particularly liked the last couple of paragraphs of your reply :)

Take it from someone who's near a beach...get out there and enjoy it all!! There are days when I do spend way too many hours on my computer (how else am I going to keep my crown? ;), but when I get to the ocean and in the water, everything else simply falls by the way side.

Thank you sincerely for everything that you do here Ash, and thank you for 'going after' those who don't really appreciate what steemit is all about. I can only imagine how tiring the useless comments are, for example, 'a no vote on a comment (I saw that here!), but I think the same here as I do in real life...don't waste your wonderful positive energy on the negative, because it only tends to bring you down. People like that are simply not worth your time.

I'm also waiting with baited breath for your announcement; whatever it is, coming from you, will be awesome!

Finally, and most importantly, if you're reading this, stop, shut your computer down, and get out with @osm0sis! I for one won't hold it against you if you don't upvote and comment back to me back haha

Hi Lynn :)

Well today the weather is not so great, so a good chance to reply to all these kind messages. You are right about time, I really don't have enough of it to waste on negative things!

Hopefully the announcement will be soon :D

Thanks for the very kind message, wishing you a lovely Easter weekend!

Oh you are so welcome; and fair enough! The weather is the same here, so I certainly can't judge you, especially considering how sweet your comment was ;)

I can't wait to hear what your announcement is !

Have a wonderful Easter weekend as well!

Asher, great to see you taking a vacation, you've earned it for sure... I know you say that you will still be around, but I hope you do find that balance in your real life because everyone needs it! We know what you have done and who you are, so don't feel like the place will fall apart when you're gone! We got your back ;)

You have been the uniter and brought many of us together. I know I speak for many when I say that we see it and we're very appreciative. If you hadn't shown me so quickly what it was like to be a #stewardsofgondor member, I don't know if I would even be here right now. You demonstrated how this platform should be used through your selflessness and attention to building up the community from the bottom up. I believe your way is a model that all the other larger steemians should follow, so that makes you a natural leader!

As for this comment:

And, there is also another project here in Steamland which is on the go. I'm very excited about this and all will be revealed very soon!

I hope this means what I think it means... If so, I will indeed rally the troops behind you!

Have a great time and I'll see you around (occasionally)... And yes keep those pics coming so we can see what life is like in your beautiful island!

ps... I was talking with the Queen @lynncoyle1 the other day and she was telling me how much your league has really motivated her. (she is rather competitive) I think she's going for the record number of weeks at the top, once she got the crown she doesn't want to let it go... lol

These are some very kind words here Dave...as always!

hahaha @davemccoy, quit talking behind my back...although you mentioned my name, so I'll pretend that that you, me and @abh12345 are sitting around a table (or at the beach ;) with a beer in hand haha

I am a little competitive, but having to be away the last couple of days due to Brian's health, made me realize that I simply hate missing out on all of the awesome interaction that occurs between all of us here! I feel like I'm missing out on a the best party of the year, even though I got an invitation ;)

lol... a little competitive... I think I would love to play you in a board game like monopoly... You are super competitive but also a sandbagger... Do you know what a sandbagger is???

Ohh poor little ole me?


But the good thing you said is that you are part of this big party and here's a secret..

when you aren't here we miss you and its not nearly as fun! ;)

bahahahaha a sandbagger!! Now why would I even know what a sandbagger is?? :)

I'll play you monopoly, but I get to be the banker haha Actually bad idea...me an numbers. I trust you, so you're the banker. And I bet I will win haha Who lil ole me? Competitive??

I love your 'secret' though! I'm so glad I add to this party of ours ;)

omgosh of course.. ask @beeyou, we both said last night it was dead without you... so even though you weren't around, I'm sure your ears were burning! And its on, Monopoly one day... that or a game of steemit card quest with Max's deck of cards.... And you and the bee can fight over who gets Asher's card!!! :P

Thank you that's very nice to hear ;)

ok you're on...Max's cards...your pack. Mine's staying closed because they will be worth something someday ;)

admit it, you just want my rookie card!!! :P

Thank you Dave, very kind!

There are a lot of good things that have come from the previous months time and effort spent here, and I know it's not been wasted. I'm sure the fort will be held well, and I'll try not be feel too guilty about not making the rounds every single day.

Lynn will be tough to topple, but if anyone can, you might be the person :)

Thanks again for all the motivation and support of the past few months, it's been a great help.


I also find it difficult to have a balance .... how to work whit curie? I heard something about it but maybe you can tell me this thing better. More then this I have got a question for you : I was reading the blue paper trying to figure out how will the rewards evolve in the future. I read on the blue paper that the rewards come from inflation , and that the inflation will decrease until it reaches a certain minimum level. Now the question is , if it is true and as seen that steemit grows at a rate of 100000 user a month , isn’t it true that the average rewards will go down in steem? I think that if I have a certain fixed amount of steem power, the value in steem of my vote will go down. But I am not sure to understand well so I ask you if you kindly want to help me understand this point. I also think that this could be compensated by the value of steem going up in dollars and so the reward in dollar could not decrease. About your future projects, are you talking of witnessing? I could have all that is needed to do it too. Byby thanks in advance

Take a breather! Enjoy @osm0sis... enjoy the time together, enjoy life.
We all need a break sometimes and the upcoming summer months are perfect.

looking forward to your posts no matter how few they will be.

And... a new project? Now this shall be exciting!

Hey @goldendawne

Thanks for the kind words, we will certainly be heeding them :) I so much prefer the warmer months and will be making the most of them, without leaving my Steem friends behind of course.

Hopefully we'll have lots of sunshine to share.

Oh yes, and the project too - more on that soon! :D

which was misunderstood by the content creator who replied back ratherly 'sharply', and that pretty much took the rest of the wind out of my sails.

Oh I know about this it was the topic of my last post. But the response was amazing from my followers.

Sadly people seem to forget their manners when online. Being annoymous allows people to act in ways that they never would in person.

Think @tarazkp might of had the best comment on my post and think it applies here perfectly "Screw them."


Just read your post, that is not cool at all.

You (and Dan) are right about anonymity causing some issues like this, I see and arguement for both less of it, and more (hidden wallets etc), so it's a tricky one.

I guess trolling on a chat app will always be around though. 'Screw them' indeed.

Thanks for taking a read. It had one unexpected response which was great. The first person who put me off a first, but I was completely over it as we had agreed to be peaceful without apologies can on and apologized which meant raising his hand and saying this was me. That said a lot about him and was nice to see that it was an isolated incident.

Chat trolls are the worst and they have been around as long as chat rooms. Don't think there is much that can change that.

Yes i saw that, that was good of him.

I moderated a chat room for years, the trolls never cease, and if they serve their bans and continue, you actually end up with sympathy for them. A strange world :)

I'm completely sure this new project is related to the integration of steemit in SharePoint ;P


Do you need some SharePoint assistance?

Not anymore, I moved to other business :)

Yeah? Where too? :D

Even ordinary 8 to 17 workers from are entitled to annual vacation. We all need a rest, after which we can return with a fresh head and new ideas.

You perform a lot of important and useful work on Steemit, but the life is much wider than the PC screen, and it passes by when you sit in front of the monitor. Enjoy your summer, the time spent with your friends and loved ones! Have a good time!

Yeah Asher we can have you being burnt out! Go and balance your life! you have been doing so many things in the platform.

Thanks Mav, I struggle with juggling but shall have a go!

I know hahaha women are way better in doing that as compared to us men but we know you'll manage.

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