The Diary Game | 30-December-2021 | Inactivity and Weddings | 20% Beneficiary to @Steemit-Pak | @fatsalba

in #steemit-pak3 years ago

Hello and welcome to everyone! It's been a very long time since I have posted anything here but now I'm finally back and am excited to start posting again. Apologizing in advance for the lack of pictures in this post.


First I would like to explain why I haven't been very active on here. The reason for that is a wedding in my family. At first, I had planned a lot of content to post during the wedding week and let everyone know how Pakistani weddings are but I underestimated my schedule as I had no free time. The hardest part was attending to all the relatives who had traveled to our house to attend the wedding. My sleeping and eating schedule had been completely ruined and I had no sense of time. Despite being very tired, I had to cater the guests and it was very hard on me.

However, the wedding went so smoothly and it seems unreal to me as I had been waiting for the wedding for almost a year. It went by drastically and even now it seems like a dream. The venues were absolutely lavish with mind blowing decorations and absolutely delicious food.

Instead of going into details about each and every event, I will give my own perception on all the functions starting with Nikka. In Nikka, the couple signs the marriage certificate. The ceremony was small and was held in our house with very little guests. The event is supposed to be a little holy so we held it on Friday as it is a holy day for us Muslims. After this, the bride and the groom are officially married but they still live in their respective homes.

After Nikka comes the Mayun which is optional. Both the groom's side and the bride's side can hold this event. It can also be held as one ceremony but we chose to separate the event. Mayun was also held in our home and a lot of female relatives were invited. The premise of this event is to do small rituals which includes feeding sweets to the bride and also apply turmeric paste or henna to the bride's palm. The mother of the bride also puts on jewelry on the bride. There's a lot of singing and obviously the dinner in the end.


Another optional event is Mehndi which also can be held together or separately. We chose to hold this event together. At a certain time we reached the event where the ceremony would be held. It was a bigger event than I thought it actually be and had a lot of guests attending. Just like Mayun, there's small rituals being done in this event. Both the brie and the groom have Betel leaf in one of their palms and everyone applies henna on it. Similar to the Mayun there's singing and dancing with yet another lavish dinner in the end. It was a tiring but very fun day and I enjoyed it a lot.


The biggest event is called the Barat or Ruksati. It is the official day that the bride leaves her house and moves in with her husband. The event is held on a very big scale and has a lot of people attending. It was a tiring day for me because I had to check up on guests a lot and run around the whole venue to see if everything was in place. The biggest disaster was my heels breaking right at the start of the event. Thankfully, my cousin helped me repair them and their was no issue for the rest of the night. I got very emotional when it was time for the bride to leave and it is very embarrassing to think that I cried in front of so many people. However, the day went by without any issues.

Lastly, there is Valima or Reception which was again a mind blowing event. A lot of people attended and the bride and the groom looked magnificent together. The food was fabulous and the music being played made the whole event a vibe.


The events were all out of this world and despite the tiredness taking over me, I absolutely enjoyed all the days and as I said before, everything went by so fast that it feels like a dream.

I had made perfect plans to make a post about each and every function but that never happened because of my tight schedule. I am still suffering and have a hard time sleeping or eating. Now that this year is coming to an end, I hope to be more active and share more of my life on here.

Now, Thank You for reading my post, hope you liked it, please do keep coming for more up-dates regarding how my day goes about. 💕 This post is set 20% Beneficiary to @steemit-Pak

Special Mentions to:

My introduction post

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