Do you know the two types of fat you have in your body ?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit-health7 years ago (edited)

As a doctor running a busy medical tourism company in Budapest I often get asked about the different types of fat that we accumulate in our bodies.

Fortunately I love helping people, answering their questions and giving them good advice as to how they can improve their health, looks and make them generally feel better.

So, my answer to this question usually goes something like this.

There are two major types of fat (or adipose tissue as we sometimes call it in the profession). They both have slightly different features and functions, occur in slightly different places and require different sorts of attention.

So, what are they?

White Fat

White fat is by far the most common type of body fat. It is composed of a single lipid droplet, has very few mitochondria (the cells heat burning devices) and blood vessels, and in appearance look a whitish kind of yellow.

As the most prevalent fat in our bodies it provides us with the largest reserves of energy as well as thermal insulation and cushioning for our major internal organs. It also produces for us extremely important hormones, most notably estrogen, leptin, adrenaline and cortisol.

Where is it?

You are most likely to find it hanging around the hips, thighs, and buttocks as well as breast areas. For woman of a certain age (especially during their peri-menopausal phase) it frequently accumulates most significantly around their tummy area.

How can it best be managed?

Well, in truth excess white fat can be a difficult thing to get rid of entirely. Obviously a good diet and exercise regime are very important. But sometimes it does require more radical interventions such as liposuction.

Brown Fat

Unlike white fat, brown fat is made up of multiple small lipid droplets and contains tons of mitochondria – you remember, those handy cellular energy burners. As well as creating heat they also contain lots of iron, and funnily enough it is this specific property that gives brown fat its well…. brownish appearance!

Brown fat is far less common than white fat especially in adults. Babies have it in abundance but we lose it as we age. It is normally found on the neck, chest and back area and for some very good reasons is often referred to as ‘the good fat’.

So, why is it called the good fat?

Because its job is to burn calories to generate heat rather than to store them like its paler ‘white’ sibling!

Plus it is created out of the not quite so good white fat deposits when we exercise and take proper care of ourselves thus reducing our deposits of white fat – incidentally for anyone interested in a handy tip as to how to burn off brown fat you might wish to see my recent article about cold showers !

How can we best manage it?

Basically you don’t really need to because it is a good thing to have. So you should actually try and encourage it with sensible exercise, lifestyle choices and a good diet. In fact some people even go so far as to have special injections administered to help them produce it more efficiently!

Okay, that is enough for now. Next time we will be looking at white fat in a bit more detail, where it can be found and what you can do about it.

Until then stay trim and keep working on getting the good brown stuff!

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