It makes me SO STEAMED to be asked to write a post for healthcare workers on how to detox from the flu shot!!

I'm a founding board member of Nurses Against Mandatory Vaccines.  That may sound like a super big deal to some people, or like I've been able to affect all this giant change in this great country of ours, but in fact, it really doesn't mean that at all.

It means I've worked with two other lovely ladies for years now trying to get nurses to stand up for themselves.  We've tried free memberships, free list serves, "Show Us Your Mask" campaigns for the nurses who opt out and are tortured and called out publicly by having to wear masks for 12 hours shifts for months on end with no research to back the ridiculousness up, 20$ membership fees for access to more information and the hope that we could create state chapters in order to mobilize more effectively, spending countless hours of our own time answering questions for nurses and other healthcare workers across the country, our own hard earned dollars to keep the phone line/ fax line/ website up and running that nobody wants to even donate 5$ to help us out with, organized protest days, nothing but constant support that the most important thing is to stand up for your personal rights.... I'm sure I'm forgetting some steps, but you get the point.

It's just down right exhausting and at times infuriating.  Would like you like to know why??  It's because THE DAMN NURSES WON'T STAND UP FOR THEMSELVES.  Years ago the nurses were told mandatory flu vaccines were coming. They were warned over and over and over again, which fell on deaf ears.  I remember sitting in a "Unit Council" meeting for the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit years ago in a very large hospital system when a nurse came back from another committee meeting to report the first steps in the process to take informed consent away from healthcare workers regarding vaccination for the flu.  There were a few grumbles, but nobody had the nerve to speak up... except for me.  First came the- sign this form stating you realize you're putting your patients at risk by refusing this shot form.  We were told that it was only because Joint Commission (the governing surveying body of hospitals) wanted each hospital to prove that they at least were providing opportunity for every single employee to receive a shot.  I called bullshit on that one and refused to sign it as well as refused the flu shot.  The only studies attempted to show that taking the flu shot protects your patients, didn't show any effect at all! Few others others caved and signed the form anyway.  Then the year finally came where it was mandatory.  THIS IS THE MOMENT WHERE NURSES NOT ONLY FAILED THEMSELVES, BUT EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEIR PATIENTS AS WELL.  The nurses, doctors, respiratory therapists, medical assistants, certified nursing assistance, secretaries, housekeepers, maintenance department, clerical workers who don't even participate in patient care, ALL rolled over and just took it. That was the end of THAT. All they had to do was stand up as a group and say NO. THAT'S IT! IT WOULD HAVE BEEN OVER! 

From that moment forward, it has been nothing but yearly chaos, fear, lamenting, scrambling, and crying every fall when the hospitals come at an entire campus of people.  From that moment forward, every single person who walks in to a hospital for care should be extremely concerned about their rights being violated. Why? Because you are now walking in to an entire building/ campus full of healthcare workers who have had THEIR rights taken away.  If the NURSE standing over you has no qualms about the fact that they were not afforded INFORMED CONSENT for THEIR OWN HEALTHCARE DECISIONS, what exactly makes you think they give a crap about yours?? 

So what is the plan? We will regroup.  Bring on fresh blood with all the enthusiasm in the world that this can be reversed and that we will prevail.  Unfortunately we will end up knocking them down by responding to many of their ideas with- tried it, didn't work.... tried that, didn't work either.  We will once again try to mobilize into state groups to become more politically effective, because in the end, we are going to have to have the law on our side.  These hospitals are looking at losing 2% of the medicaid/ medicare funding if they don't have a certain percentage of their healthcare workers vaccinated for the flu.  Medical exemptio ns don't count against their percentage, but religious and conscientious exemptions do, unfortunately.  This MUST be changed.  The more awareness there is on the subject, the better.ed.  We can no longer assume that we can walk in to the hospital stating or even providing written directives on what we want and do not want done to ourselves or  our loved ones.  WHEN THE HEALTHCARE WORKERS NO LONGER HAVE THE RIGHT OF BODILY AUTONOMY FOR THEMSELVES, WE HAVE LOST EVERY RIGHT THAT WE WOULD HAVE EVER HOPED TO HAVE HAD WHILE IN THE CARE OF THE MEDICAL SYSTEM.  

So what is the plan? We will regroup.  We will bring on fresh blood with all the enthusiasm in the world that this can be reversed and that we will prevail.  Unfortunately we will end up knocking them down by responding to many of their ideas with- tried it, didn't work.... tried that, didn't work either.  Likely we will visit old ideas and try them again anyway, knowing that so many more healthcare workers are realizing this isn't going away and yearly are having reactions to the vaccine.  We will once again try to mobilize into state groups to become more politically effective, because in the end, we are going to have to have the law on our side.  These hospitals are looking at losing 2% of the medicaid/ medicare funding if they don't have a certain percentage of their healthcare workers vaccinated for the flu.  Medical exemptions don't count against their percentage, but religious and conscientious exemptions do, unfortunately.  This MUST be changed.  The more awareness there is on the subject, the better.  The more the public at large realizes this effects them and not just the nurses, the better.  After all, who's next? Walmart workers? The DMV workers? The Post Office? 

First they came for the nurses.  Next, they are coming for YOU!

All this being said, I will still answer the question posed to me ad nauseam this time of year: How do I prepare and detox for the flu shot?

-30 chlorella AM and PM the day before the shot, day off, and for three days after.

-10 chlorella AM and PM twice a day for 6 months. That's right, I said 6 months.  THAT's what you are doing to your body.

- Epsom salt baths three times a week for several weeks after.

-Mediclay pack by Premier to injection site immediately after.  Can find on  

- DPT- Tox by Nutriwest AM and PM several days before and two weeks after. 

-Cross your fingers, say a prayer, do a jig, and just generally hope your ass off you aren't going to have a massive reaction THIS TIME.  You never know about next year...


The old argument that if you don't get a vaccine you are putting others at risk is so ridiculous. Say for instance everyone gets vaccinated at school then how is your un-vaccinated kid putting other kids at risk if vaccines are so good. Their vaccines should be protecting them.
Keep fighting; what choice do you have? My heart goes out to you.

Agreed. And, that logic defeats their position. I wonder how they react, as I've not done this myself, not having children at risk.

I reframed your "Their vaccines should be protecting them" as "Their damage should be protecting them" and then it made a lot more sense...

Hello Michelle, I am very new to this Steemit platform but I must say am relieved to see you with the vaccine information here. You may have already seen this incredible and important document and as far as I know, you may have helped author it. It is really a game changer by not only giving us a conscise and well thought out description of the vaccine problem but also will require HHS to respond. Thank you for being here, look forward to reading your other materials as I become more familiar with this pond called Steemit :) Here is the document, please review and share at will. I upvoted your post and am now following.

Yes! I am VERY excited about this document and plan to post on it when I get a chance. It is SO well done and I'm proud of the group I've come to know and love for getting this done and out!

Thanks for the advice; here's hoping I'll never need to use it. Got a flu shot once, a couple decades ago, and that was the year I was more sick. So both my experience, and my research, align with staying healthy by eating right.

Yes. The last year I had the flu shot was when I was in high school. I missed so many days of school that year from being so sick starting the day I got it, that my pediatrician had to write a letter to the school board telling them to give me credit for the year.

Wow. I mean, really, that's a "just wow" -- how can a medical professional vouch for someone's academic achievements? [Edit: not meant to disparage you!!!]

Basically they wanted proof that I really had been THAT sick so I should get credit for the good grades I still maintained. Public school at it's finest.

I believe that there is a strong majority of nursing professionals who do not believe in the benefits of vaccinations. Yet they cower to the system allowing the pharmaceutical industry to control the physicians through kickbacks and financial gain. Nurses do not realize the power they wield. I do not know of any medical specialty that could continue to function without the benefit of nurses. All physicians and hospitals would cease to function if nurses collectively stood up for the patients right to choose whether they desired a vaccine. Unfortunately they stand back in silence. and remain controlled by a corrupt system.

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