What You Don't Know About Emotions.. Simple Tips On How Emotions Affect Life.

in #steemit-education7 years ago

Emotion, derived from the latin "Emovere" where E means "out" and movere is "move" which literally translates to "move-out". Emotion can be explained as energy in motion. It is a way of expressing one's self by giving off energy relative to how the person feels. It shows the quality of how one relates with situations that affect one's life.

The concept emotion could also be categorised as negative and positive. We can regard them as polarized, as opposite of each other, or we could just say that there is a dividing line where one type of emotion can change into the rapper type of emotion. By this we mean emotions can be positive or negative.

Emotions can also be categorised as either primary emotions or secondary emotions.
Primary emotions are those emotions that we feel first, as a first response to a situation. Thus, if we are threatened, we may feel fear. When we have a fear of death, we may feel sadness. They are all thinking, instinctive responses that we have. Typical primary emotions include fear, anger, sadness and happiness (although it is worth noting that these can also be felt as secondary emotions).
Secondary emotions they often appear after primary emotions and the complicate the situation, making it more difficult to understand what is really going on. Secondary emotions may be caused directly by primary emotions, for example where the fear of a threat turns to anger that fills the body for a fight reaction. They may also come from more complex chains of sinking secondary emotions maybe simple feelings or maybe a mix as more emotions join the fray. Source, news of a victory of war may bring with his feelings of joy but then get stained with sadness for the loss of life.

Negative emotions are usually fueled by an underlying fear of the unknown, if fear of the actions of others, and they need to control them or stop them to avoid getting harmed. "Examples of negative emotions are: apathy, grief, fear, hatred, shame, blame, regret, resentment, anger and hostility" to mention but a few.
Positive emotions are fueled by an underlying desire for enjoyment and unity. It might also involve working on and learning more viewpoints, interacting more with others, enjoy making things better. Examples of positive emotion include but not limited to: enthusiasm, happiness, laughter, pleasure, humour and creativity.
Some emotions camouflage as positive or negative, but are really the opposite of what they appear to be. For example, some form of anger or tears might look negative, but may really be just an expression of involvement and care for others. It is the underlying mechanism and motivation that counts, more than be superficial outward manifestation.

Sources consulted.
World Trans
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