93 Society Herodotus and the Oracle of Delphi #Magi Code
#93Society #Herodotus and the #OracleofDelphi #Magi(ck) Code
Trump Cyrus The Persian (Iran) King and Third Temple Symbolism
Answer from Oracle of Delphi: "If you attack, a great empire will fall."
The Magi(ck) of 5th Century aka Modern Technology of Modern Day Cyrus
Herodotus and "Histories" -
A Final Warning before The Judge Arrives
Book I (Clio)
The answer from the Oracle of Delphi concerning whether Croesus should attack the Persians (famous for its ambiguity): If you attack, a great empire will fall.
Many authors, starting with the late fifth-century BC historian Thucydides, have accused him of making up stories for entertainment. Herodotus, however, states that he is merely reporting what he has been told. A sizable portion of the information he provides has since been confirmed by historians and archaeologists.
"...often referred to as
"The Father of History"
[Wikipedia] on Herodotus
"Where There is Neglect, No Permission is Required."
- Known UnKnown 01/2019
"In Retrospect, Everything Will Make Sense."
- Known UnKnown 01/2019
Until We Meet Again in Time
In the End Times