What Is Your Mental Age | Personal Maturity Test | IQ Test
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What Is Your Mental Age | Personal Maturity Test | IQ Test
Test Name: What Is Your Mental Age? (Personal Maturity Test)
Instructions -
- 10 Questions
- You have about 10 seconds to answer each question
- Choose A, B, C, D, E or F for your answers and count all your points
Question 01: How would you describe yourself?
A. Curious
B. Playful
C. Energetic
D. Confident
E. Wise
F. Independent
A=20 B=10 C=30 D=50 E=60 F=40
Question 02: What is your favorite drink?
A. Milk
B. Tea/Water
C. Alcoholic Beverage
D. Soda/Carbonated Drinks
E. Coffee
F. Juice/Hot Chocolate
A=10 B=60 C=40 D=30 E=50 F=20
Question 03: What do you like watching?
A. Drama Series/Reality Shows
B. Comedy/fantasy Movies
C. Documentaries/Commercials
D. News/Tutorials
E. Cartoons
F. Music/Porn/Thriller Movies
A=40 B=20 C=60 D=50 E=10 F=30
Question 04: Social networking is -
A. Awkward
B. Pointless
C. Essential
D. Important
E. Optional
F. Necessary
A=60 B=10 C=30 D=40 E=20 F=50
Question 05: Elvis Presley is -
A. Dead
B. Fun
C. I don’t know
D. A great singer
E. A handsome man
F. The King
A=30 B=20 C=10 D=50 E=40 F=60
Question 06: Choose a musical instrument -
A. Piano
B. Classical Guitar
C. Electric Guitar
D. Drums
E. Violin
F. Trumpet
A=50 B=40 C=30 D=20 E=60 F=10
Question 07: A new iphone/samrtphone has been launched. You -
A. Who cares? A phone is a phone
B. Can you buy me one?
C. Does the battery last longer?
D. How much do they cost?
E. How much storage?
F. I really want it.
A=60 B=10 C=50 D=40 E=30 F=20
Question 08: What’s the best thing to do after a meal at home?
A. Have sex/a coffee
B. Check my phone/go out with my friends
C. Play a game
D. Go to the toilet
E. Wash the dishes
F. Take a nap
A=40 B=30 C=20 D=60 E=50 F=10
Question 09: What do you think of sex education in school?
A. It makes me giggle
B. I don’t need lessons anymore
C. It leads to the experimentation
D. I’m not sure, I’m too young
E. There are things you have to learn on your own
F. Safe sex and birth control are serious subjects.
A=20 B=40 C=30 D=10 E=60 F=50
Question 10: What is your real age?
A. 8 and below
B. 9-13 years
C. 14-18 years
D. 19-23 years
E. 24-29 years
F. 30 and above
A=10 B=20 C=30 D=40 E=50 F=60
100 – 170 Points
(From 3 to 5 Years)
You’re not a baby anymore, and you can expect to see some important social, intellectual, and emotional changes.
180 – 260 Points
(From 6 to 12 Years)
You should feel confident in your ability to solve problems alone. Learn to socialized and be open to challenges.
270 –350 Points
(From 13 to 19 Years)
Your strong emotions may rule your decisions, but also will bring you moments of pride, joy, laughter and passion.
360 – 440 Points
(From 20 to 39 Years)
You should find a balance between career and romantic relationships, and be prepared for the reality of life.
450 – 520 Points
(From 40 to 64 Years)
You have learned to admit when you’re wrong. Parents can’t support you forever, so motivate yourself to get things done.
530 - 600 Points
(65 years old or older)
You may be wise but also kind of boring. You don’t understand the kids these days, just move to a place nice and quiet.
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