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RE: My fellow Steemians

in #steemian6 years ago (edited)

To all those criticizing Adam for abusing the platform, I'd like to ask: How many people have YOU reached through spreading the message of liberty and freedom? How many times have YOU physically endangered yourself, or perhaps risked your life, to spread the message of freedom? Would you even be willing to face jail time, or perhaps death, to stand by your principles and spread the message?

The way I see it is that Adam has done more than 99 percent of the people on this platform to spread the message of liberty and freedom. So when I see Adam, or another libertarian powerhouse like Adam, earning good dollar on Steemit, I don't see unfairness. I see just rewards.

It is my belief that people like Adam, Mark Passio, Larken Rose, and other prominent activists in the freedom community, some of whom have physically risked their lives in the name of freedom, should be BILLIONAIRES.

Yes, you heard that right.

If someone like Mark Passio joined this platform and copied all of his What on Earth is happening podcasts over to Dsound/Steem, I would LOVE to see him rewarded with thousands, millions, potentially BILLIONS.

You know why?

Because people like Mark, and Adam, have done more than many of us to spread the message, and their work is of immense value.

So, instead of pointing the finger at other prominent activists, take a look in the mirror and ask yourself if you have even reached a FRACTION of their audience over the years? Let's be honest, most of us, the vast majority of us, haven't.

If a Kokesh, Passio, or O'Keefe became a millionaire through steemit, I would tip my hat and congratulate them. Anyone who has been tirelessly spreading the message of freedom over the years, sometimes at a detriment to their health and physical livelihood, has my FULL RESPECT and SUPPORT.

Before you criticize anyone, it is always important to take a look in the mirror and criticize, or evaluate, your own contribution to the Great Work.


I agree. It’s also
big of you to back Rose. He is opposed to
Adam’s platform like many of us.

Adam and these guys do deserve billions. Now it makes more sense to me why Adam left the platform after his first post only made $1,000.

Thank you.

Big of me to back Rose?

I'm not sure what you mean, or whether you were being sarcastic?

I support anyone who has been instrumental in spreading the message of freedom, even if I disagree with them on certain details.

Hell, I will even support leftists if they are against the war on Syria. Whilst I obviously vehemently oppose their leftist political views, I will stand shoulder to shoulder with ANYONE who opposes war.

I agree. I am glad you guys can stand with us even though we are pointing out these abuses. It takes a lot of character.

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