All Time Best 07 life-changing books Every one Should Read
Following are the best life-changing books that is worth reading, all the books are available free in PDF form
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Do you know 75 % of millionaires read at least 2 books In a month An average CEO read 60 books in a year, not only this but the world's most successful and richest people read books daily to grow their wisdom and knowledge?
For example, Bill Gates read 1 book in a week even he is the richest person in the world, warren buffet world no 1 investor read 600 to 1000 pages per day, Elon Musk the owner of three billion dollars company, orphan win Frey, Mark Zuckerberg etc. read books daily despite having a lot of money, they know the more you learn, the more you will earn.
This is not about just money, on reading books your focus intensity increases, growth in concentration occurs, brain feel fresh and from most researches, it is also known that on a reading book the stress level decreases happiness increases and like this, there are a thousand of benefits on reading books, therefore, everyone should read one book in a month.
1% people learn from books or from their mentors who are successful in their life, so if you want to be in these 1 percent you should read these books which I am mentioning below, now you will confuse there are thousands of book published every year so which book I should read? no worry today I am going to tell you about the best books to read and change your life.
if you haven't read a single oneself help book yet, or you wonder from which book I start, then you should start from this book because this book is small and quite easy to read and things which are explained in this book are very important and amazing, through reading it, you will come to know about many facts about your life which will help you to grow ahead in your life.
In this book, the author has explained to us well how we can make use of ourselves and how we can go ahead in our life by managing the most important assets and that most important assets are ourselves.
This is the one book I have read recently and believe me this book has the best positive effect on my life and mentality. After which the desire of reading books has increased in me and many changes arouse in my life you can start from it or from the above book, both the books are easy to read and are very interesting.
In this life-changing books author Robert Kiyosaki is giving us some more important financial advice by telling his life examples where he is saying that he has two fathers one is actual and professor and was poor and one was his best friends father who was very rich, and his second father is teaching him how to be successful and rich after following his principals the author became a millionaire.
There is saying that 75% of peoples growth is dependent on their social skills and communication skills even though a person is from the technical field, which is absolutely true and i know this is the best book to increase your social skills and communication skills and i don't know you will find best book than this for your grooming in public.
After reading this life-changing books you will find yourself change in social life, and you would have improved communication skills, and it is necessary to grow in any field.
In this book, Author dale carnage has explained every concept by using beautiful stories, and you will enjoy reading this book after reading his books, maybe he became your favorite author.
Title The Power of Habit
Author Charles Duhigg
Edition Charles Duhigg
ISBN 9781400069286
Pages 371
Yes, you can't control your future, but you can control your habits and a person who can know how to control his habits that person can eventually control his future.
Your habit is the most powerful weapon, which will help you to stand stronger in the war of life and also help you to win many wars, hence try to be more attentive to it. In this book, you will learn how to form new good habits and replace your old bad habits with good ones.
Yes, it is difficult to make good habits but once it is formed they will be there forever and make your life easy and comfortable and on other side making bad habits is easy but once it is formed it is very difficult to remove those habits and life very difficult.
In this book, author Charles duhigg has explained the principle very easily and shows his best ways to get good habits and remove bad habits.
the power of agreements
In my opinion, even this book is life-changing, In this book the taught four agreements can help you to become wise successful, In today's life people take things very personally, and they get offended easily and don't be able to understand others because of which they don't get success in their personal and professional life, nor they are able to live happily.
After reading this life-changing book, trust me you will be able to understand people nicely through which your relationship will improve, and you will start happily and because of this you be successful and live happily.
This can never happen if I am giving book recommendations, and don't involve this book in the list. Think and grow rich by Napoleon Hill is the most popular book in the self-help book category, and it deserves to be popular.
Andrew Carnegie who was the richest person in his time, give an offer to Napoleon hill, where he asked him to meet the world's most successful and richest people and learn from them and understand and then prepare a philosophical book, a book of success which any person can read and can have the capability of becoming successful but for this Andrew will not pay to napoleon only he will get expensive so that he can reach them and meet most successful people, Napoleon accepted this offer within a minute, and then he spent 20 years to meet with successful people and then write this amazing book.
A bad time comes in every person's life, I have also experienced so many bad lucks and difficulties, but the good thing is how do you control it and how you turn these difficulties to ease, you will wonder how can we?
Don't worry at all this book will help you to understand the life facts, you will get a lot of courage and strength to handle the bad phase of your life.
This life-changing books contain very interesting stories and practical things which can do to be happy and courageous in your bad times, which is very useful to handle such bad phases of your life, Must read this book because the bad time comes on every person but to control it in a good manner is the best thing, so this book can be very helpful.
I collected These life-changing books for you on the basis of research and my personal experience, don't be panic if I didn't mention your favorite book in this collection. This is just part one of the collections of best books the next article will be based on more books like history books, poetry books, Islamic books, and many more.