Cocoon - First-aid treatment for epileptic seizures anywhere, anytime
First-aid treatment for epileptic seizures anywhere, anytime
Hunter's comment
For those who are epileptic or if you have someone who is epilectic this is safety product for them to manage seizures when they occur.
Cocoon is a portable safe space for epileptic seizures. For epileptics, seizures are 'normal', but there are necessary steps to ensure safety. Cocoon addresses all epileptic seizure first-aid requirements - anywhere, anytime.
The Cocoon comes with variou IOT enalert when in use by the person exeriencing seizure, first are the virtual holding written word alerting passer-by that you having a seizure with first-aid instructions on both sides for them to help and if occur over 5 minutes it alert an amblance.
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It can be difficult for the families of epileptic patients. They are gonna especially love this. Very ingenious idea of creating a first aid kit with all the instructions.
Great hunt
These kind of technology are awesome but how often do they become available to those that really need them? That's a big question waiting for an answer. Cool hunt btw
Pretty cool product that provides instant safety for someone experiencing a seizure with first aid instructions for bystanders. I really like it coz it is portable and fold-able and pops out in seconds to become a safe space. Excellent Find
A great product for epileptic patients as they can get ready and necessary first aid to feel better and safe from seizures. It cna be very useful in adverse circumstances epileptic patients can have. Great Hunt
Glad to see that epilepsy is receiving its fair share of attention with innovative technology. This first aid is much needed especially in this part of the world where epilepsy is seen more as a curse rather than a medical condition.
Hi dear hunter @okahjul you are a great and generous man because you share a great and useful product with us and for others. With this product many peoples experience and benefits for health
Those people suffering seizure hope they use this system then they relief this problem. Overall nice and helpful.
Awesome ONe!
epileptic it is bad problem that few people has and it will become a problem or fear in case of we have public. This ioT device is just awesome and the best option for First-aid on the spot.
Thank You and Have a GooD dAY!
Wow, a nice system that helps people with epilepsy, it gives them tips, guidance and provide first aid treatment for them to manage seizures because it can't be avoided. Cool hunt