5 Tips to Bust Writers Block!

in #steemgigs7 years ago (edited)

Ah. The dreaded writers block. You get stuck and your creative mind starts drooling like a brain damaged sloth. You just don't know what to write about.

But it can be beat! Here are five tips to bust you out of the blockage and get the words flowing!

1. Read

Read something. Anything. When I am working on a fiction book and I have writers block, I'll read something opposite- such as the news, or an article on quantum mechanics. When I am having trouble figuring out a topic to write about for Steemit, I'll read other articles and comments. This has never failed- sometimes just I have turned a simple one sentence comment into a whole post!

2. Write

Start writing anyway. Freewrite- just let the words flow without thinking or stopping for five minutes- set your timer. This often frees up the stagnation in your mind and sometimes a cool topic comes from it!

3. Music

Turn on some blood pumping tunes! Either the lyrics will be inspirational or the change in audio "scenery" will spark an ounce of creativity.

4. Exercise

Go for a walk. Vigorously clean your house. Do some jumping jacks. Dance like a maniac to the music you just turned on. This will get your blood pumping oxygen to your brain.

5. Stop!

Sometimes, you just have to go do something else. A change of scenery may be in order. Go shopping, take a coffeeshop break. Or even tell yourself you're done writing for the day and continue on with the rest of your plans. You never know- inspiration just may strike after you've put away the computer!

Use one or two of these tips to beat writers block next time you're struck wordless. But most of all, remember why you're writing. It should be fun! So never stress. Don't worry, writers block is very temporary :)

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~ with love from @ArbitraryKitten

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Music is one of my favorite tips, it unlocks me completely.

Mine too! And when I'm writing I use different music- if it's a sad scene I play slow, sad tunes, and if I am creating an action scene, I put on some fast rock!

so useful, for me and maybe for others too, if can fee is according to the payment result .. :).

Of course it is reasonable :) Reach out to an editor in Discord for a consultation :)

Hi all this information are really great and topics your touching here is really touched by an other I need to know about the various editing community who can help me.

I would also like to know how the team editors of @blue-pencil can work help me

Yay! You found me!

Follow the link in the post above to get to the Discord chat rooms, then pick one of the editors and message them :)

I use all five tips and I think also talking to another person is very good for inspirations as well :)

Absolutely. Talking with a friend, or reach out to someone in Steemit! That will surely get the creative juices flowing!

hello @blue-pencil, where I get a editor?

Glad you found me already in Discord :)

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