"SteemGigs" Our Steem-Based Freelance MarketPlace Where "EveryOne Has Something To Offer" Is Now On Utopian-io. Join Us In Bringing It To Full-Blown Life.

in #steemgi7 years ago

You must have heard of Freelancer, Fiverr, Upwork etc. These are some of the mainstream freelancing-marketplaces across the internet.

A freelancing marketplace is simply a place online where people offer their service, expertise, craft, knowledge etc (in a variety of niche or industry) in exchange for a payment and where businesses, companies, individuals, recruiters etc visit, to seek out freelancers.

Freelancers may not be experts, may be experts, may be better-than-experts etc.
Bottomline is, freelancers work on their own terms thus, their service charge/fee etc may sometimes be less expensive as they are free to create their charge or service-fee e.g a doctor working under the premise of a hospital may be required to shape his fee in accordance with the hospital's specification; on the other hand a freelancer, may decide his own rates.

There are masses of freelancers around the world and even here on steemit.
On steemit for instance, there are many who prefer to spend their whole day designing a logo for a client (another steemian) for 5 SBD, than spend time writing a personal blog that earns 50 SBD. They simply may find "honing their craft or expertise" more fulfilling! Many of these freelancers may like the word "client" or the feeling of having a client of clients; may like to be of help to others; may not know how to write a killer-blog; may prefer a guaranteed fixed amount; may like to exert their creativity under pressure etc

Many new steemians want to know of other ways to earn steem/SBD, without having to become a blogger and some steemians who take breaks from blogging (for a period), want to find ways to keep on evergreen on steem e.g by having a service they can offer even when they are offline steem

Also, we have that amazing community of great minds but how much do we know this community and its depth! It is always said; "exhaust all your resources"; but do we know all our resources? Do we know our steemians well enough? Do we know what each steemian can really do?

How many steemians, tire out a bit and take a steemit break from blogging and curating?
How many regular internet users are turned away, the first time they find steemit as they aren't bloggers and may have seen only the blogging aspect of steemit?
Each Steemian has something to offer!
In reality, if we combine every steemian head and analyze fully, the combined brain power; "it is enough power to find cure for AIDS or move and displace Kilimanjaro by 20km at 20km/hour".
We took particular note of the above and #steemgigs was born some 9 months ago to start these new ones to life on steemit and give them a home. Moreso, to "exhaust all our resources" by getting to know something extra about our dear steemians; "what and just how much they can do!"

Many new steemians at the time, felt more at home upon getting on steemit, when they realized that they could also offer their service in exchange for steem or SBD and that they could also accomplish this using a transparent blog #steemgigs post. Hence, they would do a post under the #steemgigs and within this post offer a service in exchange for steem or SBD e.g i would design you a steemit logo for 5 SBD etc

We also admonished people to exert their creativity in newer ways e.g i would write your brand name on the sands of a Jamaican sea or i would write my your steemit brand name 10 times on my class' whiteboard for 5 SBD etc

Thus, newer breeds of creativity and a new generation of service types started to occur e.g a wooden steemit library was built courtesy of a steemgig or a particular steemian who was paying steem to have food delivered to his house etc

Then, the Steemgigs discord server was created to facilitate community, foster relationships and allow for communication.

Our intention was to get to know the true value of our steemit community first, to where we have come to know at least one reputable steemian or steemgigger in almost any niche or industry.

With this sole knowledge, "every steem-dream or dream becomes ever-more buildable.
We decided to pace thing aright for we weren't in competition. We used the entire slow movement to evolve our vision into spanlessness, plus we wanted our vision to become deeply-rooted and unshaken. Too, we wanted it to be community-driven. (This means that we are delayed with our roadmap but still ever-present and on track. You can read the roadmap here!)

A Special Beauty Of Steemgigs
Steemgiggers could also document their progress and clients (steemgiggers) could document their satisfaction etc.

Hence, one transaction (SteemGig) between a steemian and another can involve several steemit posts (with each post having potential to earn as a steemit post.


the steemian offering his service may want to make a number of #steemgigs posts documenting his progress
the steemian receiving this service may want to do a SteemGig testimonial post about the experience
the steemian offering the service may also feel like doing his own SteemGig to document the entire experience with this particular client
Both steemians may want to create a SteemGig portfolio post
Note: each #steemgigs post from the above scenario has potential value in terms of rewards, improves reputation and accomplishes steemit growth

Apart from getting paid for their service, each party can earn rewards courtesy of their #steemgigs post alone, promote themselves in the process and improve their reputation as well; "special features that centralized freelance marketplaces like Fiverr, Upwork, Freelancer etc can't pull off"

e.g look at this #steemgigs relationship below, between @kus-knee and @fisteganos from 8 months ago.

My SteemGig Experience; It's More Than Just Working To Get Paid.
Notice how much both parties earned as well just by documenting their experience.

Please notice the comment by @andrarchy in the screenshot above!
So don't be surprised to see a steemgigger offer up his service at zero charge!

There is also a love & gift-economy paradigm to @steemgigs, stirred by the presence of a reputable community that is not findable on any centralized or decentralize freelance marketplace online.

To crown things, we added hashtag "untalented" to the mix to leave no stone un-turned when it comes to talent and potential talent. Along with "proof of reputable deed", we started to seek to reward "attempts at out-of-the-boxness" etc completing the model; "everyone has something to offer".

Freelancers Out there Aren't Actually Free
On centralized platforms, freelancers aren't exactly freelancers or are they?
There are third parties involved! In the case of Fiverr for instance, Fiverr is a third-party as they get a cut from your potential pay and can determine what service you can or can't offer.

Then there is paypal, that also act as fourth-party, when it comes to getting your actual cash on hand.
There is no doubt that @steemgigs has many advantages being on a decentralized and capable steem blockchain. For reference, read this article also written by @stellabelle:

5 Reasons Steemgigs Could Disrupt Fiverr
5 Reasons SteemGigs Could Disrupt Fiverr (as written on Hackernoon)
Note that: there is also no real community on marketplaces like Fiverr, Upwork or Freelancer etc. Yes, you can DM freelancers but it is hard to stir real brotherhood because while Steemit is the home of the internet's greatest and reputable minds, incessantly rehearsing creativity using the beauty and advancement of steem technology; Fiverr acknowledge themselves as the world's largest freelance services marketplace allowing lean entrepreneurs, to focus on growth & create a successful business at affordable costs.

SteemGigs offers a real community. Places like Fiverr, Upwork etc can mostly offer business relationships.
We Are Not Out To Disrupt Fiverr
Read this post; you will easily see the "many advantages" that decentralized @steemgigs has over marketplaces like Fiverr, Upwork or Freelancer.
But there is more......
Our vision is giant. We are on the high road!
Steemgigs is taking a route that removes "all barriers to entry" and we accomplish this by adding an untalented paradigm to our model. We don't want any level of talent to go amiss and ofcourse speaking of talents, steem holds the best talents on planet Earth as we are incentivized to "incessantly mind with our minds" in a transparent community that values reputation.

Untalented will hold a segment on Steemgigs allowing all levels of talented to shine and rewarding attempts at out-of-the boxness.

We will actively seek to spot potential talents and mine this potential. Then, we will direct them aright into the @steemgigs community to put there talent to testimonial good use in helping others build their dreams.

We want to create legends! We want to gradually have everyone tap into their superstar. We want to play a testimonial role in history, by parting part of the history that bore your dreams. We want to passionately, loving, heartfeltly bring your innovation ideas to life under an "everyone" paradigm, where each human is celebrity and were even level of talent is negligible, for "we are genius" and more than ever before: "we have each other".

Don't worry, it is possible and the untalented curriculum that has gone on on steemit for some months now is proof of this.
We don't believe spam is the entire issue. We sift this situation to pick out "passion" and we divert this passion aright into more testimonial good use and there are testimonies that this is possible. Moreover, we are working on curriculum's and tools to help.

If it becomes proven that "everyone has something to offer", spam will reduce.

We aren't going to be just a freelancing marketplace on a decentralized blockchain, for we want to have a heartfelt role in helping you bring your dreams to life and one more special power we have, is "utmost knowledge of our community".

By running #steemgigs as a tag on steemit first instead of hurriedly create an interface, we built a solid community of "reputable steemians in need" and "steemians indeed". We know this people as they have laid themselves bare on the steem blockchain while accomplish #steemgigs and they have maintained "reputation" all along.

Now than a vibrant community is in existence, it is time for the SteemGigs interface to come to life. This will help us create a hub for every steemian to keep their talents alive in the service of others.

In another post, i will breakdown the various aspects of the steemgigs interface. Basically, it will have a separate database to store profiles of steemgiggers as well outside of steemit, a specialized editor, a search functionality and many other fun things @steemgigs is now on Utopian. There has been delays and we have been behind schedule when it comes to the interface. My mum's illness changed events, then she died and things took a momentary hit and slowed down. I am very stubborn though and like to push things on my own at least to an extent and with the "too many things that i do with regards to steem", the steem community and its growth etc i can be said to be broken and needing of help.

#steemgigs has always been a community-driven endeavor....... Even the "steemgigs" witness was named so instead of "surpassinggoogle" to represent community. Thus, putting the code on GitHub and synched with @utopian-io is the current route we are taking, so that together we can complete it.

@elear is willing to help out too and so is @ekitcho and @fabien on @busy.org
I also want it to serve as a standing model of inspiration to many steemians who dare to dream, to tell them incessantly to "too-lazy-to-quitly dream big first (forget reality), for dreams now equaller reality".

There are many plans and the gianormousness of this plan especially for us all, we will gradually see as we build @steemgigs together.
While steemgigs is ongoing on utopian, we will be working on the other interface behind the scenes on https://surpassinggoogle.com and create a really fun steem-interface that takes up the next piece of "steemgigs" paradigm, which is to make "everyone" a celebrity and fix content discovery and curation challenges on steem.

The third interface @teardrops, will be a hub of breakthrough testimonies filled with our tears of joy and modeled in such a way that even our saddest testimonies will have testimonial good use for the masses in the world needing incessant inspiration and for masses yet unborn, to know when they arrive that we were here and ultimately for any suffering we have done to have essence.

Then we will pack the awesomest version of ourselves and mold these into a token called "@teardrops" and serve it to the nations, till each and every teardrop is rewarded.

We will use our "human" to bring some healing to humans and direct to the ultimate healer Jehovah.
Are You Ready?
We now await you on @utopian-io.
Overtime, i will start doing specific task requests for @steemgigs on utopian, with hopes for contributions.

For starters, i will be doing task request for simple things like logo, banners etc but you are all welcome to submit suggestions too.

Read this post for for knowledge on how to contribute on Utopian!
Together, we will complete the building of @steemgigs. It is already up to 50 percent done as we started with a fork of @busy.org.

Incase, you want to contribute to an open-source project on utopian-io during your spare time, please feel free to remember "@steemgigs" as it an open-source project and it is enlisted as such on @utopian-io

Remember that we apply an untalented paradigm where every participant gets some rewards; "no losers".

"Receiving itself is an art" is a core part of our curriculum.
You can have a preview of @steemgigs on

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