The Lost SuperFoods
The Lost Superfood is one of the few herbs that is still actively used in Western herbalism with a consistent tradition going back centuries. As such, we believe it should be kept alive so that it can continue to benefit those who use it.
We've all heard of superfoods, and most have probably even tried a few as well. But each time you eat one, it's good to keep in mind that each of these foods has been completely lost from the modern diet, just like it was a rare and endangered species. And sadly, we might never get another chance to see the likes of the spelt grain or yellow pea ever again.
If you ask around, there are actually some pretty good reasons for how super foods came to be lost. For one thing, the elaborate schemes that were devised to make a profit off these products sometimes had unintended consequences. Peanut butter, for example, was marketed as a health food in the 1920s; but the problem was that most of the peanut butter sold at that time wasn't all that healthy. Most of it didn't even contain peanuts! It was made up of ground up sawdust, fats from other sources and just about anything else edible.
For the most part, when we think superfoods, things like apples, berries and green vegetables come to mind. But did you know that carrots were considered a "superfood" in various populations? That the UK actually has a list of over 100 foods that can be considered superfoods? And did you know that there are even some foods on this list that you've probably never even heard of. We take a look at some of these foods, as well as others that have long been ignored as so-called "super" foods, and discuss who officially considers them to be so.
While the major superfoods like fish, eggs and blueberries have been mentioned by everyone from TIME Magazine to Dr. Oz, other less popular superfoods like bee pollen have been quietly sneaking their way into our diet for decades. Bee Pollen is known for being one of nature's greatest sources of protein. To give you an idea of how impressive that is, consider that 19g of protein in Bee Pollen is equivalent to an entire pound of beef steak – without any cholesterol! Asking whether or not Bee Pollen has any medical value is a tough question to answer; the studies simply do not agree on whether it has significant value or if it simply tries to make a big splash with its findings.
The nutritional value of a food is not the only thing that determines how healthy it is. You should also keep some of the other features in mind, such as the presence of natural antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. So with all things considered, avocados are basically the best fruit in existence, as well as being healthy for our hair and skin too!
If you want to take your health to the next level, then it's about time you started eating them. As with most of the food you eat, variety is imperative; that means that you should balance berries, greens, and mushrooms if you want to receive all of their nutritional benefits.
You may not have heard of alprazolam, but, if you plan on eating your spinach, you better get used to it. Since the late nineties, flunitrazepam has ranked among the most common illicit substances in many countries, ranking alongside marijuana and cocaine. As the popularity of cannabis continues its climb and Colombia prepares to become the world's leading producer of cocaine, it seems that we should be aware of what other illegal substances might be making their way into our food supply.
Berries are a powerful source of antioxidants, and can help to fight cancer and slow aging. Strawberries are rich in folate, a vitamin that supports the cardiovascular system and plays a role in fetal development. Blueberries are high in vitamin K, which helps to prevent osteoporosis. Raspberries will help to lower your LDL cholesterol levels, and boysenberries have been shown to prevent Alzheimer's disease. Blackberries and mulberries contain anthocyanins, antixodiants that protect against various forms of cancer. Cranberries and lingonberries contain proanthocyanidin, which has been shown to be effective in preventing urinary tract infections. In short, any country will see better health for its people if it eats more berries, as a simple berry-rich diet has proven to increase life spans by up to three years compared with one low in berries.
Olympic mussels are juicy, tender and full of flavour. They cook in under five minutes, so are easy to prepare for a quick and healthy snack or side dish.
The more we learn about diet and nutrition, the more we realize just how essential leafy greens are to a healthy lifestyle. They're packed with vitamins and minerals, as well as antioxidants that can help protect you from deadly diseases like cancer.
The truth is, you probably won't ever even read a conclusion, but if you do--we want you to know that you're welcome anytime at our table.
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