RE: I need your vote in the Minnowsupportproject contest. Support people in need at the STEEMFEST² in Portugal
Hi, yah there was some confusion unfortunately. We discussed it yesterday and all is good. We're friends now :D Anyway, please keep the 4 SBD I paid. After all I used it, so a fee is due. Although I'm surprized to understand now, that the fee applies to EACH SINGLE USE of the same picture. I did not read that before or I missed it somehow. All I read about your fee structure was more or less, custom design 40 SBD, and when a design already exists and you want to use it as well just pay 4 SBD. Maybe you could make the full fee structure more clear and complete in future postings to avoid such confusion? Considering usual post payouts between 1 - 8 STEEM, paying 4 SBD for each post doesn't make sense indeed. Especially when it was meant for charity.
About this specific case now. Does benjojo own the full rights for the picture now, or which rights are still held by you? We can finish this whole discussion in a chat maybe. After all we all want to give credits where credits are due and you really did a great design work here.
I have talked to benjojo now and it would seem you two have come to an agreement - sorry for any misunderstanding.
Side note: if you needed free images you can check the public domain for free image sources, also in the google image search you can hit "tools" and a drop down lebal will show up where you can find an option for "Lebaled for reuse and modifications" and it will only show images that are licensed for free re-use.
I put "giving" into the search bar under that license option and here is what you can find. If you need images that is a good way to keep it free. You may want to check the images site first to just see if they have any linkback requirements.
People usually come to me if they need something costume.
Yeah - I really failed at that logo post- It was one of my first logo entries here on steemit and I was just gaging the steemitgigs market to see if people liked my designs and then benjojos contest kind of blew up. HAHA the failure here is on me. I wrote out a poorly informed post at the time (Noobminnowmistake)