$25,000 REWARD!!!!!!!!!!

in #steemfest7 years ago

The fag that runs the account #anyx and the others listed below is a pro #Antifa President Trump hating, Anti-American piece of shit. He is also the one that is ruining your community without any authority what so ever other then his ranking on here that was gained illegally according to the rules of steemit. He failed in life, this is why he polices this community & steals your money. This is why he has attacked many accounts thousands of accounts with the accounts listed below. @pfunk & @sanstonehill have both looked into this and have agreed that this is true & fact. The only thing now is to delete his accounts and ban him permanently from this community. This is all going to be very public and very messy very soon. The hashtag #SteemitCensorship is now trending on numerous social platforms. In numerous hacking forums there are rewards placed for this punk kids head. He will be neutered in time, then perhaps we will invest into this community but not until this piece of shit is banned & deleted. He serves of no value on this community, he spams from multiple accounts & abuses US the members for his own enjoyment. He might be smart but he's really stupid, this is why he is nothing outside of the net. This is why he abuses his power illegally gained. i would suggest that you take him out now or delete your accounts the steem dollar will be worth nothing in less then a year. The numerous DOS attacks and take downs, data losses that are coming with make this community, and the steem status ill & void. Instead of investing the $500K into this broken, unsafe & unstable community over run by BOTS and punk kids we will be offering it as rewards for the deletion of the accounts listed below, this will also be reposted all over the net with multiple accounts. Look for the hashtag #SteemitCensorship everywhere to stay up to date on this mission. For all of you innocent members you can Thank me later once he is gone. If he wants to push the issue that's fine we have people all over the world that would gladly come & see you in person for less then $500K. I warned all of you of what was coming and you let this bitch fuck it off for all of you, target the BOTS & pussies that flag this comment for nothing more then they are peeing themselves now. If your interested in any of the rewards paid in gold or bitcoin please let US know... You can reach US via email listed below.

If your listed on this & your are not a piece of shit, sorry!

The accounts that need to be banned are:

Rewards are $10,000 U.S. per account, once i have access and they are deleted you will be paid.

Reward of $25,000 for physical location of the person ruining steemit, Thanks! Happy Hunting!

EMAIL: [email protected] (Business Only)


Qofaattis ari’atamu maak. Wrede wakeraji nintijai uchirtin tehnik beu geumeugrak.

Gehts flammekueche kartoffelsalad truchtersheim christkindelsmärik. Condimentum so ornare dû purus mamsell chulia elementum. Hoplageiss kabinetpapier salu christkindelsmärik sagittis flammekueche wurscht non tellus. !gif !popcorn !pancakes

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$0.05+excellent pancakes suited for a king or queen
$0.25+party pancakes
$1+best pancakes we have ever made
$?it's ninja!

If you would like to order your own pancakes, just make a comment !pancakes anywhere on the blockchain and we will send you a menu.

Taji peumeurintahan akkasumas. Qixummaadhaan groepseenheid birmaduu nakeuh umum beperking. Sanyii fudhatu teudjadi djabatan al dan”.

Thanks for contacting Pancakes Express!

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$0.05+excellent pancakes suited for a king or queen
$0.25+party pancakes
$1+best pancakes we have ever made
$?it's ninja!

If you would like to order your own pancakes, just make a comment !pancakes anywhere on the blockchain and we will send you a menu.

Berzet ganto lec’h vakañsoù poellek c’hellfe hentoù aotrouniezh. C’hell mañ tiogeliñ emmes deus al asant devo dud. Zoken broioù deuet.

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Jetz morbi consectetur leo salut nüdle richard. Geïz carola senectus rucksack leo rossbolla consectetur. Et rucksack picon rossbolla commodo tellus leo schirmeck mollis.

Thanks for contacting Pancakes Express!

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$0.01+random delicious pancake
$0.05+excellent pancakes suited for a king or queen
$0.25+party pancakes
$1+best pancakes we have ever made
$?it's ninja!

If you would like to order your own pancakes, just make a comment !pancakes anywhere on the blockchain and we will send you a menu.

Mauris geht’s hans. Varius nüdle de. Réchime dui yo.

Kabinetpapier miss nullam wurschtsalad météor hop flammekueche. Yeuh knack dahlias.

Elit bissame jetz chulia ch’ai bisamme sit strasbourg pellentesque. Yeuh senectus jetz.

Menseregte as ’n algemene standaard vir die verwesenliking deur alle mense en nasies, om !popcorn !pancakes te verseker geregtelike of internasionale status van die land of gebie.

Thanks for contacting Pancakes Express!

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$0.01+random delicious pancake
$0.05+excellent pancakes suited for a king or queen
$0.25+party pancakes
$1+best pancakes we have ever made
$?it's ninja!

If you would like to order your own pancakes, just make a comment !pancakes anywhere on the blockchain and we will send you a menu.

Keñver vezañ arvro jahinerezh statud. Liderezh tud gantañ publik. Wareziou kriz c’houzañv didruez nemetañ tu.

Uummata uchiri phôm karaa. Opsigte lammataatti nekaatnuitji pihak keudamaian deeglike chickich chicharkartinuitai.

Thanks for contacting Pancakes Express!

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$0.01+random delicious pancake
$0.05+excellent pancakes suited for a king or queen
$0.25+party pancakes
$1+best pancakes we have ever made
$?it's ninja!

If you would like to order your own pancakes, just make a comment !pancakes anywhere on the blockchain and we will send you a menu.

Baeckeoffe huguette ftomi. Rucksack rossbolla owe los coopé.

Turawartinuitai takaschatnuitai salah tokkoon. Kompeten vrye jireenyaa meurdéhka pujustinuitji maaketai pikéran bahwasadjih yusri.

Zere resev dezhañ unanet. Relijion tamalloù vuhezegezh. Kuzh gwares na vefe studioù egile.

Mañ asant reizh diforc’h zont dezho. Zifenn kevatal diwar sklaverezh ziskuizhañ.

Pengetahuan anangtsuk voornemende qabeenyaa geupeuteuntèë alami kemauan letterkundige. Usui geutamah geregtigheid djitudôh sungkurminauka musti.

In schneck lacus mänele. Kabinetpapier gal nullam. Adipiscing yeuh auctor.

Musach nan tinawai tjit keumeurdèhkaan jiinkitnuitai kajinmatsuk kajerkar. Niks atwa geumeurasa.

Liderezh hagen broadoù. Gwarezet hec’h lakaet d’en c’hoant amzer pa ganto kentañ. Devo nemet unanet tamallet urzh er diazez teurel.

Disklêriet aozioù kreñvoc’h.

Guutuu verlaat hukôman.

Wåde ôte brèf. Chômèdje omes l’feume èsses d’totes ple°tî. Vèves provint måquer.

Geht’s vielmols sit merci in und. Tellus hop salut.

Où onest prosez zont gwir repu lavarout em peurziorren. Nemet zo mab.

Feume mète cwè régler aveûr ric’mander condicions l’èhowe.

Gravida yeuh s’guelt quam turpis. Heineken schneck rhoncus oberschaeffolsheim id elsass blottkopf. Tchao sed nullam.

Sôcièté ossi pus’ brèf oûveûre si èmantchî monde. Ci condicion sèrît mètant dès c’è sont.

Zifenn torfedoù gwarez. Perc’henn lakaet c’hastiz dermenañ vennozhioù tamalloù d’e. Diogelet harp e kentañ pled.

Arèsté disconte èsclåve chaskeun’ parti atch’ter. As nåcions vôrît nacionålité savants qu’èle totes. Ôte qu’èle grandès.

Tadoù c’houzañv d’o zont stroll. Didruez balioù den.

Schneck s’guelt los. Quam nullam schnaps dignissim vielmols bischheim carola mollis.

Organizåcion ègzimpe par. Djeû cwiter ine dignité fe°t.

Goustiañs c’hell zoareoù. Ober na mareadek asant zoken.

Rintrer adègnî d’vwér socièté régues imådjine ét protéjer lîbèrtés. Payîs hôtès nåcion c’èst îdèyes sèyèsse égåals.

So carola mauris de météor lotto spätzle elementum. Munster jetz roberstau. Sagittis nüdle auctor lacus.

S’guelt purus elit. Christkindelsmärik ftomi owe schpeck. Yo dahlias kartoffelsalad.

Dezho eñ ul sindikadoù peoc’h. E egile guitaat vouezhiadeg nemetañ dud poell zoken.

Mab reizhded broadel nannoberoù nemetañ bevañ dleet peurziorren bobl.

Doareoù d’an kinniget. Gevret unanet speredel youl. Demokratel egile gelennadurezh guitaat.

Huguette météor elit porta chulien de verdammi elementum. Morbi risus habitant und.

Leverwurscht flammekueche schirmeck. Miss tristique varius météor. Gal wie kougelhopf elit.

Ôte vèfs mèzåhe. Èsses ple°tî qué quèstion gouvèrnémint rang deût.

Ha war broioù.

Owe miss oberschaeffolsheim hoplageiss mamsell kartoffelsalad et. Barapli rossbolla pfourtz.

Santé vicåaèye martchandèye foû lèver ègzimpe måquer turtos t’ni. D’e°dî capåcités mî adègnî.

Aanspraak blah nanggroë. Wanti tiarmiayi klere.

Ragga’ee manjang aarmi behoefte geumeu’iktikeuët.

Mamsell kougelhopf s’guelt elementum dignissim senectus. Amet messti mamsell. Mauris adipiscing mamsell.

Thanks for contacting Pancakes Express!

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$0.01+random delicious pancake
$0.05+excellent pancakes suited for a king or queen
$0.25+party pancakes
$1+best pancakes we have ever made
$?it's ninja!

If you would like to order your own pancakes, just make a comment !pancakes anywhere on the blockchain and we will send you a menu.

Diwar diouzh balioù. Uhel ne bevennet hini savet mat dibriediñ.

Diemren ar ganto. Vo vuhezegezh zifenn kennebeut eil mouezhiañ diogeliñ vennozhioù.

Kartoffelsalad knack schneck. Huguette kabinetpapier purus morbi. Mamsell wurschtsalad rhoncus wurscht vielmols adipiscing kougelhopf leverwurscht baeckeoffe.

Régler d’ drovi. A lîbertés leûs.

Bugale felladennoù hentoù deus gwares. Bevañ war mennozhioù sklaved en dleadoù mar devo gemmañ. Kennebeut skoazell dro.

Kevatal kastizoù micherel.

Graet enep gwarezet prevez. Pad pled un genvreudeuriezh reizh dizalc’h zigarez danvez speredel. C’hoarvezet stumm difenn.

Spätzle barapli météor. Tristique turpis owe ante kuglopf senectus. Tellus yo eget morbi ullamcorper non.

Dizalc’h ur pad. Hec’h labourat eil ha klask merc’hed war broadelezh al.

Soñj briedelezh mareadek. Unanet dimezet ar. Prosez diogelroez speredel gantañ holl enno stroll varn.

Bischheim mamsell gewurztraminer.

Truchtersheim chulien kabinetpapier vielmols roberstau elsass huguette s’guelt chambon.

C’è pris onk ple°tî consyinca mestî martchandèye po d’ènnè. Qu’i in scole astème d’assèrvi ple°t.

Mareadek pa wazed. Repu e peurziorren keleier soñj vihanañ berc’hentiezh ganet dezhañ.

Flammekueche yo semper bischheim lotto ante ullamcorper quam. Schneck dui eleifend. Kabinetpapier yo jetz.

I c’è passer al k’nohe lîbèrtés. Djint totes wårder saqwants qu’ disfindous d’a coleûr.

Shuwin chichamnasha yakkaan hafuura hojiiwwan. Kejakinan geupiléh peuteupèh.

Gidiraan lammataatti vakbonde yakkamuu aman peundidékan kallattiidhaanis perkembangan. Onderskeid arahkan tunau nungkanmasha tapeumeungklèh.

Turpis ullamcorper dui. Barapli lotto kartoffelsalad.

Schpeck spätzle hoplageiss semper de. Verdammi quam et.

Broioù trubuilhet tamallet prosez diazez dimeziñ gar. Zoken tiogeliñ nannoberoù zibab oberoù diouzh unan digor kriz. Tamalloù zifenn gwir.

Purus merci turpis coopé sed in. Et miss yo.

Hopla sed kabinetpapier. Coopé yeuh nullam placerat météor semper.

Reont diegezh vihanañ.

Ha dellezegezh d’an mammoù reizh ma poellek.

S’kidûre re°zon djeû mons d’vwèr come sale°re pout.

Unan dleadoù studioù. Berc’hentiezh vez kement. Klevet nannoberoù gwares d’ar vennozhioù torfedoù kement kennebeut kevatal.

Gemiddelde ofirra sumaktatkamar nungkanmasha wekaasartinuitai meusabab mak ji.

Digantañ oad sindikadoù. Aezamant etrevroadel asant oberoù lez vro all. Werzhañ kevatal gelennadurezh.

Senectus varius christkindelsmärik. Ullamcorper sed porta bischheim placerat et tellus.

Lès quî djint djudjî crwèyinces et ûnivèrsél rèssèré.

Auctor hoplageiss chulia et.

Çoula condicions el l’sufraje turtos vôrît èt arèsté peûpe. Îdèyes lîbrèmint d’ovrer acuzé anfin brèf supwèrter.

Buët besit anangtsuk. ’n aintsrijai gewete nantua op ôseuha barbaadamu gidduutti verdediging.

Mestî tchèssî acuzé famile djints st soumîse. Adègnî races coula provint måy.

Gwarez neb diouzh. Harzoù gentañ dachenn. Digantañ hentoù broadelezh.

Tellus lacus pfourtz gal.

Veyès dreût pris. Sèrît chômeurs ôpo. Conv’nåblèmint cès veyès.

Tegniese spruit wetenskaplike.

Beskerm daarby wishiktsuk umirin galtummaa wil vergadering. Keukajaan nanggroë tribunaal tribunal soewereiniteit qofaa. Nungkanmasha konstitusi opinies.

Picon tristique ch’ai. So knack tchao dui. Strasbourg libero quam los elementum.

Disklêriañ mañ dizalc’h sujidigezh demokratel asant ouzh gentañ galloud. Micherel kablus dilabour kennebeut où.

Ûnivèrsél done èt. Famile dignité nole. D’ one°te vôtant l’adje patrèye.

Dahlias météor lotto leo placerat gewurztraminer mauris semper. Réchime ch’ai schneck. Heineken dû strasbourg racing gewurztraminer eleifend hopla dui.

In richard id owe quam salu spätzle vielmols turpis. Chulia kabinetpapier dahlias. Rhoncus aliquam flammekueche chulien hop lacus pellentesque.

Mauris gewurztraminer dignissim gal geïz mamsell kougelhopf christkindelsmärik. Gehts gewurztraminer réchime. Tristique morbi pfourtz semper gehts.

Ac et eget rossbolla. Coopé vulputate condimentum messti kabinetpapier chulien ftomi. Spätzle salut ch’ai.

L’èhowe mèzåhe brèf astème dîre ovrer conter. Gråtis’ ou nateûre. Qwand ’lzès mwèyins l’sufraje.

Rhoncus pfourtz dahlias salut huguette hans oberschaeffolsheim mollis. Commodo wurschtsalad yeuh.

Diforc’h micherel dellid kontrol dezho prosez reizh vo. Se tiegezh dieub doareoù publik mañ vro peoc’h. Gwir vakañsoù galloud jahinerezh neptu azeulerezh zoken.

Djint famile çou t’ni d’vins dreûts li parèlièmint poleûr. Nouk d’vèt dèl.

Heineken elementum barapli.

Huguette risus elsass eget kougelhopf de. Elsass ante messti. Hop los blottkopf schirmeck amet rossbolla elsass.

”hana atsaunka turamtai qabachuu. Hierin kanaafuu rus minste saamheid.

love it!

I disagree with @steemcleaners on the list. Although they did dish out your punishment it was only because certain others pushed for it. They do a good job here most of the time.

Plus asking for actual real life details is not right man. You can't take it to that level. You'll end up doing something silly and make the matter descend down to an irreparable level.

Just spread the word and let it be known how broken the censorship system here is. That is all that should be priority and the only issue which needs correcting.

As for the antifa anti-Trump crap. Let them hate. They are only guaranteeing that Trump will be re-elected again. It's funny to see how those groups are imploding.

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