A truthful analysis of Steemfest2 - Reflecting and meditating after 48 hours of continuos sleepsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemfest7 years ago (edited)

This is not a recap nor a photo album, we´ve seen plenty of those so far; this piece will be a bit more profound and critical, I´m not tagging any of you and don´t expect all the content here to be positive - altought most of it, it is.

The crypto side of the story

I hitchhiked, camped in a highway, slept in a park and powered down a bit, just to be able to attend this event. I could have done it in a different way but for me, whatever I´m doing, if doesn´t involve a challenge, I might as well not do it - this is just how I´m hardwired, don´t try to understand it because I can´t, I just need to achieve something along the way, otherwise it seems it´s not worth the hazzle.

But I was not the only one who made a true effort to be able to have a beer with you, my fellow steemfest atendee. After speaking with a lot of my new IRL - in real life - friends, I´m guessing that around 30% of the people who attended our fest, made some sort of effort or sacrifice to share a seat in our dinner table each day.

This means that a significant percentage of the people who came to Lisbon trully believes in this platform, the coin behind it and all the side projects that orbit around Steem. People who are investing time, effort and perhaps money to make things happen. From some developers I spoke to in the hackaton, to thinkers I met while having a beer - or maybe more than one -, to crypto enthusiasts who attended just to see where does all the fuzz behind Steem comes from I can only tell you one thing:

The future of Steem will decide a lot of people´s futures, including some atendee´s futures I believe.

Is this good or bad?

We all have to believe in something. We are chosing to believe in this coin and we are fully committed with it, at least as committed as it gets when you fly several thousands of miles just to be able to see first hand a conference about a new app, a visionary project, a revolutionary garden or an over the top charity story.

But we all believe in it, right? Or at least 98% of the attendees believe in Steem, don´t we?

I heard some people speaking trash about the coin, the platform or the founder - I won´t tag anyone, stop asking - and at some point I started to believe some of it.

I´m quite skeptical regarding something new, this is the main reason I decided to see it from myself, to be able to analyze and make a decision within my own criteria and not based on other people´s comments or recap - because let´s face it, most recaps are positive, full of joy and only showing the good side of the story.

But I´m also an optimistic. Even after speaking with some high profile investors or crypto-holders, I believe in the coin and the platforms being built around it. I don´t believe Steem will hit the 10 dollar price soon, but it will, some day.

There are some particularities that unsettle me, but they are not as big nor important to be worth mentioning, and I think the people who have to - if I say names or position you´ll know what I´m talking about - will get to it when the moment is right.

A social pyramid within a social pyramid.

All of us who attended Steemfest made a lot of networking. Some people came especially for that, some came to put a face behing the username and some of us just came for the free drinks - I know I did, jk - but one thing is clear: I started following a lot of people and unfollowed a few more and I bet you did the same.

Why? Because now I want to know more about the most amazing people I met during these days. I want to read their articles, to be up to date with some stories I was told about, to simply just stay in touch with these bros and sis.

But, is this fair my other followers? Will I be voting on their content less times a month just to be able to vote on yours?

The social pyramid that exists within the steemit community is shattered by the Steemfest community. We are closer, we have an advantage towards other people who weren´t so lucky to attend. Perhaps some people are spending several hours a day for weeks, just to do some networking with a dolphin and bam, here comes a Steemfest atendee and maybe with just a 1 hour conversation now that same dolphin will be voting on the Steemfestbro content instead of the online-networker fellow.

But as we said, some people really made an effort to attend, perhaps because the user really wanted to bond and make some networking IRL - in real life, remember -.

So we have a socio-economic pyramid in our platform - whales, dolphins, piranhas, minnows -, but now we have another pyramid, which involves people whoh attended SF2 - no matter your size or your SP, you are now part of a select group, an elite if you allow me to be this parabolic.

So which one is better? Should we feel guilty that after this amazing event where we meet a lot of new friends, some of us will get a few more votes, just because said new friends want to keep in touch with us?

It is up to you. This social analysis doesn´t go as far as I would want it to go but let´s face it, none of you would read it if it was longer.

I can only say. After SF2 my life within Steemit and IRL will not be the same. I believe in the platform and I will buy some Steem in the near future... and after meeting some of you guys, I have one more reason to stay and I think it is the most important one so far...

Now I have IRL friends I want to stay in touch with within Steemit.com

Go Figure

Thank you for reading this long as hell piece, here is a picture of my dogs sleeping in return for your attention.

Remember, be Here Now


I love it man. You are so candid. No BS from you. I like that you speak your thoughts regardless of whether people are gonna like it or not. As for the pyramid within a pyramid thing. I think as steemit grows so will local steemit meetups and different groups and things like that which will create steemit cliques that will likely upvote each other. I've already seen things like 'team Canada' and 'team South America' etc.. on here. I don't really see anything wrong with it. I think thats just a natural part of how its gonna work. But who knows, I know there is a lot about this Steemit place that I still don't understand. I guess only time will tell how it all plays out. 2753.pngimages.duckduckgo-2.jpg2753.png

I try to man, sometimes it is hard because you are not writing everything in pink, even if you truly support the coin and the platfrom (as me) I still like to be as un-niased as I can. Yeah of course, there is an intention about creating smaller communities and this is what is all about, finding your niche. I would like to explain those things you don´t understand but perhaps we would both end more confused :P thanks for dropping by mate, good to hear from you!

Right, right. It's my pleasure to stop by your blog. I enjoy all your posts. So whats your next adventure now that Steemfest is done? I know you were planning to travel Europe a bit.

hey brother ! keep in touch man ! was great chilling out with you guys

Yo have you seen @peixeboi's profile? He finally joined! I know, it was great to have those conversations among beers, you are awesome, i hope we dont have to wait one whole year to meet again!

I don't know, I think my photo album was pretty profound, too ;)

You know, I think everyone is enthusiastic now in the happy after-math, and surely we give an upvote here and there out of empathy and remembering the good times we had together, but in the end it comes down to connection - not only to people but also to content.

I don't upvote people just because I like them, I upvote content that I connect with; that makes me laugh, inspires me, or gives me a new perspective on things. It doesn't matter if I will ever meet the authors in real life.

There are number of people here that I have had a connection with for some time and that won't change just because they weren't at Steemfest. On the other hand, like you, I did unfollow a few, because I realized I have no connection to them whatsoever. It's very likely that Steemfest highlighted that contrast to me.

I think the only difference is the order of things: on this platform, we connect through content first and the person second. Because I get to know you, the author, through what you write.

On Steemfest of course it was the other way round - you first connect with the person and then find out what they write about (if you care to investigate). But does the order of things matter in the long run?

I agree with the pyramids and all, but if we indeed built another one by attending Steemfest, I think it will only be a temporary one :)

Wow you are so right! Thanks for pointing out your post for me, I thought I was already following you, in fact im nominating that to @ocd (if you are ok with that) because it truly deserves more rewards than what it got. Don´t get me wrong, I love recaps and photo album posts, I just wanted to do something different this time because I also get more replies like this one, very thoughtful and adding value, generating some meaningful dialogue :)

Exactly. Connection, no matter where or how, steemit and human relations are about connections. I have to say, sometimes I upvote people, not posts, but I try to vote because of the posts, but as someone else said on this thread, we can´t help to be a little biased towards people we already met in person. I don´t think that is bad as long as this doesn´t become an "inner circle" you know?

I am really glad I met you and definitely would like to catch a beer if we ever meet again in Germany, let´s have some more meaningful conversations and exchange of ideas, I enjoyed the pool and the last cocktails with you :)

Me too! Keep me posted if your journey takes you to Berlin.
Where are you now?

Wow... it is ironic that I was just looking at a photo of you and I at the final dinner that @allasyummyfood sent me. It's a great photo and it made me come and check your blog (if you let me know your steemit.chat I'll sent it to you).

I then read this post and it is kind of related!

I think you make a great point. We do need to be mindful of people that contribute great content to the platform regardless of whether we know them irl.

However it is only human to have bias towards your friends and people you've met. The key thing (in my view) is acknowledging that bias and ensuring it doesn't operate to the detriment of the platform.

Having said that I'd advise anyone hoping to be success in life to make human connections. Yes we may spend more and more time on computers and in our heads however we are still sentient beings. People 'buy-into' people as much as the quality of their work. I believe it's in our nature as much as it is hardwired in you to embrace challenges.

Anyway it was great meeting you, hanging with you and playing poker with you. Had I not met you irl I may not have discovered this blog post. So it is not so bad, for me at least. Until next time!

I agree man, if you account the bias and handle it, I think most of our steemit behaviour should stay the same - with a bit of impartial moves, I know for sure I´ll be voting more on the mates I made along the way - but i´ll still try to vote on posts that deserve it even if I don´t know who´s behind the screen, but you are right.

Oh man that photo! Of course! There are so many pics I wont see because they were taken with another cellphone... hell yeah my steemit chat is the same username here, either way I´ll search yours and see if I find you but yeah, that photo would be great to have it.

I can´t wait for next year to have my sweet revenge on poker night, hoping we´ll have 4 tables and a livestream going on muahaha.

It was great meeting you man, I know for sure you are one of the peeps I want to keep in touch and read about the new stories you have in store for us. See you when I go to the UK!

This post has received a 20.0 % promotion upvote from @boomerang thanks to: @anomadsoul

@boomerang distributes 100% of the SBD and up to 80% of the Curation Rewards to STEEM POWER Delegators. If you want to bid for votes or want to delegate SP please read the @boomerang whitepaper.

Thanks for the coupon @twinner, I said I would use it wisely :D

I like how you managed to convey everything without being specific. I, like you, am an optimist, but more than that, my husband is excellent at making predictions. He's been investing in crypto since BC first hit the scene years ago, and he has a great portfolio, has made great profits, and I can tell you that he sees steem hitting five bucks by next spring, possibly earlier. So maybe it won't be ten bucks soon, but I'm happy with it being half that. He also sees it going much further then ten in the next few years, so investing in more of it is a good idea.

Well some tricks to express myself I got them from one of my favorite writers! (Yes, you). Yes yes, exactly my point. I do believe Steem is hitting double digits but perhaps not as soon as some people believe. I knooow, i really hope I can make some investment on Steem before it gets to 2 bucks...

Steemit has been allways ABOUT human connections: for the good and for the bad. Great insightfull post man! See u around!

Of course man! Especially when we get to meet people face to face like we did, damn, 5 months speaking over chats? It was amazing to finally meet you! And of course I hope it doesn´t have to be another year to meet again!

Long as hell like You said...but it have a really good point of view.. thankyou for share it

Hehehehe sometimes when the inspiration comes you just gotta take it as it is and just how it arrives to your mind! That is why I dont proofread or check typos, because then it changes the essence of the idea you were trying to portray :P

You bring up a very good point. A very grim view of Steemfest would be minnows frontrunning the attentions of dolphins and dolphins frontrunning the whales'. There's no denying that did not happen, sad as it is.

Which is why i try so hard to talk to everyone regardless their "status" because for me, the value of Steemfest lies not in the monetary rewards but rather the relationships gained from it. The money might sustain me for what i needed to do but the relationships and the connection fills the void in me.

Even if in the worst case scenario of the whole Steem blockchain tumbling down, at least i have gained connections and know people that i would otherwise never meet in a million years.

Again i see it as a "demand equality" question we see time and time again on the platform. Those that did not attend Steemfest whether by choice or by circumstance might cry foul at those who did saying its a collusion. When it just so happens that because we meet each other offline, we tend to pay attention to each other's post. A technically accidental collusion but does that mean now to maintain "equality", we must restrict our interaction?

And do we personally go to Steemfest with plans of collusion at heart? Only ourselves know, cross our hearts and hope to die...

It was a great pleasure to meet you in person. Seeing the length which you took to get yourself to Steemfest not only inspired but somehow challenged me to audit my dedication towards the platform.

Lets keep in touch on the blockchain and off and hope to see you in person again in Steemfest next year.

I like your take on steemfest. I expected much of this would happen with regards to meeting people and forming stronger bonds with others on the platform. (Still annoyed I didn't go!)

I also love yours and @martibis' story of how you got there too. I think meeting up in Brussels and hitchhiking down together is just so god damn cool!

We´ll always have the next one, and who knows, perhaps we´ll both be able to meet each other and more steembros along the way. Hey choo thanks for being so active on my posts, I really like the feedback and engagement I get from you :) Now that all the bananas are over, I´ll have time to drop by on your blog :P By the way, thanks for taking over SWM you are awesome!! :D

I'm enjoying writing them--even though it does suck a couple of hours out of my day! I've found a lot of people to upvote and follow 😁

Yeah, engagement on posts is good. I like to it. It lets you know someone's actually reading your posts! Where do you live? Mexico? I might get back there at some point. I'm heading back to Australia in a month for Christmas/NY, so it won't be anytime soon though.

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