Steemfest has arrived - I'm on my way!
The day has arrived, it's time for Steemfest! 😁
Guess who's got the screaming child in front?
And a week of posts from the telephone, oh the joys of typing with thumbs. I suspect my average word count per minute is about 7, so I just want you to know that I'm trying, even though these are going to be some shorter pieces this week. Also, if you are after charts or numbers, you are in the wrong place for now. I'll mostly be reporting from the Fest with a selection of un-cropped, out of focus images, but hopefully with something of interest also.
The sun is out here in Palma, Majorca this morning, and I was even greeted with a rainbow on the drive to the airport. Reports from Krakow say the sun is out there too, and this would be a big bonus for the Island guy who, unless it's 40+ degrees, crosses the road to walk in the sun.
I'm traveling 'eco light' today, which means hand luggage only with a max of 8kg. That pretty ungenerous even for hand luggage, but I've made it with a bag that weights 8.35kg. That'll have to do, I can't remember the last time my hand luggage was weighed...
A pretty relaxed atmosphere at the airport today. The summer season is over and so it's a lot quieter than last time I visited in early June. Security and baggage checks took no time at all, and all you can really be grumpy about is the ridiculous prices of food and drink. €3.65/$4 for a bottle of water, just because you can't take liquids through, come on now!
This caught my eye on the walk to my gate, but for the most part it's shops, shops, shops - all selling ripoff priced water.
Something I do have to keep me company is @steemmonsters. And my team is on a bit of a charge at present, climbing rapidly up the league table. I find that after a change in the gameplay, it's possible to rise quickly until, I'm guessing, the bot players adjust their cards. Yep, there are even bots on @steemmonsters - why click 'battle' when the machine can do it while you sleep 😑
Anyway, my current card picks have ability, but are a little inconsistent. Check out this recent result.
And then I'll go lose to a 2800 level player. I'm happy there is a reasonable degree of chance in the game. Sometimes the stuns don't work, sometimes there is no retaliation. These subtle actions make the games varied enough so that you can beat a player convincingly, and then get your ass handed to you just a minute later.
Hopefully I'll collect some free cards again this season, and I wonder how many attendees will be trying to sneak a few games in during the conference days. Perhaps not that many if there phone is like mine - a game of @steemmonsters stealing 8% of my battery this morning, damn!
Alright then, time for the first flight of the day, Frankfurt the destination. I wonder if anyone else attending will be on the flight.
Oh yeah, a quick mention of the Steemfest app, useful for attendees and those wishing to check out a live stream - not that I've seen this mentioned, and watching via the app. through clicking an event would be sweet...
See you later, safe travels, and have a nice day all!
Beat me by 2kg! Ryanair weight limit is 10kg so my bag is 10.3!
Posted using Partiko iOS
A solid packing performance there 😎
Omg I love your expression, the pain in your eyes, hahaha, it's so real!!! Nice superman jawline there too Asher <3 <3 :) Have a great flight, will be back in 10 minutes to upvote LOL!!
😂 Clarke Kent is tougher than me!
Always the screaming child, which has just stopped so fingers crossed!
Back in 10 haha, I forget so often to do that. Thank you, have a great day!
I have a bad memory too, that's why I'm just sitting here drinking coffee, rolling smokes, and staying on your page watching the minutes tick by :)
Ah man, I wish my blog was more entertaining then!
Woop take off, bye for now!

Bon Voyage Sup!
I was laughing at his expression too 😂
REALLY COOL SELFIE 😊😊 oh this is so exciting, have fun and make some great content there! ENJOY YOUR DAY AND GREETINGS TO YOU!
Thank you @viktoriyani!
I'm not sure the content will be great this week, but I'll try!
Safe travels have fun and don't forget to sneak in and do your Steem Monster quests. You just never know where that gold legendary will show up.
I think that gold legendary turned up 100 packs ago and won't appear again!
Cheers buddy 😁
If you have an Android phone you should try the swipe typing function. Might get you up to ten words a minute :0D
iPhone 5s, an antique!
Blimey. That was an impressive short post @abh2345.
I took all the posting apps off my phone as it was full but I suppose I ought to put one back on. Which one did you use for this. I'm impressed! 😁
Safe travels and see you there.
Thanks Gill!
Text in notepad thingy for iPhone - images and format on Steemit - posted via busy 😁
See you soon!
Enjoyyyyy, @gillianpearce!!! xxx
Hopefully the kiddo was able to get through the remainder of the flight without screaming. 🤞 Have to agree with our friend Good Ol' Lynds ...... aside from the twinge of distress you're looking very handsome Asher! Looking forward to the updates from the festival!
Aww thank you!
I'm looking a little tired I think, but that's very good of you to say so. Thanks, I'll try to update every day with something of use!
Even with just using a phone as your device for the next one week, this post shows that you'll do just fine.
Looking forward to seeing more post on your journey next few days at Steemfest.
Thank you, I'll try! Takes blimin ages to type but at least the photos are ready to go - except when they are upside down 😁
For that price I'd live without a drink for a couple of hours.
I'm on the coach to London - £10.
£10 fucking quid!
It'd cost me £20 in petrol to drive it.
We'll just have to huddle around the charge points.
Posted using Partiko Android
Just had a €4 pale ale at Frankfurt, €2 cheaper than a ropey sausage - think I'm winning here! 😁
Plus they had USB charge points, couldn't ask for much more!
That sounds very reasonable.
Gotta love those USB charge points. It's actually amazing how little energy mobile devices use for what they do. It's such a trivial cost to provide them!
Although my coach doesn't have them. Or wi-fi.
Posted using Partiko Android
Anywhere offering free wifi and/or power automatically gets bumped up a few ratings. 👍🏽
True - although my charging brick is quite good for my phone and the ipad holds its charge marevelously!
And I don't get out much so that's not often an issue.
I've just been looking at the monsters leagues - I really don't fancy my chances when I get into gold let alone diamond.
Not a lot I can do against a team of maxed out epic and legendary cards. Thankfully where I am atm that can't happen!
Posted using Partiko Android
I’m in the plane now too - profiling all passengers to see who might be a SteemFest attendee - as if they are not from all kinds of ages and genders and will have diverse looks, lol.
Wishing you strength with the crying baby! I’m putting in my noise-cancelling headphones, 3... 2... 1...
Posted using Partiko iOS
Were a sign that says ATTANDING SFIII that wil attrack the people that Will be joining you
I guess you'll catch this message later today. I hope your trip was without cryin children. See you this week😁