Steem Experiments: Is it better to sell your vote with Smartmarket or Minnowbooster?

There are two services on Steem currently which allow you to sell your vote directly, rather than through delegation: MinnowBooster and SmartMarket. You give them posting access to your account, and they use it to give your vote to people who pay them for it, and pass that payment on to you after taking a percentage for the service. (Since I'm crass those are my affiliate links.)

There are lots of reasons someone might sell their vote:

  1. Because they need cash
  2. So they don't have to micromanage their account to make sure it never sits at 100%
  3. Because they're going on vacation, or have other life reasons not to be here for a significant period of time
  4. Because they're leaving Steem but want to make use of their voting power while they power down
  5. More I'm sure.

But it makes sense to compare the two services when deciding how to go about selling your vote, and there's not a lot of easy information available. I was intrigued by an experiment I ran into a few weeks ago (and which I now cannot find again) where a user ran a week with his account on each service and compared them. But since it was his active account, and the weeks were different, I didn't think the experiment was well-enough controlled for changes in SP and Steem price.

I have some testing accounts, which I'm able to against each other at the same time, with the same starting SP. So I set out to replicate the experiment under more controlled conditions.


I set up two accounts with precisely 120 SP at the beginning of the experiment through delegation. I allowed the SP to grow through the system's growth mechanism, so they have 120.045 SP now, but did not claim any rewards. I voted both accounts down to as close to 79% voting power as I could with no slider (there was about 0.8% extra in the MinnowBooster account; this difference should be trivial) and signed each of them up with one of the services, with the vote-selling set to stop when the account fell below 80%.

I made one error: Midweek I accidentally voted with one of the accounts. Fortunately I noticed and immediately voted the same post with the other one. That shouldn't matter for comparisons but it does skew weekly value by a little over 1%.


The two services work very differently. SmartMarket votes like clockwork; if you set the voting limit to 80%, anytime you check the account it will be between 77% and 83%. On the other hand, MinnowBooster can go long periods of time without voting, and then vote many times over a short period. That means the voting power is highly variable, and this weekend that account has spent substantial chunks of time sitting at 100%, which is naturally going to hurt Minnowbooster's raw numbers.

At the beginning of the experiment SmartMarket allowed customers to buy votes with Steem as well as SBD, but thankfully my account only got SBD payments, so they can be compared directly.

This analysis does not consider curation rewards, because I'm writing it at the end of the voting week. That would just reinforce the huge effect of the missed votes on the MinnowBooster side anyway. If I try to replicate the experiment in a situation where MB will vote all the time I'll include them then.


Votes Sold8953
Total VP Used8686%4699%
Total Payout SBD0.625838570.424404
Payout/10k VP0.72050.9032
Ending VP78.6%100%

Really I should probably find a way to do this with rshares, since 100% VP used at 95% and 100% VP used at 80% aren't the same. I'm not prepared to spend a lot of time on that right now though, and I'm not even sure how to find the rshares value of a single vote without writing code. I'm just going to hope the error is small.


If your goal is to keep an account from wasting voting power by sitting at 100%, use SmartMarket. This is a really clear difference there, and if you set SmartMarket to vote when your account is over 97% it will do it. Even with the account set at 80% Minnowbooster let it spend quite a bit of time wasting power.

On the other hand, the edge in payment for votes when sold went to MinnowBooster, significantly enough that it shouldn't be accounted for just by the difference in VP. So without the flaw of letting the account sit at 100%, MinnowBooster may very well have the edge. One way to accomplish that might be to set the limit much smaller, say 50%. This is something I can do another experiment to confirm at some point.

It's also an option to use both services at the same time. You could use both at the same level and let them fight it out for your votes, or set MinnowBooster at a low threshold and SmartMarket at a higher one, so that MinnowBooster sells more votes but SmartMarket protects against the times when it has long pauses.

That last is probably the most profitable strategy.


More Steem Experiments?

I'm interested in setting up more interesting experiments with these accounts, and I'm looking for ideas. I have a plan for one account for next week, but beyond that I don't have a lot in mind yet. Are there any questions you want answered?


I enjoy your testing mentality. Are you the Tim Ferris of Steem?

I think @timcliff is already the Tim Ferris of Steem. I can't deny his influence, though.

Bravo, I've been wanting to do this experiment myself but never got around to it. Thank you for your research so far on this. Resteemed.

Very interesting. Thank you for testing and sharing. I'm supposing that my still being a wannabe-minnow and not being able to adjust my (inconsequential) vote (slider) values, these calculations would be different for me. Or are these services able to allocate my votes as varying percentages? Regardless of my abilities at the moment, information like this is very helpful.

Once again, thank you.

The services can allocate votes as percentages.

There are two easy ways you can get the power to do that yourself before getting to 500 SP - the @steem-plus browser plugin, and browsing on instead of Steemit.

Ok, thanks for the tip. I'll check out steem-plus and Currently, I like self-voting because I can partner it with a comment and find friends. I really just need to buy more steem and make my votes more powerful and more useful. 500 SP is a good goal but earning my way there will take an eon. If Litecoin would go up a little bit I'd liquidate it and move the value here.

I really love the type of experiments!

I do have a few ideas for additional experiments:
1a repeat this experiment with different thresholds for the minimum VP. I would say 94% and 97% for smartsteem. And 50% and 65% for minnowbooster.
1b repeat this experiment with both smartsteem and minnowbooster under auto voting for different percentages of minimum VP, like you already suggested in your post.

2 set auto voting on the following tags # and # steemstem to see how high the curation rewards will be for blindly upvoting these tags.
You can test with upvoting after 12, 18, 24 and 30 minutes.

2 set auto voting on the following tags # and # steemstem to see how high the curation rewards will be for blindly upvoting these tags.
You can test with upvoting after 12, 18, 24 and 30 minutes.

Is there a tag autovoting tool? This is similar to the experiment I wanted to run this week but it turns out SteemAuto doesn't quite do what I want and I'm going to have to write it myself.

Might do a tag-tournament, I think there are at least eight tags worth trying this with.

I wonder what the other tags are?
I guess at least some dlive, dtube, d?

About those dtube, etc I'm pretty sure it won't give as high curation rewards as But it might be nice to actually test it.

dtube, steempress, steemhunt at least.

Fun to know about the difference between these two very good services. I am using both time to time but have yet to try on selling votes. So far I am manually curating.

Manually curating remains the best. Selling is a nice option to have if you have need to be away from the site for a while, though.

So far still able to access to Steemit time to time.

Sounds like you should set SmartMarket at 99% so it never hits 100% (IMO 1 minute there is a waste) and set MinnowBooster at 80%.

This way you have them layered and you are completely covered while increasing the chance of the higher profits from MinnowBooster.

When I talked to SmartMarket support they suggested setting it at 97% to be sure. That's what I've been doing with the accounts that have automated voting, although I might try to develop a better solution as things go on. (Have them vote my posts or comments when they're at 99% maybe. I'm going to have to dig into steem-python soon anyway.)

Don't know about steem-python. Look forward to hearing what you find out.

Idea for you with 2 identical accounts if you want to test something.

The math behind voting power recovery tends to be talked about incorrectly and I've been meaning to run a test to show this. But never seem to have a time where I can run the test without messing up my voting for the contest.

Would like to see what the payout difference in total votes given is for say casting 30 100% votes from a fully powered account vs doing systematic votes during the recovery time from the first account.

Due to the 2% of the current voting power drain on your VP from each vote the math seems to be that the value of the votes will be equal, but most people assume that it will be higher for the systematic votes which is why they get so hung up on voting power.

I run my voting power way down some days as I know there is no way to get online for 12-24 hours sometimes due to work and then let it recover. Some people have told me I'm wasting money doing it this way, but I disagree. Would love to have a test to prove one way or another.

Hope that all makes sense.

I know there are weird things that can happen due to voting power quantization at very small values (like below 5%) but my overall understanding is the same as yours - the value of the votes in total should be equal.

I'll think about how to test that. It's another one that's going to require programming.

It would or it would take sitting at the computer nonstop to vote every couple hours.

I was thinking of just taking a 100% account and running it down with 30 votes. Looking at steemworld to see how many hours it would take to recover. Then figure out how much that many votes would be worth. Compare the actual votes of the 30 and compare. This also would avoid any changes in the price feed which would mess things up.

If you need a place to burn 30 votes hit all the entries for PIF and their featured bloggers ;)

This is really an interesting experiment. I did think of selling my votes but since I am actively upvoting many steemit members daily, it will really hurt my steem power resulting disruption to my support. Thanks for sharing and I read through your article. Steem power delegation to different bots can be considered for your next experiment. I would like to know the profit difference. I am sure many like to know.

By all means, if you're manually voting, keep doing it!

Steem power delegation to different bots can be considered for your next experiment

I might do that when the test accounts have built up some native SP. I suppose I could do it from my own account but tracking it among all my other transactions would be troublesome.

With all the bot followers and comment bots, many people are not following back because they may not know if they are active members here. Upvoting is also important as some may not upvote but comment for the aim to earn a little upvote from author is a bit impolite. A little upvote is really a nice token of appreciate for one another. I will look forward for your new experiment when it is ready. No rush! Cheers for more interesting articles and music from you!

I suppose Smartsteem would be a better option given that it works in a strict routine, also even if the SP percentage stays at 78% it is good for high SP users given that even with 78% they still have a lot, so therefore low SP user should use minnow booster and as they gain more, they should switch over to Smartsteem.

Because of the general site demographics it's hard to get vote sells for an account under 100 SP at either service.

Yep, tough being a plankton

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