Something I called an experiment

in #steemexclusivelast month (edited)


I can't say I was excited during that week of interviews and testing and when I was led to believe for a while that I was going to work for this company. I was excited to finally be able to buy things I really needed (which haven't been bought yet, only the phone sponsored with Steem), replace some ragged clothes, etc. Also glad that it wasn't customer support/call center, a position I want to avoid at all costs.
But can a person, does one have the right to want to avoid working positions, and choose, nowadays? I think not. When I think about the people I know, now and back over the years, I don't think anyone has ever been out of a job because they wanted to choose. Even teachers have become shop assistants until they find a way to escape abroad. No one has persevered like me - "I will not work onsite in this small town because the jobs here are low skilled and the wages are minimal with minimal, half or no insurance; I won't work online for a call center either because it's the only remote job I can find and it's a meat grinder that ruins health and psyche in a short time and enslaves with bad contract conditions, etc."
I don't know, I must be wrong. I probably am. So I really hope things change soon.


So, the position in this company I am talking about since the last post was in an unfamiliar field and sector for me, and I searched for an interview of the owner of the company, in which he said that the training of employees takes longer because of the more complex matter - property management in Germany with all the expenses and invoices, balancing accounts, etc.
This was one of my first questions at the first interview. Not so much because of the "complexity" of the matter, but to show that I was interested, I dug up everything I could dig up on the Internet about the company, including this old interview with the owner. "Everything is possible to learn", was the expected response, despite the longer training period.


And I must say that the subsequent three-day exam puzzled me quite a bit, because doing it, I was actually forced to familiarize myself with the material - quickly, in three days, but in depth, extracting the specific legal and accounting German terms even from Wikipedia, from the sites of companies serving the German market, etc. I think that this was actually the point of this exam and from then on the idea of ​​continued and very long training seemed pointless to me.
And the disappointment afterwards was even greater when I was rejected because I wasted so much time and effort in digging and reading and solving problems... which then served me nothing.

That was part of a backstory. And now - the present.


As I told you in the previous post, I saw this same job posting twice more within a few months. And in the end I couldn't help myself.
Even when I saw it for the second time after 4 months, my partner told me to call them. But what reason would I have to do that, I thought, since they don't call me? That's why I didn't call. But when shortly afterwards I saw the ad published once more, I said to myself, what the hell, all is lost here anyway, nothing more to lose than what has already happened before. And I called the HR manager. On Monday this week.

I quickly told her my name, said I had applied for the position in April. She asked me if I was interested again, I said that I thought they would call me after they last insisted that we "keep our good relations for the future", therefore I'm not sure if I have any reason to be interested in this position again. So I would like to know why they preferred another person in my place, what didn't reach me in the interviews and the exam, after being told that I did well, where should I focus, personally I would like to know what is my weak spot in my interview performance and where I need to work to perform better in future etc.
From a purely human point of view, so to speak. I would even say that if the reason they rejected me at the last minute was completely personal, you know, I'm interviewing this person who seems to be doing well, but there's something about them that I don't like, and I can't explain it, or I can... if that's the case with me, I'd like to know that too, there's nothing wrong with that, it's even human. But I didn't say that. I didn't have much time to say it.


The HR manager told me that she wants me to give her time until tomorrow to give me an answer to this question. She wanted to review the documents again and recall the case, talk to her colleagues.
But she did answer my other question - why do they keep posting the same ad for the same position. "Our business is growing," she replied, and that was the most expected possible answer from her. Even if that's not true, and I believe it's not, she's not in the position, power, or willingness to tell me: we made a mistake in selecting an employee that time we rejected you, and we're trying to correct that mistake by looking for a new one. Of course, we can't admit this mistake, that's why we didn't call you back. That would put us at a very disadvantageous position. (Indeed, in this case I would have asked for a very high salary, that's for sure.) And now we have this problem that fewer and fewer candidates show up for interviews and our chance of finding a person is decreasing more and more. We've already interviewed everyone we could in the very first interview...

Oh no, that's just in my imagination. An employer and his highly paid managerial staff would never say such a thing. And as we all know, the employer is always on the winning side, he always comes out of the situation in the end. With a profit. Or at least with less damage for sure.


Well, I called this call an experiment. I don't think it was pleasant for anyone. A frantic job applicant calls to ask why she was rejected - I think that's how I could be perceived. Because who calls to ask such questions? Especially when everyone is aware that this person/me will never have anything to do with this company I'm calling to ask for their opinion. No, I'm calling to ask for an explanation.

I spoke to the woman at 3:37 p.m. I think there was enough time until the end of the working day for her to call me with an answer. But she said "the next day", so I expected her to call me the next day.

Well make a guess - did she call me?😂

I think that was totally expected too. She didn't call me back. For a while I hesitated about what she had told me the day before - whether she would call me or whether I should call. Then I said to myself - I have to write a post on Steemit, 😆 so I won't wait another day. And at 5:47 p.m. I found the company's working hours on Google Maps, saw that it was until 6:00 and called. The woman did not answer, but then called herself at 6:01 p.m.


She said she checked with the other manager who was present at the one interview and that's why she was delayed in responding. I imagined him simply telling her: "Don't call her back. Just leave it at that, she'll give up."
Of course, that's how you deal with potentially crazy people.😅

But here I am again insisting and calling, so she begins: "I'm telling you in all human terms that the reason we didn't hire you was because you just don't have experience in this field - property management. We have already seen that a person who has no experience can hardly cope, and in fact cannot cope at all. It was neither your knowledge of German nor the problems solved in Excel that caused us to reject you. Neither are any lapses in interview or behavior. Just your lack of experience. We are currently looking for someone with experience. That's it."


"You do understand that the probability of finding a person who meets all your requirements tends to zero", I say.

"Yes, we are aware of that. This is exactly why we continue to post the ad, waiting for our ideal candidate.", she replied.

So, their business is not "growing", as she stated the day before. They just keep looking for the same person they did in April.

"But if in the meantime a new position comes up, more suitable for you, you can apply to us again, I repeat again, let's keep our good relations for the future.", she continued.

I said something like it was helpful for me to know that I'm not eligible to apply for this position again (after all!), she confirmed, I thanked her for her time. And that was it.


So, I don't know if you can get into the details of the case that make it so absurd. First, I told you about the extended training of employees, nowhere in the ad was mentioned a requirement for experience in the sector and the HR manager herself told me in the first interview that everything is taught - isn't that true?
The fact that they were choosing between two people then and chose the other, also without experience, who did not work out, did not give me an answer to the question of why they did not hire me then. However, now they have already changed their strategy and are looking for other things. They are looking for a person, understandably, with experience in everything who does not have to be trained - the dream of every Bulgarian employer.
When I called the first time and quickly said my long name, she never once asked me to repeat my name again so she could write it down or anything, which makes me think that even the job applicants weren't that many in number from the beginning, and she remembers me well, but she is not allowed to give any company information to outsiders, so she had to "consult" with another manager what exactly to answer me. Instead of just telling me: we hired this person then because he/she is so-and-so and you didn't seem to have those qualities...

I don't know why I'm angry actually. Maybe because of the dishonesty. Although no one should ever expect morality or honesty in business. Am I really crazy?
My partner said: "This is just not your company."
And I should even be glad that they didn't choose me. This was better for me.
But I seem to have calmed down a bit only after writing all this. It might seem a little confusing or a lot to you, but as I sorted it out and got it down, things got a little clearer in my head, and I'm really glad now that those people didn't hire me then. After seeing some of their true face both then and now.

Pictures I have used for this post of this gorgeous fish restaurant on the coast are just for illustration, not relevant to text, as you already know my posting style.😊

Thank you for your time! Copyright:@soulsdetour
steem.jpgSoul's Detour is a project started by me years ago when I had a blog about historical and not so popular tourist destinations in Eastern Belgium, West Germany and Luxembourg. Nowadays, this blog no longer exists, but I'm still here - passionate about architecture, art and mysteries and eager to share my discoveries and point of view with you.

Personally, I am a sensitive soul with a strong sense of justice.
Traveling and photography are my greatest passions.
Sounds trivial to you?
No, it's not trivial. Because I still love to travel to not so famous destinations.🗺️
Of course, the current situation does not allow me to do this, but I still find a way to satisfy my hunger for knowledge, new places, beauty and art.
Sometimes you can find the most amazing things even in the backyard of your house.😊🧐🧭|


It is normal to inform, ask questions. A job interview is not a one way interaction neither is the weekly or monthly or annual talk with tje management. The idea is that both talk and share their vision.
They have expectations and so jave you. You are tje one selling your skills and time so you have the right to say: No thsnk you, I don't like ehst you have to offer.

And of course if many apply they don't call back it is cheaper to place an advertisement.

As far as I could find out about this case, there were not very many of us who applied. It is even possible that we were only two, because the matter is very specific. And maybe then it's even worse, because when you're choosing between two people, you don't really have much of a choice, and it turns out that they made a mistake in their choice anyway.

But you are right that interviews are not one way, I can never shake the thought of the opposite. Perhaps because in a country with great competition for positions, high unemployment and distribution of good jobs among a narrow circle of relatives and acquaintances, the feeling is more specific. I have been in a situation where I said: I don't like this. And yet I have accepted the job with these same unfavorable conditions, because I had no choice, I had no alternative, there are simply not many alternatives.

That is what the employers count with. Someone will come, beg for a job and they have to accept the bad conditions out of need. It happened to me as I received my first salary slip they always did strange as I asked how or what. As I said this was not agreed the answer was: The positive thing is you van replace the director for a longer time.
So I said you give me 50% of what we agreed and we both signed for two work twice as much?
I went back to my office and called a jobcenter. They said they had one job for 3 weeks only as a receptiomist and it wouldn't pay much. I said I accepted it, packed my bag and left the company.
I worked not even 1 week and the university called me. I said I had two more weeks so I was not available. The answer was: If you want the job we wait 2 weeks.
I took a big risk but I am glad I did.

If I accept a job with bad conditions it is my choice but I do not like to be fooled.
In intetesting fact: someone at the university adviced to take me to replace the director with a burnout. 🤣
For sure that organization had a huge problem as I left.

A good weekend to you..

Oh my, that was something! Actually, shh don't say that out loud,🤫😅 employers in Bulgaria have not yet recognized this practice: to sign a contract for one salary and then pay another. I think they can always come up with an excuse or explanation later as to why they did it. Even in front of the authorities.
Another thing happened to me here: you go to an interview, agree on one thing, and then, when you have already left the previous job, you are forced to sign a contract with different conditions and salary, different from the agreed. People accept... because they are left with no other choice in this situation.

You're right that one should stand up for one's rights, but I think that's exactly why I'm currently unemployed. I've already turned down several unfavorable offers, and I was fired from my previous job for being open about why things weren't working. This is not good for me at all now.😂

Things have turned out very well for you after the incredible risk you took and I congratulate you on what you have achieved by standing up for your rights! But maybe that doesn't work for everyone, I don't know. Or it works with a delay - I hope that's it!

Have a great weekend you too!😊

I can tell you those contract tricks happen in the Netherlands and Germany as well. I have those experiences and so have my children. The youngest is tricked in by a hotel in NL and last year ten times worse in Germany. Thankfully, for her Germany was only a few months (3 very bad ones close to killing someone and depressions) and now it is 6 in the Netherlands. Hard to believe but it can be way worse like a classmate experiences right now in Austria!
It's abusive and no way I would let my child work under those circumstances I would drive over and pull some ears.

Right now my daughter runs a hotel as a student for 2 euro per hour. Officially, they should pay her way more + 250 euros to travel to the country and back. The should give her 3 meals per day and a room for the time she stays, 2 free days per week and 2 extra per month... 😐

What shall I say? Shoot the manager? From the moment the talks started we are 4 managers later and no one knows what is said, about a contract and so on and yes, they get away with it.
At least my daughter learns fast. Good to know the tricks if the real job starts in a few years.

P. S. The pressure for my daughter is the school forcing to work.. But in the ice saloon she would earn more and there wouldn't be as much stress. Bad is of course they have no vacation it is school or working so those with vacation are teachers?

In the end everything works out fine a plus of being at work is that employerd don't see you as a lazy type.

Are you bulgarian? It's years ago I l've bern there. I loved it.
A great Sunday

You must be talking about the working conditions of the students in Western Europe, I am not aware of them, I know that they are very specific, different from the working conditions of other people. Still, this hourly rate is very low, that sounds pretty amazing to me.
Of course, it is much easier to be scammed abroad as a foreigner. I'm not saying it isn't. I'm not saying that if I go to Western Europe everything will be smooth sailing and things will be fixed with a magic wand. They probably won't get better and again there will be people who will try to scam me at any cost. And that's insulting. But for me, the most insulting thing is not being able to find career fulfillment in my own country.
By the way, I also have experience with employers of different nationalities here and abroad. What many of my acquaintances also claim is that Austrians lead the ranking for a bad employer. Such are the Czechs. Sometimes the Germans too.
I'm Bulgarian, yes. It's strange for me to even say it, because I don't have much in common with this country, I don't feel it at all. As with any tourist destination, there is much to see, but for life… 🤷‍♀️As we like to say, when you have money, any place is good to live.
Have a wonderful new week!🏵️💌🌸

I feel like you. I was born in the Netherlands but I see that more as a coincidence. My looks are not Dutch (blond) so discrimination it was. There are a lot of things we only see abroad through the eyes of a tourist and if in our own country we are lucky we easily believe everyone is. It's strange how our brain works.

I agree with you that any place is good if the money is present (even the own country because we can buy it LOL)

I never had good experiences in Austria. They discrimate and the drivers are crazy they try to push you off the road and once a truckdriver followed me through the mountains because according to him I drove not fast enough and he tried to push me off the...
Also if I cross the border I should always show my ID, no idea where those open borders are but they don't exist for me

Once I arrived at the airport Schiphol with two of my children and at passport control they said I should prove they were mine and show their birth certificate (seriously I take a plane if I kidnap blond children in Africa?

The only kind people in Austria I met were the owners of an Italian restaurant. How sad is that? It's good to know the stories about the Austrians are not made up. I remember how they years ago still guarded the borders with guns, no way we could do that.

Perhaps we are souls born in the wrong country and we have to learn something (injustice). I will never sing the anthem (the text is dumb) or wave with a flag it makes me feel uncomfortable and I don't see any point in doing such a thing for a country that never liked me.

If it comes to that it's good to be an adult, at least that's how I feel it. A bit of heaven inside the own walls and shut the world outside.

I don't believe my children have the idea they will make a career and neither did I. I also don't care. We have plenty of hobbies and things we like to do so the job we have is only meant for the basic costs of living and we can share them together.

I truly hope you find some fulfillment in what you undertake. I know out of experience and so does the youngest now that even if the money is not enough a few good colleagues make a huge difference. I am happy she is not depressed now and finds her way. Last year I had to travel many times over to Germany to help her. That was quite a burden not forget to mention the high costs.

A wonderful week to you and thank you for the good talk.


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