Price and quality of food products


Just recently as a comment on a story I read something like: If someone tries to cheat us, they will be punished sooner or later sometime.

Yes, I know this sentence does not convey all that it actually contained, I mean as a real sense, atmosphere and feeling, but I will try to explain why it made such a deep impression on me. Mostly because it was written by a compatriot and it was about something in the life of this particular and poor country in which we live.

The person who wrote this had bought from the neighborhood grocery store in his small town cow butter that cost twice as much as the same product, same brand, and same weight in Germany. Apart from that, she had written that she could not buy another brand, Bulgarian one, because her children could not eat this product, as a result of which it was explained to her by many people that no dairy in Bulgaria produces real butter anymore and because of that, her children cannot eat the Bulgarian products.


Now I'm going to deviate a little from the main topic of the post (as I often do), because for the purpose of the post I did a little digging on the Internet for more information. And of course, I was shocked.

Bulgaria is known for its traditions in the production of dairy products, as I have told you before. At least because of this notorious yogurt, which has a Bulgarian patent. But Bulgarians grew up with dairy products, local ones, and they love them and look for them and use them until the end of their lives, usually.

At the same time, I told you how we have stopped eating such products on a daily basis, first of all because of the unreasonably high prices of these products - as you can see, sometimes double those in Germany. Secondly, for health reasons.
Dairy products are not particularly healthy for women after a certain age, and any cosmetologist will tell you that such products should not be eaten if you want to have beautiful facial skin. And really, personally, I'm happy with the effect that limiting these products has on my face and probably the general state of the body as well.
Besides, quite naturally, quite a few years ago I even stopped putting milk in my coffee, I just stopped liking and liking its taste, and that was some kind of first step towards this irreversible process, perhaps.


But today I see that there is something else and it is very scary and serious. In fact, dairy products in Bulgaria are dangerous for health, and the fact that we have limited them to a certain minimum is actually wonderful, surely also life-saving. (Though I'm sure a lot of people, especially retirees, are saying: Damn it, I'd rather die early anyway.)

How a country with traditions in the production of certain products has come to the point of producing shits, which in the long run are certainly hazardous to health, is a completely different topic. But why do people settle for that, ie. they are satisfied with everything, I just recently realized: during communism, there was not much in the shops, the goods ran out very quickly, and for ordinary people, there were usually some leftovers of low-quality things.


I have to tell you that I had started taking pictures of some pretty bad looking things on offer in Lidl which I personally find offensive. Not only were they bad looking and of low quality, they were also high priced. And in most cases, things are at a high price, the quality is still low, but it is not so obvious, you only understand it when you get home and start eating this product, or you leave it for a day or two and it spoils immediately.

Just recently I read that under communism it was the same - poor quality, bad looking things were offered and people bought them because they had no other choice.
But 35 years have passed since the official fall of communism!
Now you understand why my attitude towards foreign companies coming here is like this. They simply intercept the vicious and humiliating practice as soon as they set foot on the Bulgarian market.


So, looking on the Internet, I get articles on the first page even from 2009 to this day about the studies of cow butter on the Bulgarian market, containing dangerous vegetable fats and toxic ingredients to compensate for the high amount of water, etc. This discussion has been going on since at least 2009, but it's rarely actually made public because, you know, it will hurt the traders and shit trade in the country will decrease, maybe.

More recently, the same topic was raised, but with regard to white cheese, a product that is also very expensive, but at the same time poor quality and dangerous, and as I wrote once, people continue to buy because it is part of their table and kitchen, even retirees with their small pensions don't want to give it up because they grew up with it.


However, this has been talked about once or at most twice on TV, there is no development of the topic anyway, as usual, so as not to harm the trade. If a person wants to buy something of quality, he should turn to a verified farm, recommended and tested, where the prices are even higher and even higher than the already high ones.

For a very long time I have suspected, and now I am completely sure, that the products offered on the Bulgarian market are of low quality, but also harmful. It was some special feeling in me that had no particular justification, I hadn't even read anything, it was just visible and felt, and every time we went to Lidl, this feeling was reinforced.
My partner especially gets very annoyed when I say: this low quality is normal for Lidl, you can't expect more, why do you imagine you will find anything of quality here. He's annoyed that I'm telling him the truth, lol. And I must say again that no one wants to be told the truth here, nor does it want to see it. Otherwise, he will not want to live in this country, and in fact he wants so much.
At the same time, to eat something really good, you have to live somewhere else, it's simple, isn't it? And it's sad, isn't it?

Well, my digression has again resulted in me continuing the main topic in a subsequent post. Sorry about that.

Thank you for your time! Copyright:@soulsdetour
steem.jpgSoul's Detour is a project started by me years ago when I had a blog about historical and not so popular tourist destinations in Eastern Belgium, West Germany and Luxembourg. Nowadays, this blog no longer exists, but I'm still here - passionate about architecture, art and mysteries and eager to share my discoveries and point of view with you.

Personally, I am a sensitive soul with a strong sense of justice.
Traveling and photography are my greatest passions.
Sounds trivial to you?
No, it's not trivial. Because I still love to travel to not so famous destinations.🗺️
Of course, the current situation does not allow me to do this, but I still find a way to satisfy my hunger for knowledge, new places, beauty and art.
Sometimes you can find the most amazing things even in the backyard of your house.😊🧐🧭|


Sad, sad, situation

It's really sad. Some time ago I was inclined to believe some conspiracy theories that there is a plan to destroy the Bulgarian people - they are always put in conditions of difficult survival, regardless of what political regime they are under, in what historical period and how much humanity is developed around it. There was talk of how "important" this people was, so there was a plan to destroy them. Nonsense. Things are much more complex or much simpler actually. There is no "importance", but perhaps there really is some plan of extermination, with the main perpetrators being the state itself, the government and its executive agencies.

By the way, be careful with your support and messing with certain accounts. Especially those who avoid contact with you, regardless of your efforts. Note that re-stееming оn steemit is irreversible haha. Even if these people wrote that they are from your country, their posts say something completely different, besides, plagiarism, etc. I don't want to interfere with your decisions, but many people have already found themselves disappointed in a similar way.

Thank you for your concern, but remember I develop software, was a CIA asset, an Intelligence soldier, and know how to make big giant shit lift up from the ground. I trust no one.

What can someone do to me?

Make me homeless, poor, to where I have no water or electricity, no lights? Steal my programs, books, poems ?

Here's a good one pass laws from their ivory tower to where I cannot legally mine my own land?

I'm just saying that maybe it's not a good idea to mess with suspicious accounts, they look suspicious from miles away. Not that anyone can do anything to you. Is it just worth it?

And what if it actually is a new Steemian and like me doesn't know crap about the platform? Risk know it's getting very cloudy here. They said there was zero of rain for weeks to come. Besides, what if she doesn't have a speech impediment like I do and she can type with her voice?

I just found my dragon naturally speaking program, enterprise or commercial edition on a CD no less. And the damn computer has no cd or DVD in it. Here goes nothing.

Remember I was looking for a trustworthy positive assistant, manager person.

When you say "she", did you check the photo in the "Me" post that was actually generated, it's on the internet in several variations. And if you're new and really don't understand anything, wouldn't you try to learn something yourself, or at least respond to the people who are trying to help you? Basically, it's up to everyone who they support, and I've told you before that everyone does what they want here, but maybe you shouldn't tag people on such suspicious accounts. Just a suggestion. Our feelings about this account differ.



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